package; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import railo.runtime.exp.ExpressionException; import railo.runtime.op.Caster; import railo.runtime.type.ArrayImpl; import railo.runtime.type.dt.DateTimeImpl; import; /** * */ public final class COMUtil { /** * translate a Variant Object to Object, when it is a Dispatch translate it to COMWrapper * @param parent * @param variant * @param key * @return Object from Variant */ public static Object toObject(COMObject parent, Variant variant, String key, Object defaultValue) { try { return toObject(parent, variant,key); } catch(ExpressionException ee) { return defaultValue; } } /** * translate a Variant Object to Object, when it is a Dispatch translate it to COMWrapper * @param parent * @param variant * @param key * @return Object from Variant * @throws ExpressionException */ public static Object toObject(COMObject parent,Variant variant, String key) throws ExpressionException { short type=variant.getvt(); //print.ln(key+" -> variant.getvt("+toStringType(type)+")"); /* TODO impl this Variant.VariantByref; Variant.VariantError; Variant.VariantTypeMask; */ if(type==Variant.VariantEmpty) return null; else if(type==Variant.VariantNull) return null; else if(type==Variant.VariantShort) return Short.valueOf(variant.getShort()); else if(type==Variant.VariantInt) return Integer.valueOf(variant.getInt()); else if(type==Variant.VariantFloat) return new Float(variant.getFloat()); else if(type==Variant.VariantDouble) return new Double(variant.getDouble()); else if(type==Variant.VariantCurrency) { long l; try{ l=variant.getCurrency().longValue(); } // this reflection allows support for old and new jacob version catch(Throwable t){ try{ Method toCurrency = variant.getClass().getMethod("toCurrency", new Class[0]); Object curreny = toCurrency.invoke(variant, new Object[0]); Method longValue = curreny.getClass().getMethod("longValue", new Class[0]); l=Caster.toLongValue(longValue.invoke(curreny, new Object[0]),0); } catch(Throwable t2){ l=0; } } return Long.valueOf(l); } else if(type==Variant.VariantObject) return variant.toEnumVariant(); else if(type==Variant.VariantDate) return new DateTimeImpl((long)variant.getDate(),true); else if(type==Variant.VariantString) return variant.getString(); else if(type==Variant.VariantBoolean) return variant.getBoolean()?Boolean.TRUE:Boolean.FALSE; else if(type==Variant.VariantByte) return new Byte(variant.getByte()); else if(type==Variant.VariantVariant) { throw new ExpressionException("type variant is not supported"); //return toObject(variant.getV.get()); } else if(type==Variant.VariantArray) { Variant[] varr = variant.getVariantArrayRef(); Object[] oarr = new Object[varr.length]; for(int i=0;i<varr.length;i++) { oarr[i]=toObject(parent,varr[i],Caster.toString(i)); } return new ArrayImpl(oarr); } else if(type==Variant.VariantDispatch) { return new COMObject(variant,variant.toDispatch(),parent.getName()+"."+key); } // TODO ?? else if(type==Variant.VariantError) return variant.toError(); throw new ExpressionException("COM Type ["+toStringType(type)+"] not supported"); } /** * translate a short Variant Type Defintion to a String (string,empty,null,short ...) * @param type * @return String Variant Type */ public static String toStringType(short type) { if(type==Variant.VariantEmpty) return "empty"; else if(type==Variant.VariantNull) return "null"; else if(type==Variant.VariantShort) return "Short"; else if(type==Variant.VariantInt) return "Integer"; else if(type==Variant.VariantFloat) return "Float"; else if(type==Variant.VariantDouble) return "Double"; else if(type==Variant.VariantCurrency) return "Currency"; else if(type==Variant.VariantDate) return "Date"; else if(type==Variant.VariantString) return "String"; else if(type==Variant.VariantBoolean) return "Boolean"; else if(type==Variant.VariantByte) return "Byte"; else if(type==Variant.VariantArray) return "Array"; else if(type==Variant.VariantDispatch) return "Dispatch"; else if(type==Variant.VariantByref) return "Byref"; else if(type==Variant.VariantCurrency) return "Currency"; else if(type==Variant.VariantError) return "Error"; else if(type==Variant.VariantInt) return "int"; else if(type==Variant.VariantObject) return "Object"; else if(type==Variant.VariantTypeMask) return "TypeMask"; else if(type==Variant.VariantVariant) return "Variant"; else return "unknow"; } }