package railo.commons.pdf; import java.awt.Dimension; import java.awt.Insets; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import org.xml.sax.InputSource; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; import; import; import; import; import; import; import railo.commons.lang.HTMLEntities; import railo.commons.lang.StringUtil; import; import; import; import railo.runtime.Info; import railo.runtime.PageContext; import railo.runtime.config.ConfigWeb; import railo.runtime.exp.ExpressionException; import railo.runtime.exp.PageException; import railo.runtime.functions.system.ContractPath; import railo.runtime.functions.system.GetDirectoryFromPath; import; import; import; import railo.runtime.op.Caster; import railo.runtime.text.xml.XMLCaster; import railo.runtime.text.xml.XMLUtil; import railo.runtime.type.scope.CGIImpl; import railo.runtime.type.util.ListUtil; import railo.runtime.util.URLResolver; public final class PDFDocument { // PageType public static final Dimension PAGETYPE_ISOB5 = new Dimension(501, 709); public static final Dimension PAGETYPE_ISOB4 = new Dimension(709, 1002); public static final Dimension PAGETYPE_ISOB3 = new Dimension(1002, 1418); public static final Dimension PAGETYPE_ISOB2 = new Dimension(1418, 2004); public static final Dimension PAGETYPE_ISOB1 = new Dimension(2004, 2836); public static final Dimension PAGETYPE_ISOB0 = new Dimension(2836, 4008); public static final Dimension PAGETYPE_HALFLETTER = new Dimension(396, 612); public static final Dimension PAGETYPE_LETTER = new Dimension(612, 792); public static final Dimension PAGETYPE_TABLOID = new Dimension(792, 1224); public static final Dimension PAGETYPE_LEDGER = new Dimension(1224, 792); public static final Dimension PAGETYPE_NOTE = new Dimension(540, 720); public static final Dimension PAGETYPE_LEGAL = new Dimension(612, 1008); public static final Dimension PAGETYPE_A10 = new Dimension(74, 105); public static final Dimension PAGETYPE_A9 = new Dimension(105, 148); public static final Dimension PAGETYPE_A8 = new Dimension(148, 210); public static final Dimension PAGETYPE_A7 = new Dimension(210, 297); public static final Dimension PAGETYPE_A6 = new Dimension(297, 421); public static final Dimension PAGETYPE_A5 = new Dimension(421, 595); public static final Dimension PAGETYPE_A4 = new Dimension(595, 842); public static final Dimension PAGETYPE_A3 = new Dimension(842, 1190); public static final Dimension PAGETYPE_A2 = new Dimension(1190, 1684); public static final Dimension PAGETYPE_A1 = new Dimension(1684, 2384); public static final Dimension PAGETYPE_A0 = new Dimension(2384, 3370); public static final Dimension PAGETYPE_B4=new Dimension(708,1000); public static final Dimension PAGETYPE_B5=new Dimension(499,708); public static final Dimension PAGETYPE_B4_JIS=new Dimension(728,1031); public static final Dimension PAGETYPE_B5_JIS=new Dimension(516,728); public static final Dimension PAGETYPE_CUSTOM=new Dimension(1,1); // encryption public static final int ENC_NONE=0; public static final int ENC_40BIT=1; public static final int ENC_128BIT=2; // fontembed public static final int FONT_EMBED_NO=0; public static final int FONT_EMBED_YES=1; public static final int FONT_EMBED_SELECCTIVE=FONT_EMBED_YES; // unit public static final double UNIT_FACTOR_CM=85d/3d;// =28.333333333333333333333333333333333333333333; public static final double UNIT_FACTOR_IN=UNIT_FACTOR_CM*2.54; public static final double UNIT_FACTOR_POINT=1; // margin init private static final int MARGIN_INIT=36; // mimetype private static final int MIMETYPE_TEXT_HTML = 0; private static final int MIMETYPE_TEXT = 1; private static final int MIMETYPE_IMAGE = 2; private static final int MIMETYPE_APPLICATION = 3; private static final int MIMETYPE_OTHER = -1; private static final String USER_AGENT = "Railo "+Info.getVersionAsString()+" "+Info.getStateAsString(); private double margintop=-1; private double