package railo.runtime.exp; /** * This Exception will be Throwed, when page Excecution will be aborted (tag abort). */ public class Abort extends AbortException { public final static int SCOPE_PAGE=0; public final static int SCOPE_REQUEST=1; private int scope; /** * Constructor of the Class */ public Abort(int scope) { super("Page request is aborted"); this.scope=scope; } protected Abort(int scope, String msg) { super(msg); this.scope=scope; } public static Abort newInstance(int scope) { return new Abort(scope); } public int getScope() { return scope; } public static boolean isSilentAbort(Throwable t){ if(t instanceof PageExceptionBox) { return isSilentAbort(((PageExceptionBox)t).getPageException()); } return t instanceof Abort && !(t instanceof RequestTimeoutException); } public static boolean isAbort(Throwable t) { if(t instanceof Abort) return true; if(t instanceof PageExceptionBox) { return (((PageExceptionBox)t).getPageException() instanceof Abort); } return false; } public static boolean isAbort(Throwable t, int scope) { if(t instanceof PageExceptionBox) { return isAbort(((PageExceptionBox)t).getPageException(),scope); } return t instanceof Abort && ((Abort) t).getScope()==scope; } }