package; import; public final class ModeUtil { public static final int PERM_READ = 04; public static final int PERM_WRITE = 02; public static final int PERM_EXECUTE = 01; public static final int ROLE_OWNER = 0100; public static final int ROLE_GROUP = 010; public static final int ROLE_WORLD = 01; /** * translate a string mode (777 or drwxrwxrwx to a octal value) * @param strMode * @return */ public static int toOctalMode(String strMode) throws IOException { strMode=strMode.trim().toLowerCase(); if(strMode.length()==9 || strMode.length()==10) return _toOctalMode(strMode); if(strMode.length()<=4 && strMode.length()>0) return Integer.parseInt(strMode,8); throw new IOException("can't translate ["+strMode+"] to a mode value"); } private static int _toOctalMode(String strMode) { int index; strMode=strMode.trim().toLowerCase(); if(strMode.length()==9)index=0; else index=1; int mode=0; // owner if("r".equals(strMode.substring(index++,index)))mode+=0400; if("w".equals(strMode.substring(index++,index)))mode+=0200; if("x".equals(strMode.substring(index++,index)))mode+=0100; // group if("r".equals(strMode.substring(index++,index)))mode+=040; if("w".equals(strMode.substring(index++,index)))mode+=020; if("x".equals(strMode.substring(index++,index)))mode+=010; // world if("r".equals(strMode.substring(index++,index)))mode+=04; if("w".equals(strMode.substring(index++,index)))mode+=02; if("x".equals(strMode.substring(index++,index)))mode+=01; return mode; } /** * translate a octal mode value (73) to a string representation ("111") * @param strMode * @return */ public static String toStringMode(int octalMode) { String str = Integer.toString(octalMode,8); while(str.length()<3)str="0"+str; return str; } /** * update a string mode with a other (111+222=333 or 333+111=333 or 113+202=313) * @param existing * @param update * @return * @throws IOException */ public static String updateMode(String existing, String update) throws IOException { return toStringMode(updateMode(toOctalMode(existing), toOctalMode(update))); } /** * update octal mode with a other * @param existingOctal * @param updateOctal * @return */ public static int updateMode(int existingOctal, int updateOctal) { int tmp=existingOctal&updateOctal; return (existingOctal-tmp)+updateOctal; } /** * check mode for a specific permission * @param role * @param permission * @param mode * @return */ public static boolean hasPermission(int role, int permission, int mode) { return (mode&(role*permission))>0; } /** check if mode is readable for owner * @param octalMode * @return */ public static boolean isReadable(int octalMode) { return hasPermission(ROLE_OWNER,PERM_READ, octalMode); } /** check if mode is writeable for owner * @param octalMode * @return */ public static boolean isWritable(int octalMode) { return hasPermission(ROLE_OWNER,PERM_WRITE, octalMode); } /** check if mode is executable for owner * @param octalMode * @return */ public static boolean isExecutable(int octalMode) { return hasPermission(ROLE_OWNER,PERM_EXECUTE, octalMode); } public static int setReadable(int octalMode, boolean value) { int tmp=octalMode&0444; if(value)return (octalMode-tmp)+0444; return octalMode-tmp; } public static int setWritable(int octalMode, boolean value) { int tmp=octalMode&0222; if(value)return (octalMode-tmp)+0222; return octalMode-tmp; } public static int setExecutable(int octalMode, boolean value) { int tmp=octalMode&0111; if(value)return (octalMode-tmp)+0111; return octalMode-tmp; } public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { System.out.println(toStringMode(toOctalMode("--xrwxrwx"))); System.out.println(toStringMode(Integer.parseInt("0777",8))); } }