package railo.runtime.config; import railo.runtime.crypt.CFMXCompat; import railo.runtime.exp.PageException; import railo.runtime.functions.other.Encrypt; import; import; import railo.runtime.op.Caster; import railo.runtime.spooler.remote.RemoteClientTask; import railo.runtime.type.Struct; import railo.runtime.type.StructImpl; import railo.runtime.type.util.KeyConstants; import railo.runtime.type.util.ListUtil; public class RemoteClientImpl implements RemoteClient { private String url; private String serverUsername; private String serverPassword; private ProxyData proxyData; private String type; private String adminPassword; private String securityKey; private String label; private String usage; private String id; public RemoteClientImpl(String label,String type, String url, String serverUsername, String serverPassword,String adminPassword, ProxyData proxyData, String securityKey,String usage) { this.label = label; this.url = url; this.serverUsername = serverUsername; this.serverPassword = serverPassword; this.proxyData = proxyData; this.type = type; this.adminPassword = adminPassword; this.securityKey = securityKey; this.usage = usage; } /** * @return the url */ public String getUrl() { return url; } /** * @return the serverUsername */ public String getServerUsername() { return serverUsername; } /** * @return the serverPassword */ public String getServerPassword() { return serverPassword; } /** * @return the proxyData */ public ProxyData getProxyData() { return proxyData; } /** * @return the type */ public String getType() { return type; } /** * @return the adminPassword */ public String getAdminPassword() { return adminPassword; } /** * @return the securityKey */ public String getSecurityKey() { return securityKey; } public String getAdminPasswordEncrypted() { try { return Encrypt.invoke( getAdminPassword(), getSecurityKey(), CFMXCompat.ALGORITHM_NAME, "uu", null, 0 ); } catch (PageException e) { return null; } } public String getLabel() { return label; } public String getUsage() { return usage; } public boolean hasUsage(String usage) { return ListUtil.listFindNoCaseIgnoreEmpty(this.usage,usage,',')!=-1 ; } public String getId(Config config) { if(id!=null) return id; Struct attrColl = new StructImpl(); attrColl.setEL(KeyConstants._action, "getToken"); Struct args = new StructImpl(); args.setEL(KeyConstants._type, getType()); args.setEL(RemoteClientTask.PASSWORD, getAdminPasswordEncrypted()); args.setEL(RemoteClientTask.CALLER_ID, "undefined"); args.setEL(RemoteClientTask.ATTRIBUTE_COLLECTION, attrColl); try { RPCClient rpc = RemoteClientTask.getRPCClient(this); Object result = rpc.callWithNamedValues(config, "invoke", args); return id=ConfigImpl.getId(securityKey, Caster.toString(result,null),false, null); } catch (Throwable t) {t.printStackTrace(); return null; } } }