package railo.runtime.tag.util; import java.sql.Types; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map.Entry; import railo.commons.lang.StringUtil; import railo.runtime.db.SQL; import railo.runtime.db.SQLCaster; import railo.runtime.db.SQLImpl; import railo.runtime.db.SQLItem; import railo.runtime.db.SQLItemImpl; import railo.runtime.exp.ApplicationException; import railo.runtime.exp.DatabaseException; import railo.runtime.exp.PageException; import railo.runtime.op.Caster; import railo.runtime.op.Decision; import railo.runtime.type.Array; import railo.runtime.type.Collection.Key; import railo.runtime.type.Struct; import railo.runtime.type.util.KeyConstants; public class QueryParamConverter { public static SQL convert(String sql, Struct params) throws PageException{ Iterator<Entry<Key, Object>> it = params.entryIterator(); List<NamedSQLItem> namedItems=new ArrayList<NamedSQLItem>(); Entry<Key, Object> e; while(it.hasNext()){ e =; namedItems.add(toNamedSQLItem(e.getKey().getString(),e.getValue())); } return convert(sql, new ArrayList<SQLItem>(), namedItems); } public static SQL convert(String sql, Array params) throws PageException{ Iterator<Object> it = params.valueIterator(); List<NamedSQLItem> namedItems=new ArrayList<NamedSQLItem>(); List<SQLItem> items=new ArrayList<SQLItem>(); Object value; SQLItem item; while(it.hasNext()){ value =; item=toSQLItem(value); if(item instanceof NamedSQLItem) namedItems.add((NamedSQLItem) item); else items.add(item); } return convert(sql, items, namedItems); } private static SQLItem toSQLItem(Object value) throws PageException { if(Decision.isStruct(value)) { Struct sct=(Struct) value; // name (optional) String name=null; Object oName=sct.get(KeyConstants._name,null); if(oName!=null) name=Caster.toString(oName); // value (required) value=sct.get(KeyConstants._value); if(StringUtil.isEmpty(name)) return fill(new SQLItemImpl(value, Types.VARCHAR),sct); return fill(new NamedSQLItem(name, value, Types.VARCHAR),sct); } return new SQLItemImpl(value); } private static NamedSQLItem toNamedSQLItem(String name, Object value) throws PageException { if(Decision.isStruct(value)) { Struct sct=(Struct) value; // value (required) value=sct.get(KeyConstants._value); return (NamedSQLItem) fill(new NamedSQLItem(name, value, Types.VARCHAR),sct); } return new NamedSQLItem(name, value, Types.VARCHAR); } private static SQLItem fill(SQLItem item,Struct sct) throws DatabaseException, PageException { // type (optional) Object oType=sct.get(KeyConstants._cfsqltype,null); if(oType==null)oType=sct.get(KeyConstants._sqltype,null); if(oType==null)oType=sct.get(KeyConstants._type,null); if(oType!=null) { item.setType(SQLCaster.toIntType(Caster.toString(oType))); } // nulls (optional) Object oNulls=sct.get(KeyConstants._nulls,null); if(oNulls!=null) { item.setNulls(Caster.toBooleanValue(oNulls)); } // scale (optional) Object oScale=sct.get(KeyConstants._scale,null); if(oScale!=null) { item.setScale(Caster.toIntValue(oNulls)); } /* list if(Caster.toBooleanValue(sct.get("list",null),false)) { String separator=Caster.toString(sct.get("separator",null),","); String v = Caster.toString(item.getValue()); Array arr=null; if(StringUtil.isEmpty(v)){ arr=new ArrayImpl(); arr.append(""); } else arr=ListUtil.listToArrayRemoveEmpty(v,separator); int len=arr.size(); StringBuilder sb=new StringBuilder(); for(int i=1;i<=len;i++) { query.setParam(item.clone(check(arr.getE(i)))); if(i>1)sb.append(','); sb.append('?'); } write(sb.toString()); }*/ return item; } private static SQL convert(String sql, List<SQLItem> items, List<NamedSQLItem> namedItems) throws ApplicationException{ //if(namedParams.size()==0) return new Pair<String, List<Param>>(sql,params); StringBuilder sb=new StringBuilder(); int sqlLen=sql.length(), initialParamSize=items.size(); char c,del=0; boolean inside=false; int qm=0,_qm=0; for(int i=0;i<sqlLen;i++){ c=sql.charAt(i); if(c=='"' || c=='\'') { if(inside) { if(c==del) { inside=false; } } else { del=c; inside=true; } } else { if(!inside && c=='?') { if(++_qm>initialParamSize) throw new ApplicationException("there are more question marks in the SQL than params defined"); qm++; } else if(!inside && c==':') { StringBuilder name=new StringBuilder(); char cc; int y=i+1; for(;y<sqlLen;y++){ cc=sql.charAt(y); if(isSpace(cc))break; name.append(cc); } if(name.length()>0) { i=y-1; c='?'; SQLItem p = get(name.toString(),namedItems); items.add(qm, p); qm++; } } } sb.append(c); } return new SQLImpl(sb.toString(),items.toArray(new SQLItem[items.size()])); } private static boolean isSpace(char c) { return c==' ' || c=='\t' || c=='\n' || c=='\b'; } private static SQLItem get(String name, List<NamedSQLItem> items) throws ApplicationException { Iterator<NamedSQLItem> it = items.iterator(); NamedSQLItem item; while(it.hasNext()){; if( return item; } throw new ApplicationException("no param with name ["+name+"] found"); } private static class NamedSQLItem extends SQLItemImpl { public final String name; public NamedSQLItem(String name, Object value, int type){ super(value,type);; } public String toString(){ return "{name:"+name+";"+super.toString()+"}"; } } /* public static void main(String[] args) throws PageException { List<SQLItem> one=new ArrayList<SQLItem>(); one.add(new SQLItemImpl("aaa",1)); one.add(new SQLItemImpl("bbb",1)); List<NamedSQLItem> two=new ArrayList<NamedSQLItem>(); two.add(new NamedSQLItem("susi","sorglos",1)); two.add(new NamedSQLItem("peter","Petrus",1)); SQL sql = convert( "select ? as x, 'aa:a' as x from test where a=:susi and b=:peter and c=? and d=:susi", one, two); print.e(sql); // array with simple values Array arr=new ArrayImpl(); arr.appendEL("aaa"); arr.appendEL("bbb"); sql = convert( "select * from test where a=? and b=?", arr); print.e(sql); // array with complex values arr=new ArrayImpl(); Struct val1=new StructImpl(); val1.set("value", "Susi Sorglos"); Struct val2=new StructImpl(); val2.set("value", "123"); val2.set("type", "integer"); arr.append(val1); arr.append(val2); sql = convert( "select * from test where a=? and b=?", arr); print.e(sql); // array with mixed values arr.appendEL("ccc"); arr.appendEL("ddd"); sql = convert( "select * from test where a=? and b=? and c=? and d=?", arr); print.e(sql); // array mixed with named values Struct val3=new StructImpl(); val3.set("value", "456"); val3.set("type", "integer"); val3.set("name", "susi"); arr.append(val3); sql = convert( "select :susi as name from test where a=? and b=? and c=? and d=?", arr); print.e(sql); // struct with simple values Struct sct=new StructImpl(); sct.set("abc", "Sorglos"); sql = convert( "select * from test where a=:abc", sct); print.e(sql); // struct with mixed values sct.set("peter", val1); sct.set("susi", val3); sql = convert( "select :peter as p, :susi as s from test where a=:abc", sct); print.e(sql); }*/ }