package railo.runtime.cache; import; import; import; import railo.commons.lang.ClassUtil; import; import railo.runtime.config.Config; import railo.runtime.config.ConfigWeb; import railo.runtime.reflection.Reflector; import railo.runtime.tag.Admin; import railo.runtime.type.Struct; public class CacheConnectionImpl implements CacheConnection { private String name; private Class clazz; private Struct custom; private Cache cache; private boolean readOnly; private boolean storage; public CacheConnectionImpl(Config config,String name, Class clazz, Struct custom, boolean readOnly, boolean storage) throws CacheException {; this.clazz=clazz; if(!Reflector.isInstaneOf(clazz, Cache.class)) throw new CacheException("class ["+clazz.getName()+"] does not implement interface ["+Cache.class.getName()+"]"); this.custom=custom; this.readOnly=readOnly;; } @Override public Cache getInstance(Config config) throws IOException { if(cache==null){ try{ cache=(Cache) ClassUtil.loadInstance(clazz); } catch(NoClassDefFoundError e){ if(!(config instanceof ConfigWeb)) throw e; if(JarLoader.changed((ConfigWeb)config, Admin.CACHE_JARS)) throw new IOException( "cannot initialize Cache ["+clazz.getName()+"], make sure you have added all the required jar files. "+ "GO to the Railo Server Administrator and on the page Services/Update, click on \"Update JARs\"."); throw new IOException( "cannot initialize Cache ["+clazz.getName()+"], make sure you have added all the required jar files. "+ "if you have updated the JARs in the Railo Administrator, please restart your Servlet Engine."); } cache.init(config,getName(), getCustom()); } return cache; } @Override public String getName() { return name; } @Override public Class getClazz() { return clazz; } @Override public Struct getCustom() { return custom; } public String toString(){ return "name:"";class:"+this.clazz.getName()+";custom:"+custom+";"; } @Override public CacheConnection duplicate(Config config) throws IOException { return new CacheConnectionImpl(config,name,clazz,custom,readOnly,storage); } @Override public boolean isReadOnly() { return readOnly; } public boolean isStorage() { return storage; } }