package railo.runtime.tag; import; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map.Entry; import javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.Tag; import railo.commons.lang.HTMLEntities; import railo.commons.lang.StringUtil; import railo.runtime.exp.ApplicationException; import railo.runtime.exp.ExpressionException; import railo.runtime.exp.PageException; import railo.runtime.ext.tag.TagImpl; import railo.runtime.op.Caster; import railo.runtime.op.Decision; import railo.runtime.type.Array; import railo.runtime.type.Collection.Key; import railo.runtime.type.Struct; import railo.runtime.type.StructImpl; import railo.runtime.type.util.KeyConstants; import railo.runtime.type.util.ListUtil; // FUTURE tag input //attr validateAt impl tag atrr //attr validate add support for submitOnce // Added support for generating Flash and XML controls (specified in the cfform tag). // Added support for preventing multiple submissions. // attr mask impl. logik dahinter umsetzen /** * */ public class Input extends TagImpl { public static final short TYPE_SELECT=-1; public static final short TYPE_TEXT=0; public static final short TYPE_RADIO=1; public static final short TYPE_CHECKBOX=2; public static final short TYPE_PASSWORD=3; public static final short TYPE_BUTTON=4; public static final short TYPE_FILE=5; public static final short TYPE_HIDDEN=6; public static final short TYPE_IMAGE=7; public static final short TYPE_RESET=8; public static final short TYPE_SUBMIT=9; public static final short TYPE_DATEFIELD=10; public static final short VALIDATE_DATE=4; public static final short VALIDATE_EURODATE=5; public static final short VALIDATE_TIME=6; public static final short VALIDATE_FLOAT=7; public static final short VALIDATE_INTEGER=8; public static final short VALIDATE_TELEPHONE=9; public static final short VALIDATE_ZIPCODE=10; public static final short VALIDATE_CREDITCARD=11; public static final short VALIDATE_SOCIAL_SECURITY_NUMBER=12; public static final short VALIDATE_REGULAR_EXPRESSION=13; public static final short VALIDATE_NONE=14; public static final short VALIDATE_USDATE=15; public static final short VALIDATE_RANGE=16; public static final short VALIDATE_BOOLEAN=17; public static final short VALIDATE_EMAIL=18; public static final short VALIDATE_URL=19; public static final short VALIDATE_UUID=20; public static final short VALIDATE_GUID=21; public static final short VALIDATE_MAXLENGTH=22; public static final short VALIDATE_NOBLANKS=23; // TODO SubmitOnce /** * @param validate The validate to set. * @throws ApplicationException */ public void setValidate(String validate) throws ApplicationException { validate=validate.toLowerCase().trim(); if(validate.equals("creditcard")) input.setValidate(VALIDATE_CREDITCARD); else if(validate.equals("date")) input.setValidate(VALIDATE_DATE); else if(validate.equals("usdate")) input.setValidate(VALIDATE_USDATE); else if(validate.equals("eurodate")) input.setValidate(VALIDATE_EURODATE); else if(validate.equals("float")) input.setValidate(VALIDATE_FLOAT); else if(validate.equals("numeric")) input.setValidate(VALIDATE_FLOAT); else if(validate.equals("integer")) input.setValidate(VALIDATE_INTEGER); else if(validate.equals("int")) input.setValidate(VALIDATE_INTEGER); else if(validate.equals("regular_expression")) input.setValidate(VALIDATE_REGULAR_EXPRESSION); else if(validate.equals("regex")) input.setValidate(VALIDATE_REGULAR_EXPRESSION); else if(validate.equals("social_security_number"))input.setValidate(VALIDATE_SOCIAL_SECURITY_NUMBER); else if(validate.equals("ssn")) input.setValidate(VALIDATE_SOCIAL_SECURITY_NUMBER); else if(validate.equals("telephone")) input.setValidate(VALIDATE_TELEPHONE); else if(validate.equals("phone")) input.setValidate(VALIDATE_TELEPHONE); else if(validate.equals("time")) input.setValidate(VALIDATE_TIME); else if(validate.equals("zipcode")) input.setValidate(VALIDATE_ZIPCODE); else if(validate.equals("zip")) input.setValidate(VALIDATE_ZIPCODE); else if(validate.equals("range")) input.setValidate(VALIDATE_RANGE); else if(validate.equals("boolean")) input.setValidate(VALIDATE_BOOLEAN); else if(validate.equals("email")) input.setValidate(VALIDATE_EMAIL); else if(validate.equals("url")) input.setValidate(VALIDATE_URL); else if(validate.equals("uuid")) input.setValidate(VALIDATE_UUID); else if(validate.equals("guid")) input.setValidate(VALIDATE_GUID); else if(validate.equals("maxlength")) input.setValidate(VALIDATE_MAXLENGTH); else if(validate.equals("noblanks")) input.setValidate(VALIDATE_NOBLANKS); else throw new ApplicationException("attribute validate has an invalid value ["+validate+"]", "valid values