package railo.commons.lang; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import; import railo.transformer.util.CFMLString; /** * HTML Util class * */ public final class HTMLUtil { private final Tag[] tags=new Tag[]{ new Tag("a","href"), new Tag("link","href"), new Tag("form","action"), new Tag("applet","code"), new Tag("script","src"), new Tag("body","background"), new Tag("frame","src"), new Tag("bgsound","src"), new Tag("img","src"), new Tag("embed",new String[]{"src","pluginspace"}), new Tag("object",new String[]{"data","classid","codebase","usemap"}) }; /** * returns all urls in a html String * @param html HTML String to search urls * @param url Absolute URL path to set * @return urls found in html String */ public List getURLS(String html, URL url) { ArrayList urls=new ArrayList(); CFMLString cfml=new CFMLString(html,"UTF-8"); while(!cfml.isAfterLast()) { if(cfml.forwardIfCurrent('<')) { for(int i=0;i<tags.length;i++) { if(cfml.forwardIfCurrent(tags[i].tag+" ")) { getSingleUrl(urls,cfml,tags[i],url); } } } else {; } } return urls; } /** * transform a single tag * @param urls all urls founded * @param cfml CFMl String Object containing plain HTML * @param tag current tag totransform * @param url absolute URL to Set at tag attribute */ private void getSingleUrl(List urls,CFMLString cfml, Tag tag,URL url) { char quote=0; boolean inside=false; StringBuilder value=new StringBuilder(); while(!cfml.isAfterLast()) { if(inside) { if(quote!=0 && cfml.forwardIfCurrent(quote)) { inside=false; add(urls,url,value.toString()); } else if(quote==0 && (cfml.isCurrent(' ')||cfml.isCurrent("/>")||cfml.isCurrent('>')||cfml.isCurrent('\t')||cfml.isCurrent('\n'))) { inside=false; try { urls.add(new URL(url,value.toString())); } catch (MalformedURLException e) {}; } else { value.append(cfml.getCurrent());; } } else if(cfml.forwardIfCurrent('>')) { break; } else { for(int i=0;i<tag.attributes.length;i++) { if(cfml.forwardIfCurrent(tag.attributes[i])) { cfml.removeSpace(); // = if(cfml.isCurrent('=')) { inside=true;; cfml.removeSpace(); quote=cfml.getCurrent(); value=new StringBuilder(); if(quote!='"' && quote!='\'')quote=0; else {; } } } } if(!inside) {; } } } } private void add(List list,URL baseURL,String value) { value=value.trim(); String lcValue=value.toLowerCase(); try { if(lcValue.startsWith("http://") || lcValue.startsWith("news://") || lcValue.startsWith("goopher://") || lcValue.startsWith("javascript:")) list.add(HTTPUtil.toURL(value,true)); else { list.add(new URL(baseURL,value.toString())); } } catch(MalformedURLException mue) {} //print.err(list.get(list.size()-1)); } private class Tag { private String tag; private String[] attributes; private Tag(String tag,String[] attributes) { this.tag=tag.toLowerCase(); this.attributes=new String[attributes.length]; for(int i=0;i<attributes.length;i++) { this.attributes[i]=attributes[i].toLowerCase(); } } private Tag(String tag,String attribute1) { this.tag=tag.toLowerCase(); this.attributes=new String[]{attribute1.toLowerCase()}; } } }