marginbottom=-1; private double marginleft=-1; private double marginright=-1; private int mimetype=MIMETYPE_TEXT_HTML; private String strMimetype=null; private String strCharset=null; private boolean backgroundvisible; private boolean fontembed=true; private PDFPageMark header; private PDFPageMark footer; private String proxyserver; private int proxyport=80; private String proxyuser=null; private String proxypassword=""; private String src=null; private Resource srcfile=null; private String body; //private boolean isEvaluation; private String name; private String authUser; private String authPassword; private String userAgent=USER_AGENT; private boolean localUrl; private boolean bookmark; private boolean htmlBookmark; public PDFDocument(){ //this.isEvaluation=isEvaluation; } public void setHeader(PDFPageMark header) { this.header=header; } public void setFooter(PDFPageMark footer) { this.footer=footer; } /** * @param marginbottom the marginbottom to set */ public void setMarginbottom(double marginbottom) { this.marginbottom = marginbottom; } /** * @param marginleft the marginleft to set */ public void setMarginleft(double marginleft) { this.marginleft = marginleft; } /** * @param marginright the marginright to set */ public void setMarginright(double marginright) { this.marginright = marginright; } /** * @param margintop the margintop to set */ public void setMargintop(double margintop) { this.margintop = margintop; } /** * @param strMimetype the mimetype to set */ public void setMimetype(String strMimetype) { strMimetype = strMimetype.toLowerCase().trim(); this.strMimetype=strMimetype; // mimetype if(strMimetype.startsWith("text/html")) mimetype=MIMETYPE_TEXT_HTML; else if(strMimetype.startsWith("text/")) mimetype=MIMETYPE_TEXT; else if(strMimetype.startsWith("image/")) mimetype=MIMETYPE_IMAGE; else if(strMimetype.startsWith("application/")) mimetype=MIMETYPE_APPLICATION; else mimetype=MIMETYPE_OTHER; // charset String[] arr = ListUtil.listToStringArray(strMimetype, ';'); if(arr.length>=2) { this.strMimetype=arr[0].trim(); for(int i=1;i<arr.length;i++) { String[] item = ListUtil.listToStringArray(arr[i], '='); if(item.length==1) { strCharset=item[0].trim(); break; } else if(item.length==2 && item[0].trim().equals("charset")) { strCharset=item[1].trim(); break; } } } } /** set the value proxyserver * Host name or IP address of a proxy server. * @param proxyserver value to set **/ public void setProxyserver(String proxyserver) { this.proxyserver=proxyserver; } /** set the value proxyport * The port number on the proxy server from which the object is requested. Default is 80. When * used with resolveURL, the URLs of retrieved documents that specify a port number are automatically * resolved to preserve links in the retrieved document. * @param proxyport value to set **/ public void setProxyport(int proxyport) { this.proxyport=proxyport; } /** set the value username * When required by a proxy server, a valid username. * @param proxyuser value to set **/ public void setProxyuser(String proxyuser) { this.proxyuser=proxyuser; } /** set the value password * When required by a proxy server, a valid password. * @param proxypassword value to set **/ public void setProxypassword(String proxypassword) { this.proxypassword=proxypassword; } /** * @param src * @throws PDFException */ public void setSrc(String src) throws PDFException { if(srcfile!=null) throw new PDFException("You cannot specify both the src and srcfile attributes"); this.src = src; } /** * @param srcfile the srcfile to set * @throws PDFException */ public void setSrcfile(Resource srcfile) throws PDFException { if(src!