for attribute validate are [creditcard, date, eurodate, float, integer, regular, social_security_number, telephone, time, zipcode]"); } public static final String[] DAYNAMES_DEFAULT = new String[]{"S", "M", "T", "W", "Th", "F", "S"}; public static final String[] MONTHNAMES_DEFAULT = new String[]{"January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"}; Struct attributes=new StructImpl(); InputBean input=new InputBean(); String passthrough; String[] daynames=DAYNAMES_DEFAULT; String[] monthnames=MONTHNAMES_DEFAULT; boolean enabled=true; boolean visible=true; String label; String tooltip; String validateAt; double firstDayOfWeek=0; String mask; @Override public void release() { super.release(); input=new InputBean(); attributes.clear(); passthrough=null; daynames=DAYNAMES_DEFAULT; monthnames=MONTHNAMES_DEFAULT; enabled=true; visible=true; label=null; tooltip=null; validateAt=null; firstDayOfWeek=0; mask=null; } /** * @param cssclass The cssclass to set. */ public void setClass(String cssclass) { attributes.setEL("class",cssclass); } /** * @param cssstyle The cssstyle to set. */ public void setStyle(String cssstyle) { attributes.setEL("style",cssstyle); } /** * @param id The id to set. */ public void setId(String id) { attributes.setEL("id",id); } public void setAccept(String accept) { attributes.setEL("accept",accept); } public void setAccesskey(String accesskey) { attributes.setEL("accesskey",accesskey); } public void setAlign(String align) { attributes.setEL("align",align); } public void setAlt(String alt) { attributes.setEL("alt",alt); } public void setAutocomplete(String autocomplete) { attributes.setEL("autocomplete",autocomplete); } public void setAutofocus(String autofocus) { attributes.setEL("autofocus",autofocus); } public void setBorder(String border) { attributes.setEL("border",border); } public void setDatafld(String datafld) { attributes.setEL("datafld",datafld); } public void setDatasrc(String datasrc) { attributes.setEL("datasrc",datasrc); } public void setForm(String form) { attributes.setEL("form",form); } public void setFormaction(String formAction) { attributes.setEL("formaction",formAction); } public void setFormenctype(String formenctype) { attributes.setEL("formenctype",formenctype); } public void setFormmethod(String formmethod) { attributes.setEL("formmethod",formmethod); } public void setFormnovalidate(String formnovalidate) { attributes.setEL("formnovalidate",formnovalidate); } public void setFormtarget(String formtarget) { attributes.setEL("formtarget",formtarget); } public void setLang(String lang) { attributes.setEL("lang",lang); } public void setList(String list) { attributes.setEL("list",list); } public void setDir(String dir) { //dir=dir.trim(); //String lcDir=dir.toLowerCase(); //if( "ltr".equals(lcDir) || "rtl".equals(lcDir)) attributes.setEL("dir",dir); //else throw new ApplicationException("attribute dir for tag input has an invalid value ["+dir+"], valid values are [ltr, rtl]"); } public void setDataformatas(String dataformatas) { dataformatas=dataformatas.trim(); //String lcDataformatas=dataformatas.toLowerCase(); //if( "plaintext".equals(lcDataformatas) || "html".equals(lcDataformatas)) attributes.setEL("dataformatas",dataformatas); //else throw new ApplicationException("attribute dataformatas for tag input has an invalid value ["+dataformatas+"], valid values are [plaintext, html"); } public void setDisabled(String disabled) { // alles ausser false ist true //if(Caster.toBooleanValue(disabled,true)) attributes.setEL("disabled",disabled); } public void setEnabled(String enabled) { // alles ausser false ist true //setDisabled(Caster.toString(!Caster.toBooleanValue(enabled,true))); attributes.setEL("enabled",enabled); } public void setIsmap(String ismap) { // alles ausser false ist true //if(Caster.toBooleanValue(ismap,true)) attributes.setEL("ismap","ismap"); attributes.setEL("ismap",ismap); } public void setReadonly(String readonly) { // alles ausser false ist true //if(Caster.toBooleanValue(readonly,true)) attributes.setEL("readonly","readonly"); attributes.setEL("readonly",readonly); } public void setUsemap(String usemap) { attributes.setEL("usemap",usemap); } /** * @param onBlur The onBlur to set. */ public void setOnblur(String onBlur) { attributes.setEL("onblur",onBlur); } /** * @param onChange The onChange to set. */ public void setOnchange(String onChange) { attributes.setEL("onchange",onChange); } /** * @param onClick The onClick to set. */ public void setOnclick(String onClick) { attributes.setEL("onclick",onClick); } /** * @param onDblclick The onDblclick to set. */ public void setOndblclick(String