package railo.runtime.tag; import; import javax.naming.NamingException; import; import; import railo.commons.lang.ClassException; import railo.runtime.exp.ApplicationException; import railo.runtime.exp.PageException; import railo.runtime.ext.tag.TagImpl; import; import railo.runtime.op.Caster; import railo.runtime.tag.util.DeprecatedUtil; import railo.runtime.type.Query; import railo.runtime.type.util.ArrayUtil; import railo.runtime.type.util.ListUtil; // TODO tag ldap // attr rebind /** * Provides an interface to LDAP Lightweight Directory Access Protocol * directory servers like the Netscape Directory Server. */ public final class Ldap extends TagImpl { private String delimiter=";"; private String server; private int port=389; private short secureLevel=LDAPClient.SECURE_NONE; private String[] returnAsBinary=new String[0]; private String attributes=null; private String username; private String password; private String action="query"; private String[] sort=new String[0]; private String dn; private int referral; private int scope=SearchControls.SUBTREE_SCOPE; private int sortType=LDAPClient.SORT_TYPE_CASE; private int sortDirection=LDAPClient.SORT_DIRECTION_ASC; private int startrow=1; private int timeout=60000; private int maxrows; private String name; private String start; private String separator=","; private String filter="objectclass = *"; private int modifyType=DirContext.REPLACE_ATTRIBUTE; private boolean rebind; @Override public void release() { action="query"; delimiter=";"; port=389; secureLevel=LDAPClient.SECURE_NONE; returnAsBinary=new String[0]; username=null; password=null; referral=0; attributes=null; sort=new String[0]; dn=null; name=null; scope=SearchControls.SUBTREE_SCOPE; startrow=1; timeout=60000; maxrows=-1; sortType=LDAPClient.SORT_TYPE_CASE; sortDirection=LDAPClient.SORT_DIRECTION_ASC; start=null; separator=","; filter="objectclass = *"; modifyType=DirContext.REPLACE_ATTRIBUTE; rebind=false; super.release(); } /** * @param filterfile The filterfile to set. * @throws ApplicationException */ public void setFilterfile(String filterfile) { DeprecatedUtil.tagAttribute(pageContext,"LDAP", "filterfile"); } /** Specifies the character that cfldap uses to separate multiple * attribute name/value pairs when more than one attribute is specified * in the attribute attribute or the attribute that you want to use has * the default delimiter character, which is the semicolon (;), * such as mgrpmsgrejecttext;lang-en. The delimiter character is used by the query, * add, and modify action attributes, and is used by cfldap to output multi-value attributes * @param delimiter delimiter to set */ public void setDelimiter(String delimiter) { this.delimiter = delimiter; } /** * Used in conjunction with action = "Query". Specifies the first row of the LDAP query to insert * into the query. The default is 1. * @param startrow The startrow to set. */ public void setStartrow(double startrow) { this.startrow = (int)startrow; } /** * Specifies the maximum number of entries for LDAP queries. * @param maxrows The maxrows to set. */ public void setMaxrows(double maxrows) { this.maxrows = (int)maxrows; } /** * Specifies the maximum amount of time, in seconds, to wait for LDAP processing. Defaults to * 60 seconds. * @param timeout The timeout to set. */ public void setTimeout(double timeout) { this.timeout = (int)timeout; } /** * @param password The password to set. */ public void setPassword(String password) { this.password = password; } /** * Port defaults to the standard LDAP port, 389. * @param port The port to set. */ public void setPort(double port) { this.port = (int) port; } /** * Identifies the type of security to employ, CFSSL_BASIC or CFSSL_CLIENT_AUTH, * and additional information that is required by the specified security type. * @param referral The referral to set. */ public void setReferral(double referral) { this.referral = (int) referral; } /** * Host name "" or IP address "" of the LDAP server. * @param server The server to set. */ public void setServer(String server) { this.server = server; } /** * If no user name is specified, the LDAP connection is anonymous. * @param username The username to set. */ public void setUsername(String username) { this.username = username; } /** * @param secure The secureLevel to set. * @throws ApplicationException */ public void setSecure(String secure) throws ApplicationException { secure=secure.trim().toUpperCase(); if(secure.equals("CFSSL_BASIC")) secureLevel=LDAPClient.SECURE_CFSSL_BASIC; else if(secure.equals("CFSSL_CLIENT_AUTH")) secureLevel=LDAPClient.SECURE_CFSSL_CLIENT_AUTH; else throw new ApplicationException("invalid value for attribute secure ["+secure+"], valid values are [CFSSL_BASIC, CFSSL_CLIENT_AUTH]"); } /** * Specifies the scope of the search from the entry specified in the Start attribute * for action = "Query". * @param strScope The scope to set. * @throws ApplicationException */ public void setScope(String strScope) throws ApplicationException { strScope=strScope.trim().toLowerCase(); if(strScope.equals("onelevel")) scope=SearchControls.ONELEVEL_SCOPE; else if(strScope.equals("base")) scope=SearchControls.OBJECT_SCOPE; else if(strScope.equals("subtree")) scope=SearchControls.SUBTREE_SCOPE; else throw new ApplicationException("invalid value for attribute scope ["+strScope+"], valid values are [oneLevel,base,subtree]"); } /** * Indicates whether to add, delete, or replace an attribute * in a multi-value list of attributes. * @param modifyType The modifyType to set. * @throws ApplicationException */ public void setModifytype(String modifyType) throws ApplicationException { modifyType=modifyType.trim().toLowerCase(); if(modifyType.equals("add")) this.modifyType=DirContext.ADD_ATTRIBUTE; else if(modifyType.equals("delete")) this.modifyType=DirContext.REMOVE_ATTRIBUTE; else if(modifyType.equals("replace")) this.modifyType=DirContext.REPLACE_ATTRIBUTE; else throw new ApplicationException("invalid value for attribute modifyType ["+modifyType+"], valid values are [add,replace,delete]"); } /** * @param returnAsBinary The returnAsBinary to set. * @throws PageException */ public void setReturnasbinary(String returnAsBinary) throws PageException { this.returnAsBinary = ArrayUtil.trim(ListUtil.toStringArray(ListUtil.listToArrayRemoveEmpty(returnAsBinary,','))); } /** * Indicates the attribute or attributes by which to sort query results. * Use a comma [,] to separate attributes. * @param sort The sort to set. * @throws PageException */ public void setSort(String sort) throws PageException { this.sort = ArrayUtil.trim(ListUtil.toStringArray(ListUtil.listToArrayRemoveEmpty(sort,','))); } /** * Specifies how to sort query results. * @param sortControl sortControl to set * @throws PageException */ public void setSortcontrol(String sortControl) throws PageException { String[] sortControlArr = ArrayUtil.trim(ListUtil.toStringArray(ListUtil.listToArrayRemoveEmpty(sortControl,','))); for(int i=0;i<sortControlArr.length;i++) { String scs=sortControlArr[i].trim().toLowerCase(); if(scs.equals("asc"))sortDirection=LDAPClient.SORT_DIRECTION_ASC; else if(scs.equals("desc")) sortDirection=LDAPClient.SORT_DIRECTION_DESC; else if(scs.equals("case"))sortType=LDAPClient.SORT_TYPE_CASE; else if(scs.equals("nocase"))sortType=LDAPClient.SORT_TYPE_NOCASE; else throw new ApplicationException("invalid value for attribute sortControl ["+sortControl+"], " + "valid values are [asc,desc,case,nocase]"); } } /** * @param strAttributes */ public void setAttributes(String strAttributes) { attributes = strAttributes; } /** * Specifies the LDAP action. * @param action The action to set. */ public void setAction(String action) { this.action=action.trim().toLowerCase(); } /** * Specifies the distinguished name for update actions. * @param dn The dn to set. */ public void setDn(String dn) { this.dn = dn; } /** * The name you assign to the LDAP query. * @param name The name to set. */ public void setName(String name) { = name; } /** * Specifies the character that cfldap uses to separate attribute values in multi-value attributes. * This character is used by the query, add, and modify action attributes, and * by cfldap to output multi-value attributes. The default character is the comma (,). * @param separator The separator to set. */ public void setSeparator(String separator) { this.separator = separator; } /** * Specifies the distinguished name of the entry to be used to start the search. * @param start The start to set. */ public void setStart(String start) { this.start = start; } /** * @param filter The filter to set. */ public void setFilter(String filter) { this.filter = filter; } /** * If you set rebind to Yes, cfldap attempts to rebind the referral callback and reissue the query * by the referred address using the original credentials. The default is No, which means referred * connections are anonymous. * @param rebind The rebind to set. */ public void setRebind(boolean rebind) { this.rebind = rebind; } @Override public int doStartTag() throws PageException { try { return _doStartTag(); } catch (Exception e) { throw Caster.toPageException(e); } } private int _doStartTag() throws NamingException, PageException, IOException, ClassException { //LDAPClient client=new LDAPClient(server,port,secureLevel,returnAsBinary,username,password,referral); LDAPClient client=new LDAPClient(server,port,returnAsBinary); if(secureLevel!=LDAPClient.SECURE_NONE)client.setSecureLevel(secureLevel); if(username!=null)client.setCredential(username,password); if(referral>0) client.setReferral(referral); if(action.equals("add")) { required("LDAP",action,"attributes",attributes); required("LDAP",action,"dn",dn); client.add(dn,attributes,delimiter,separator); } else if(action.equals("delete")) { required("LDAP",action,"dn",dn); client.delete(dn); } else if(action.equals("modifydn")) { required("LDAP",action,"attributes",attributes); required("LDAP",action,"dn",dn); client.modifydn(dn,attributes); } else if(action.equals("modify")) { required("LDAP",action,"attributes",attributes); required("LDAP",action,"dn",dn); client.modify(dn,modifyType,attributes,delimiter,separator); } else if(action.equals("query")) { required("LDAP",action,"start",start); required("LDAP",action,"attributes",attributes); required("LDAP",action,"name",name); Query qry = client.query(attributes,scope,startrow,maxrows, timeout,sort,sortType,sortDirection,start,separator,filter); pageContext.setVariable(name,qry); } else throw new ApplicationException("invalid value for attribute action ["+action+"], valid values are [add,delete,modifydn,modify,query]"); return SKIP_BODY; } }