package railo.runtime.query; import; import java.util.Date; import railo.runtime.PageContext; import railo.runtime.db.SQL; import railo.runtime.type.Query; /** * interface for a query cache */ public interface QueryCache { /** * clear expired queries from cache * @throws IOException */ public abstract void clearUnused(PageContext pc) throws IOException; /** * returns a Query from Query Cache or null if no match found * @param sql * @param datasource * @param username * @param password * @param cacheAfter * @return Query */ public abstract Query getQuery(PageContext pc,SQL sql, String datasource, String username, String password, Date cacheAfter); /** * sets a Query to Cache * @param sql * @param datasource * @param username * @param password * @param value * @param cacheBefore */ public abstract void set(PageContext pc,SQL sql, String datasource, String username, String password, Object value, Date cacheBefore); /** * clear the cache * @throws IOException */ public abstract void clear(PageContext pc); /** * clear the cache * @param filter */ public abstract void clear(PageContext pc, QueryCacheFilter filter); /** * removes query from cache * @param sql * @param datasource * @param username * @param password * @throws IOException */ public abstract void remove(PageContext pc,SQL sql, String datasource,String username, String password); public abstract Object get(PageContext pc,SQL sql, String datasource,String username, String password, Date cachedafter); public abstract int size(PageContext pc); }