=null) throw new PDFException("You cannot specify both the src and srcfile attributes"); this.srcfile=srcfile; } public void setBody(String body) { this.body=body; } public byte[] render(Dimension dimension,double unitFactor, PageContext pc,boolean generateOutlines) throws PageException, IOException { ConfigWeb config = pc.getConfig(); PDF pd4ml = new PDF(config); pd4ml.generateOutlines(generateOutlines); pd4ml.enableTableBreaks(true); pd4ml.interpolateImages(true); // MUSTMUST DO NOT ENABLE, why this was disabled pd4ml.adjustHtmlWidth(); //check size int mTop = toPoint(margintop,unitFactor); int mLeft = toPoint(marginleft,unitFactor); int mBottom=toPoint(marginbottom,unitFactor); int mRight=toPoint(marginright,unitFactor); if((mLeft+mRight)>dimension.getWidth()) throw new ExpressionException("current document width ("+Caster.toString(dimension.getWidth())+" point) is smaller that specified horizontal margin ("+Caster.toString(mLeft+mRight)+" point).", "1 in = "+Math.round(1*UNIT_FACTOR_IN)+" point and 1 cm = "+Math.round(1*UNIT_FACTOR_CM)+" point"); if((mTop+mBottom)>dimension.getHeight()) throw new ExpressionException("current document height ("+Caster.toString(dimension.getHeight())+" point) is smaller that specified vertical margin ("+Caster.toString(mTop+mBottom)+" point).", "1 in = "+Math.round(1*UNIT_FACTOR_IN)+" point and 1 cm = "+Math.round(1*UNIT_FACTOR_CM)+" point"); // Size pd4ml.setPageInsets(new Insets(mTop,mLeft,mBottom,mRight)); pd4ml.setPageSize(dimension); // header if(header!=null) pd4ml.setPageHeader(header); // footer if(footer!=null) pd4ml.setPageFooter(footer); // content ByteArrayOutputStream baos=new ByteArrayOutputStream(); try { content(pd4ml,pc,baos); } finally { IOUtil.closeEL(baos); } return baos.toByteArray(); } private void content(PDF pd4ml, PageContext pc, OutputStream os) throws PageException, IOException { ConfigWeb config = pc.getConfig(); pd4ml.useTTF("java:fonts", fontembed); // body if(!StringUtil.isEmpty(body,true)) { // optimize html URL base = getBase(pc); try { body=beautifyHTML(new InputSource(new StringReader(body)),base); }catch (Throwable t) {} pd4ml.render(body, os,base); } // srcfile else if(srcfile!=null) { if(StringUtil.isEmpty(strCharset))strCharset=pc.getConfig().getResourceCharset(); // mimetype if(StringUtil.isEmpty(strMimetype)) { String mt = ResourceUtil.getMimeType(srcfile,null); if(mt!=null) setMimetype(mt); } InputStream is = srcfile.getInputStream(); try { URL base = new URL("file://"+srcfile); if(!localUrl){ //PageContext pc = Thread LocalPageContext.get(); String abs = srcfile.getAbsolutePath(); String contract =, abs); if(!abs.equals(contract)) { base=HTTPUtil.toURL(CGIImpl.getDomain(pc.getHttpServletRequest())+contract,true); } } //URL base = localUrl?new URL("file://"+srcfile):getBase(); render(pd4ml, is,os,base); } catch (Throwable t) {} finally { IOUtil.closeEL(is); } } // src else if(src!=null) { if(StringUtil.isEmpty(strCharset))strCharset="iso-8859-1"; URL url = HTTPUtil.toURL(src,true); // set Proxy if(StringUtil.isEmpty(proxyserver) && config.isProxyEnableFor(url.getHost())) { ProxyData pd = config.getProxyData(); proxyserver=pd==null?null:pd.getServer(); proxyport=pd==null?0:pd.getPort(); proxyuser=pd==null?null:pd.getUsername(); proxypassword=pd==null?null:pd.getPassword(); } HTTPResponse method = HTTPEngine.get(url, authUser, authPassword, -1,HTTPEngine.MAX_REDIRECT, null, userAgent, ProxyDataImpl.getInstance(proxyserver, proxyport, proxyuser, proxypassword),null); // mimetype if(StringUtil.isEmpty(strMimetype)) { ContentType ct = method.getContentType(); if(ct!=null) setMimetype(ct.toString()); } InputStream is = new ByteArrayInputStream(method.getContentAsByteArray()); try { render(pd4ml, is, os,url); } finally { IOUtil.closeEL(is); } } else { pd4ml.render("<html><body> </body></html>", os,null); } } private static String beautifyHTML(InputSource is,URL base) throws ExpressionException, SAXException, IOException { Document xml = XMLUtil.parse(is,null,true); patchPD4MLProblems(xml); if(base!