package railo.runtime.registry; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import railo.commons.cli.Command; import railo.commons.lang.StringUtil; import railo.runtime.functions.string.ParseNumber; import railo.runtime.op.Caster; import railo.runtime.type.util.ListUtil; /** * */ public final class RegistryQuery { private static final char DQ='"'; private static final int lenDWORD=RegistryEntry.REGDWORD_TOKEN.length(); private static final int lenSTRING=RegistryEntry.REGSTR_TOKEN.length(); private static final String NO_NAME="<NO NAME>"; /** * execute a String query on command line * @param query String to execute * @return * @throws IOException * @throws InterruptedException */ public static String executeQuery(String[] cmd) throws IOException, InterruptedException { return Command.execute(cmd).getOutput(); } /** * gets a single value form the registry * @param branch brach to get value from * @param entry entry to get * @param type type of the registry entry to get * @return registry entry or null of not exist * @throws RegistryException * @throws IOException * @throws InterruptedException */ public static RegistryEntry getValue(String branch, String entry, short type) throws RegistryException, IOException, InterruptedException { String[] cmd = new String[]{"reg","query",cleanBrunch(branch),"/v",entry}; RegistryEntry[] rst = filter(executeQuery(cmd),branch,type); if(rst.length==1) { return rst[0]; //if(type==RegistryEntry.TYPE_ANY || type==r.getType()) return r; } return null; } /** * gets all entries of one branch * @param branch * @param type * @return * @throws RegistryException * @throws IOException * @throws InterruptedException */ public static RegistryEntry[] getValues(String branch, short type) throws RegistryException, IOException, InterruptedException { String[] cmd = new String[]{"reg","query",branch}; return filter(executeQuery(cmd),cleanBrunch(branch),type); } /** * writes a value to registry * @param branch * @param entry * @param type * @param value * @throws RegistryException * @throws IOException * @throws InterruptedException */ public static void setValue(String branch, String entry, short type, String value) throws RegistryException, IOException, InterruptedException { if(type==RegistryEntry.TYPE_KEY) { String fullKey=ListUtil.trim(branch,"\\")+"\\"+ListUtil.trim(entry,"\\"); //String[] cmd = new String[]{"reg","add",cleanBrunch(fullKey),"/ve","/f"}; String[] cmd = new String[]{"reg","add",cleanBrunch(fullKey),"/f"}; executeQuery(cmd); } else { if(type==RegistryEntry.TYPE_DWORD)value=Caster.toString(Caster.toIntValue(value,0)); String[] cmd = new String[]{"reg","add",cleanBrunch(branch),"/v",entry,"/t",RegistryEntry.toStringType(type),"/d",value,"/f"}; executeQuery(cmd); } } /** * deletes a value or a key * @param branch * @param entry * @throws IOException * @throws InterruptedException */ public static void deleteValue(String branch, String entry) throws IOException, InterruptedException { if(entry==null) { String[] cmd = new String[]{"reg","delete",cleanBrunch(branch),"/f"}; executeQuery(cmd); //executeQuery("reg delete \""+List.trim(branch,"\\")+"\" /f"); } else { String[] cmd = new String[]{"reg","delete",cleanBrunch(branch),"/v",entry,"/f"}; executeQuery(cmd); //executeQuery("reg delete \""+List.trim(branch,"\\")+"\" /v "+entry+" /f"); } } private static String cleanBrunch(String branch) { branch=branch.replace('/', '\\'); branch=ListUtil.trim(branch,"\\"); if(branch.length()==0) return "\\"; return branch; } /** * filter registry entries from the raw result * @param string plain result to filter regisry entries * @param branch * @param type * @return filtered entries * @throws RegistryException */ private static RegistryEntry[] filter(String string,String branch, short type) throws RegistryException { branch=ListUtil.trim(branch,"\\"); StringBuffer result=new StringBuffer(); ArrayList array=new ArrayList(); String[] arr=string.split("\n"); for(int i=0;i<arr.length;i++) { String line=arr[i].trim(); int indexDWORD=line.indexOf(RegistryEntry.REGDWORD_TOKEN); int indexSTRING=line.indexOf(RegistryEntry.REGSTR_TOKEN); if((indexDWORD!=-1) || (indexSTRING!=-1) ) { int index=(indexDWORD==-1)?indexSTRING:indexDWORD; int len=(indexDWORD==-1)?lenSTRING:lenDWORD; short _type=(indexDWORD==-1)?RegistryEntry.TYPE_STRING:RegistryEntry.TYPE_DWORD; if(result.length()>0)result.append("\n"); String _key=line.substring(0,index).trim(); String _value=StringUtil.substringEL(line,index+len+1,"").trim(); if(_key.equals(NO_NAME)) _key=""; if(_type==RegistryEntry.TYPE_DWORD)_value=String.valueOf(ParseNumber.invoke(_value.substring(2),"hex",0)); RegistryEntry re = new RegistryEntry(_type,_key,_value); if(type==RegistryEntry.TYPE_ANY || type==re.getType()) array.add(re); //} } else if(line.indexOf(branch)==0 && (type==RegistryEntry.TYPE_ANY || type==RegistryEntry.TYPE_KEY)) { line=ListUtil.trim(line,"\\"); if(branch.length()<line.length()) { array.add(new RegistryEntry(RegistryEntry.TYPE_KEY,ListUtil.last(line,"\\",true),"")); } } } return (RegistryEntry[])array.toArray(new RegistryEntry[array.size()]); } static class StreamReader extends Thread { private InputStream is; private StringWriter sw; StreamReader(InputStream is) { = is; sw = new StringWriter(); } @Override public void run() { try { int c; while ((c = != -1) sw.write(c); } catch (IOException e) { } } String getResult() { return sw.toString(); } } }