package; import; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; import; import; import; import; import; import railo.commons.lang.StringUtil; import railo.runtime.Component; import railo.runtime.PageContext; import railo.runtime.engine.ThreadLocalPageContext; import railo.runtime.exp.ApplicationException; import railo.runtime.exp.PageException; import railo.runtime.exp.PageRuntimeException; import railo.runtime.op.Caster; import railo.runtime.type.Array; public class CFMLResourceProvider implements ResourceProvider { private static final Object[] ZERO_ARGS = new Object[0]; private int lockTimeout=20000; private final ResourceLockImpl lock=new ResourceLockImpl(lockTimeout,false); private String scheme; private Map args; //private ResourceProvider provider; private Resources resources; private String cfcPath; private Component component; private boolean useStreams=false; @Override public ResourceProvider init(String scheme, Map args) { this.scheme=scheme; this.args=args; // CFC Path cfcPath=Caster.toString(args.get("cfc"),null); if(StringUtil.isEmpty(cfcPath,true)) cfcPath=Caster.toString(args.get("component"),null); // use Streams for data Boolean _useStreams = Caster.toBoolean(args.get("use-streams"),null); if(_useStreams==null)_useStreams = Caster.toBoolean(args.get("usestreams"),null); if(_useStreams!=null)useStreams=_useStreams.booleanValue(); return this; } @Override public Resource getResource(String path) { path=ResourceUtil.removeScheme(scheme,path); path=ResourceUtil.prettifyPath(path); if(!StringUtil.startsWith(path,'/'))path="/"+path; return callResourceRTE(null, null, "getResource", new Object[]{path},false); } @Override public String getScheme() { return scheme; } @Override public Map getArguments() { return args; } @Override public void setResources(Resources resources) { this.resources=resources; } @Override public boolean isCaseSensitive() { return callbooleanRTE(null,null, "isCaseSensitive", ZERO_ARGS); } @Override public boolean isModeSupported() { return callbooleanRTE(null,null, "isModeSupported", ZERO_ARGS); } @Override public boolean isAttributesSupported() { return callbooleanRTE(null,null, "isAttributesSupported", ZERO_ARGS); } public int getLockTimeout() { return lockTimeout; } @Override public void lock(Resource res) throws IOException { lock.lock(res); } @Override public void unlock(Resource res) { lock.unlock(res); } @Override public void read(Resource res) throws IOException {; } public boolean isUseStreams() { return useStreams; } Resource callResourceRTE(PageContext pc,Component cfc,String methodName, Object[] args, boolean allowNull) { pc = ThreadLocalPageContext.get(pc); try { Object res = call(pc,getCFC(pc,cfc), methodName, args); if(allowNull && res==null) return null; return new CFMLResource(this,Caster.toComponent(res)); } catch (PageException pe) {pe.printStackTrace(); throw new PageRuntimeException(pe); } } Resource[] callResourceArrayRTE(PageContext pc,Component cfc,String methodName, Object[] args) { pc = ThreadLocalPageContext.get(pc); try { Array arr = Caster.toArray(call(pc,getCFC(pc,cfc), methodName, args)); Iterator<Object> it = arr.valueIterator(); CFMLResource[] resources=new CFMLResource[arr.size()]; int index=0; while(it.hasNext()){ resources[index++]=new CFMLResource(this,Caster.toComponent(; } return resources; } catch (PageException pe) { throw new PageRuntimeException(pe); } } int callintRTE(PageContext pc,Component cfc,String methodName, Object[] args) { try { return callint(pc,cfc, methodName, args); } catch (PageException pe) { throw new PageRuntimeException(pe); } } int callint(PageContext pc,Component cfc,String methodName, Object[] args) throws PageException { return Caster.toIntValue(call(pc,cfc,methodName, args)); } long calllongRTE(PageContext pc,Component cfc,String methodName, Object[] args) { try { return calllong(pc,cfc, methodName, args); } catch (PageException pe) { throw new PageRuntimeException(pe); } } long calllong(PageContext pc,Component cfc,String methodName, Object[] args) throws PageException { return Caster.toLongValue(call(pc,cfc,methodName, args)); } boolean callbooleanRTE(PageContext pc,Component cfc,String methodName, Object[] args) { try { return callboolean(pc,cfc, methodName, args); } catch (PageException pe) { throw new PageRuntimeException(pe); } } boolean callboolean(PageContext pc,Component cfc,String methodName, Object[] args) throws PageException { return Caster.toBooleanValue(call(pc,cfc,methodName, args)); } String callStringRTE(PageContext pc,Component cfc,String methodName, Object[] args) { try { return Caster.toString(call(pc,cfc,methodName, args)); } catch (PageException pe) { throw new PageRuntimeException(pe); } } String callString(PageContext pc,Component cfc,String methodName, Object[] args) throws PageException { return Caster.toString(call(pc,cfc,methodName, args)); } Object callRTE(PageContext pc,Component cfc,String methodName, Object[] args) { try { return call(pc,cfc,methodName, args); } catch (PageException pe) { throw new PageRuntimeException(pe); } } Object call(PageContext pc,Component cfc,String methodName, Object[] args) throws PageException { pc = ThreadLocalPageContext.get(pc); return getCFC(pc, cfc).call(pc, methodName, args); } private Component getCFC(PageContext pc,Component cfc) throws PageException { if(cfc!=null) return cfc; if(component!=null) return component; if(StringUtil.isEmpty(cfcPath,true))throw new ApplicationException("you need to define the argument [component] for the [CFMLResourceProvider]"); cfcPath=cfcPath.trim(); component=pc.loadComponent(cfcPath); call(pc, component, "init", new Object[]{scheme,Caster.toStruct(args)}); return component; } }