package; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import; import; import; import; import railo.commons.lang.SystemOut; import railo.loader.TP; import railo.loader.engine.CFMLEngineFactory; import railo.runtime.Info; import railo.runtime.config.Config; import railo.runtime.config.ConfigWeb; public class JarLoader { public static final short WHEN_EXISTS_UPDATE=1; public static final short WHEN_EXISTS_RETURN_JAR=2; public static final short WHEN_EXISTS_THROW_EXP=4; public static final short WHEN_EXISTS_RETURN_NULL=8; /** * this loads the given jars from update provider, copy it to lib directory (where railo.jar is located) and load them to a ClassLoader * @param pc * @param jars jars names to Load * @return Classloader with loaded jars for temporary use, after restart the engine this jars are loaded by the servlet engine * @throws IOException */ public static ClassLoader loadJars(Config config, String[] jars,ClassLoader parent) throws IOException { return new ResourceClassLoader(download(config, jars),parent); } public static Resource[] download(Config config, String[] jars) throws IOException { List<Resource> list=new ArrayList<Resource>(); Resource jar; lastCheck=-1; for(int i=0;i<jars.length;i++){ jar=download(config, jars[i], WHEN_EXISTS_UPDATE); if(jar!=null) list.add(jar); } return list.toArray(new Resource[list.size()]); } private static Resource download(Config config,String jarName, short whenExists) throws IOException { // some variables nned later PrintWriter out = config.getOutWriter(); URL dataUrl=toURL(config,jarName); // destination file ClassLoader mainClassLoader = new TP().getClass().getClassLoader(); Resource lib = config.getResource(CFMLEngineFactory.getClassLoaderRoot(mainClassLoader).getCanonicalPath()); Resource jar=lib.getRealResource(jarName); SystemOut.printDate(out,"Check for jar at "+dataUrl); if(jar.exists()){ if(whenExists==WHEN_EXISTS_RETURN_JAR) return jar; else if(whenExists==WHEN_EXISTS_RETURN_NULL) return null; else if(whenExists==WHEN_EXISTS_UPDATE) { // compare local and remote long localLen=jar.length(); long remoteLengh=HTTPUtil.length(dataUrl); // only update when size change more than 10 if(localLen==remoteLengh){ SystemOut.printDate(out,"jar "+jar+" is up to date"); return jar; } if(!jar.delete()) throw new IOException("cannot update jar ["+jar+"], jar is locked or write protected, stop the servlet engine and delete this jar manually."); } else throw new IOException("jar ["+jar+"] exists already"); } //long len=HTTPUtil.length(); InputStream is = (InputStream)dataUrl.getContent(); // copy input stream to lib directory IOUtil.copy(is, jar,true); SystemOut.printDate(out,"created/updated jar "+jar); return jar; } private static URL toURL(Config config, String jarName) throws MalformedURLException { URL hostUrl=config.getUpdateLocation(); if(hostUrl==null)hostUrl=new URL(""); return new URL(hostUrl,"/railo/remote/jars/"+(Info.getMajorVersion()+"."+Info.getMinorVersion())+"/"+jarName); } public static boolean exists(ConfigWeb config,String[] jarNames) { for(int i=0;i<jarNames.length;i++){ if(!exists(config, jarNames[i])) return false; } return true; } /** * check if one of given jar has changed or not exist * @param config * @param jarNames * @return */ private static boolean changed=false; private static long lastCheck=-1; public static boolean changed(ConfigWeb config,String[] jarNames) { if((lastCheck+300000)<System.currentTimeMillis()) { changed=false; for(int i=0;i<jarNames.length;i++){ if(changed(config, jarNames[i])) { changed=true; break; } } lastCheck=System.currentTimeMillis(); } return changed; } private static boolean exists(ConfigWeb config,String jarName) { Resource res = _toResource(config, jarName); if(res==null) return false; return res.exists(); } private static boolean changed(ConfigWeb config,String jarName) { Resource res = _toResource(config, jarName); if(res==null) { return true; } try { URL dataUrl = toURL(config,jarName); boolean changed=res.length()!=HTTPUtil.length(dataUrl); return changed; } catch (IOException e) { return false; } } private static Resource _toResource(ConfigWeb config,String jarName) { // destination file ClassLoader mainClassLoader = new TP().getClass().getClassLoader(); try { Resource lib = ResourceUtil.toResourceNotExisting(config,CFMLEngineFactory.getClassLoaderRoot(mainClassLoader).getCanonicalPath()); return lib.getRealResource(jarName); } catch (IOException e) { return null; } } }