package; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.TimeZone; import railo.commons.lang.StringUtil; import railo.runtime.format.DateFormat; import railo.runtime.format.TimeFormat; import railo.runtime.op.Caster; import railo.runtime.type.dt.DateTime; import railo.runtime.type.dt.DateTimeImpl; /** * Helper class for the logs */ public final class LogUtil { private static final DateFormat dateFormat=new DateFormat(Locale.US); private static final TimeFormat timeFormat=new TimeFormat(Locale.US); private static final String LINE_SEPARATOR=System.getProperty("line.separator"); /** * return log header line * @return header */ public static String getHeader() { return "\"Severity\",\"ThreadID\",\"Date\",\"Time\",\"Application\",\"Message\""+LINE_SEPARATOR; } /** * return log line from given data * @param type * @param application * @param message * @return line */ public static String getLine(int type,String application, String message) { StringBuilder data=new StringBuilder(); if(application==null)application=""; if(message==null)message=""; // Severity data.append('"'); data.append(toStringType(type,"INFO")); data.append('"'); data.append(','); data.append("\"web-0\""); data.append(','); DateTime date = new DateTimeImpl(); // Date data.append('"'); data.append(dateFormat.format(date,"mm/dd/yyyy",TimeZone.getDefault())); data.append('"'); data.append(','); // Time data.append('"'); data.append(timeFormat.format(date,"HH:mm:ss",TimeZone.getDefault())); data.append('"'); data.append(','); // Application data.append('"'); data.append(StringUtil.replace(application,"\"","\"\"",false)); data.append('"'); data.append(','); // Message data.append('"'); data.append(StringUtil.replace(message,"\"","\"\"",false)); data.append('"'); return data.append(LINE_SEPARATOR).toString(); } /** * translate int type to String type * @param type * @param defaultValue * @return string type */ public static String toStringType(int type, String defaultValue) { switch(type) { case Log.LEVEL_INFO: return "INFO"; case Log.LEVEL_DEBUG: return "DEBUG"; case Log.LEVEL_WARN: return "WARN"; case Log.LEVEL_ERROR: return "ERROR"; case Log.LEVEL_FATAL: return "FATAL"; default: return defaultValue; } } /** * transalte a string log type to a int represenatation * @param attribute * @param defaultValue * @return int lelog lev */ public static int toIntType(String attribute, int defaultValue) { if(attribute==null) return defaultValue; attribute=attribute.toLowerCase().trim(); if(attribute.startsWith("info")) return Log.LEVEL_INFO; if(attribute.startsWith("debug")) return Log.LEVEL_DEBUG; if(attribute.startsWith("warn")) return Log.LEVEL_WARN; if(attribute.startsWith("error")) return Log.LEVEL_ERROR; if(attribute.startsWith("fatal")) return Log.LEVEL_FATAL; return defaultValue; } public static String toMessage(Exception e) { if(e==null) return ""; String msg = e.getMessage(); String clazz=Caster.toClassName(e); if(StringUtil.isEmpty(msg)) return clazz; return clazz+":"+msg; } /* public static File getLogFileX(Log log) { if(log instanceof LogFile) return ((LogFile)log).getFile(); return null; } public static Object getLogTemplate(Log log) { if(log instanceof LogFile) return ((LogFile)log).getTemplate(); return ""; } */ }