onDblclick) { attributes.setEL("ondblclick",onDblclick); } /** * @param onFocus The onFocus to set. */ public void setOnfocus(String onFocus) { attributes.setEL("onfocus",onFocus); } /** * @param onKeyDown The onKeyDown to set. */ public void setOnkeydown(String onKeyDown) { attributes.setEL("onkeydown",onKeyDown); } /** * @param onKeyPress The onKeyPress to set. */ public void setOnkeypress(String onKeyPress) { attributes.setEL("onkeypress",onKeyPress); } /** * @param onKeyUp The onKeyUp to set. */ public void setOnkeyup(String onKeyUp) { attributes.setEL("onKeyUp",onKeyUp); } /** * @param onMouseDown The onMouseDown to set. */ public void setOnmousedown(String onMouseDown) { attributes.setEL("onMouseDown",onMouseDown); } /** * @param onMouseMove The onMouseMove to set. */ public void setOnmousemove(String onMouseMove) { attributes.setEL("onMouseMove",onMouseMove); } /** * @param onMouseUp The onMouseUp to set. */ public void setOnmouseup(String onMouseUp) { attributes.setEL("onMouseUp",onMouseUp); } /** * @param onMouseUp The onMouseUp to set. */ public void setOnselect(String onselect) { attributes.setEL("onselect",onselect); } /** * @param onMouseOut The onMouseOut to set. */ public void setOnmouseout(String onMouseOut) { attributes.setEL("onMouseOut",onMouseOut); } /** * @param onMouseOver The onKeyPress to set. */ public void setOnmouseover(String onMouseOver) { attributes.setEL("onMouseOver",onMouseOver); } /** * @param tabIndex The tabIndex to set. */ public void setTabindex(String tabIndex) { attributes.setEL("tabindex",tabIndex); } /** * @param title The title to set. */ public void setTitle(String title) { attributes.setEL("title",title); } /** * @param value The value to set. */ public void setValue(String value) { attributes.setEL("value",value); } /** * @param size The size to set. */ public void setSize(String size) { attributes.setEL("size",size); } /** * @param maxLength The maxLength to set. */ public void setMaxlength(double maxLength) { input.setMaxLength((int)maxLength); attributes.setEL("maxLength",Caster.toString(maxLength)); } /** * @param checked The checked to set. */ public void setChecked(String checked) { // alles ausser false ist true if(Caster.toBooleanValue(checked,true)) attributes.setEL("checked","checked"); } /** * @param daynames The daynames to set. * @throws ApplicationException */ public void setDaynames(String listDaynames) throws ApplicationException { String[] arr = ListUtil.listToStringArray(listDaynames, ','); if(arr.length==7) throw new ApplicationException("value of attribute [daynames] must contain a string list with 7 values, now there are "+arr.length+" values"); this.daynames=arr; } /** * @param daynames The daynames to set. * @throws ApplicationException */ public void setFirstdayofweek(double firstDayOfWeek) throws ApplicationException { if(firstDayOfWeek<0 || firstDayOfWeek>6) throw new ApplicationException("value of attribute [firstDayOfWeek] must conatin a numeric value between 0-6"); this.firstDayOfWeek=firstDayOfWeek; } /** * @param daynames The daynames to set. * @throws ApplicationException */ public void setMonthnames(String listMonthNames) throws ApplicationException { String[] arr = ListUtil.listToStringArray(listMonthNames, ','); if(arr.length==12) throw new ApplicationException("value of attribute [MonthNames] must contain a string list with 12 values, now there are "+arr.length+" values"); this.monthnames=arr; } /** * @param daynames The daynames to set. */ public void setLabel(String label) { this.label=label; } /** * @param daynames The daynames to set. */ public void setMask(String mask) { this.mask=mask; } public void setMax(String max) { attributes.setEL("max",max); } public void setMin(String min) { attributes.setEL("min",min); } public void setMultiple(String multiple) { attributes.setEL("multiple",multiple); } public void setPlaceholder(String placeholder) { attributes.setEL("placeholder",placeholder); } /** * @param daynames The daynames to set. */ public void setNotab(String notab) { attributes.setEL("notab",notab); } /** * @param daynames The daynames to set. */ public void setHspace(String hspace) { attributes.setEL("hspace",hspace); } /** * @param type The type to set. * @throws ApplicationException */ public void setType(String type) throws ApplicationException { type=type.toLowerCase().trim(); if( "checkbox".equals(type)) input.setType(TYPE_CHECKBOX); else if("password".equals(type)) input.setType(TYPE_PASSWORD); else if("text".equals(type)) input.setType(TYPE_TEXT); else if("radio".equals(type)) input.setType(TYPE_RADIO); else if("button".equals(type)) input.setType(TYPE_BUTTON); else