package railo.runtime.ext.tag; import railo.runtime.type.Collection; public interface TagMetaDataAttr { /** * A description of the attribute. * @return the description of the attribute */ public abstract String getDescription(); /** * The runtime type of the attribute's value * For example:String,Number,Boolean,Object,... * @return the type of the attribute */ public abstract String getType(); /** * The unique name of the attribute being declared * @return the name of the attribute */ public abstract Collection.Key getName(); /** * return the default value for this attribute or null if no default value is defined * @return the default value of the attribute */ public abstract String getDefaultVaue(); /** * Whether the attribute is required. * @return is required */ public abstract boolean isRequired(); /** * Whether the attribute's value can be dynamically calculated at runtime. * @return is a runtime expression */ public boolean isRuntimeExpressionValue(); }