=null)URLResolver.getInstance().transform(xml, base); String html = XMLCaster.toHTML(xml); return html; } private static void patchPD4MLProblems(Document xml) { Element b = XMLUtil.getChildWithName("body", xml.getDocumentElement()); if(!b.hasChildNodes()){ b.appendChild(xml.createTextNode(" ")); } } private static URL getBase(PageContext pc) throws MalformedURLException { //PageContext pc = Thread LocalPageContext.get(); if(pc==null)return null; String userAgent = pc.getHttpServletRequest().getHeader("User-Agent"); // bug in pd4ml-> html badse definition create a call if(!StringUtil.isEmpty(userAgent) && userAgent.startsWith("Java"))return null; return HTTPUtil.toURL(, ReqRspUtil.getRequestURL(pc.getHttpServletRequest(), false)),true); } private void render(PDF pd4ml, InputStream is,OutputStream os, URL base) throws IOException, PageException { try { // text/html if(mimetype==MIMETYPE_TEXT_HTML) { body=""; try { InputSource input = new InputSource(IOUtil.getReader(is,CharsetUtil.toCharset(strCharset))); body=beautifyHTML(input,base); } catch (Throwable t) {} //else if(body==null)body =IOUtil.toString(is,strCharset); pd4ml.render(body, os,base); } // text else if(mimetype==MIMETYPE_TEXT) { body =IOUtil.toString(is,strCharset); body="<html><body><pre>"+HTMLEntities.escapeHTML(body)+"</pre></body></html>"; pd4ml.render(body, os,null); } // image else if(mimetype==MIMETYPE_IMAGE) { Resource tmpDir= SystemUtil.getTempDirectory(); Resource tmp = tmpDir.getRealResource(this+"-"+Math.random()); IOUtil.copy(is, tmp,true); body="<html><body><img src=\"file://"+tmp+"\"></body></html>"; try { pd4ml.render(body, os,null); } finally { tmp.delete(); } } // Application else if(mimetype==MIMETYPE_APPLICATION && "application/pdf".equals(strMimetype)) { IOUtil.copy(is, os,true,true); } else pd4ml.render(new InputStreamReader(is), os); } finally { IOUtil.closeEL(is,os); } } public static int toPoint(double value,double unitFactor) { if(value<0) return MARGIN_INIT; return (int)Math.round(value*unitFactor); //return r; } public PDFPageMark getHeader() { return header; } public PDFPageMark getFooter() { return footer; } public void setFontembed(int fontembed) { this.fontembed=fontembed!=FONT_EMBED_NO; } /** * @return the name */ public String getName() { return name; } /** * @param name the name to set */ public void setName(String name) { = name; } /** * @return the authUser */ public String getAuthUser() { return authUser; } /** * @param authUser the authUser to set */ public void setAuthUser(String authUser) { this.authUser = authUser; } /** * @return the authPassword */ public String getAuthPassword() { return authPassword; } /** * @param authPassword the authPassword to set */ public void setAuthPassword(String authPassword) { this.authPassword = authPassword; } /** * @return the userAgent */ public String getUserAgent() { return userAgent; } /** * @param userAgent the userAgent to set */ public void setUserAgent(String userAgent) { this.userAgent = userAgent; } /** * @return the proxyserver */ public String getProxyserver() { return proxyserver; } /** * @return the proxyport */ public int getProxyport() { return proxyport; } /** * @return the proxyuser */ public String getProxyuser() { return proxyuser; } /** * @return the proxypassword */ public String getProxypassword() { return proxypassword; } public boolean hasProxy() { return !StringUtil.isEmpty(proxyserver); } /** * @return the localUrl */ public boolean getLocalUrl() { return localUrl; } /** * @param localUrl the localUrl to set */ public void setLocalUrl(boolean localUrl) { this.localUrl = localUrl; } /** * @return the bookmark */ public boolean getBookmark() { return bookmark; } /** * @param bookmark the bookmark to set */ public void setBookmark(boolean bookmark) { this.bookmark = bookmark; } /** * @return the htmlBookmark */ public boolean getHtmlBookmark() { return htmlBookmark; } /** * @param htmlBookmark the htmlBookmark to set */ public void setHtmlBookmark(boolean htmlBookmark) { this.htmlBookmark = htmlBookmark; } }