package; import railo.commons.lang.CFTypes; import railo.runtime.exp.ExpressionException; import railo.runtime.type.FunctionArgument; import railo.runtime.type.UDF; public abstract class UDFFilterSupport { protected UDF udf; protected Object[] args=new Object[1]; public UDFFilterSupport(UDF udf) throws ExpressionException{ this.udf=udf; // check UDF return type int type = udf.getReturnType(); if(type!=CFTypes.TYPE_BOOLEAN && type!=CFTypes.TYPE_ANY) throw new ExpressionException("invalid return type ["+udf.getReturnTypeAsString()+"] for UDF Filter, valid return types are [boolean,any]"); // check UDF arguments FunctionArgument[] args = udf.getFunctionArguments(); if(args.length>1) throw new ExpressionException("UDF filter has to many arguments ["+args.length+"], should have at maximum 1 argument"); if(args.length==1){ type=args[0].getType(); if(type!=CFTypes.TYPE_STRING && type!=CFTypes.TYPE_ANY) throw new ExpressionException("invalid type ["+args[0].getTypeAsString()+"] for first argument of UDF Filter, valid return types are [string,any]"); } } @Override public String toString() { return "UDFFilter:"+udf; } }