if("file".equals(type)) input.setType(TYPE_FILE); else if("hidden".equals(type)) input.setType(TYPE_HIDDEN); else if("image".equals(type)) input.setType(TYPE_IMAGE); else if("reset".equals(type)) input.setType(TYPE_RESET); else if("submit".equals(type)) input.setType(TYPE_SUBMIT); else if("datefield".equals(type)) input.setType(TYPE_DATEFIELD); else throw new ApplicationException("attribute type has an invalid value ["+type+"]","valid values for attribute type are " + "[checkbox, password, text, radio, button, file, hidden, image, reset, submit, datefield]"); attributes.setEL("type",type); } /** * @param onError The onError to set. */ public void setOnerror(String onError) { input.setOnError(onError); } /** * @param onValidate The onValidate to set. */ public void setOnvalidate(String onValidate) { input.setOnValidate(onValidate); } /** * @param passthrough The passThrough to set. * @throws PageException */ public void setPassthrough(Object passthrough) throws PageException { if(passthrough instanceof Struct) { Struct sct = (Struct) passthrough; Iterator<Entry<Key, Object>> it = sct.entryIterator(); Entry<Key, Object> e; while(it.hasNext()) {; attributes.setEL(e.getKey(),e.getValue()); } } else this.passthrough = Caster.toString(passthrough); //input.setPassThrough(passThrough); } /** * @param pattern The pattern to set. * @throws ExpressionException */ public void setPattern(String pattern) throws ExpressionException { input.setPattern(pattern); } /** * @param range The range to set. * @throws PageException */ public void setRange(String range) throws PageException { String errMessage="attribute range has an invalid value ["+range+"], must be string list with numbers"; String errDetail="Example: [number_from,number_to], [number_from], [number_from,], [,number_to]"; Array arr=ListUtil.listToArray(range,','); if(arr.size()==1) { double from=Caster.toDoubleValue(arr.get(1,null),Double.NaN); if(!Decision.isValid(from))throw new ApplicationException(errMessage,errDetail); input.setRangeMin(from); input.setRangeMax(Double.NaN); } else if(arr.size()==2) { String strFrom=arr.get(1,"").toString().trim(); double from=Caster.toDoubleValue(strFrom,Double.NaN); if(!Decision.isValid(from) && strFrom.length()>0) { throw new ApplicationException(errMessage,errDetail); } input.setRangeMin(from); String strTo=arr.get(2,"").toString().trim(); double to=Caster.toDoubleValue(strTo,Double.NaN); if(!Decision.isValid(to) && strTo.length()>0) { throw new ApplicationException(errMessage,errDetail); } input.setRangeMax(to); } else throw new ApplicationException(errMessage,errDetail); } /** * @param required The required to set. */ public void setRequired(boolean required) { input.setRequired(required); } /** * @param name The name to set. */ public void setName(String name) { attributes.setEL(KeyConstants._name,name); input.setName(name); } /** * @param message The message to set. */ public void setMessage(String message) { if(!StringUtil.isEmpty(message))input.setMessage(message); } @Override public int doEndTag() throws PageException { try { _doEndTag(); } catch (IOException e) { throw Caster.toPageException(e); } return EVAL_PAGE; } private void _doEndTag() throws PageException, IOException { // check attributes if(input.getValidate()==VALIDATE_REGULAR_EXPRESSION && input.getPattern()==null) { throw new ApplicationException("when validation type regular_expression is seleted, the pattern attribute is required"); } Tag parent = getParent(); while(parent!=null && !(parent instanceof Form)){ parent=parent.getParent(); } if(parent instanceof Form) { Form form = (Form)parent; form.setInput(input); if(input.getType()==TYPE_DATEFIELD && form.getFormat()!=Form.FORMAT_FLASH) throw new ApplicationException("type [datefield] is only allowed if form format is flash"); } else { throw new ApplicationException("Tag must be inside a form tag"); } draw(); } void draw() throws IOException, PageException { // start output pageContext.forceWrite("<input"); //railo.runtime.type.Collection.Key[] keys = attributes.keys(); //railo.runtime.type.Collection.Key key; Iterator<Entry<Key, Object>> it = attributes.entryIterator(); Entry<Key, Object> e; while(it.hasNext()) { e =; pageContext.forceWrite(" "); pageContext.forceWrite(e.getKey().getString()); pageContext.forceWrite("=\""); pageContext.forceWrite(enc(Caster.toString(e.getValue()))); pageContext.forceWrite("\""); } if(passthrough!=null) { pageContext.forceWrite(" "); pageContext.forceWrite(passthrough); } pageContext.forceWrite(">"); } /** * html encode a string * @param str string to encode * @return encoded string */ String enc(String str) { return HTMLEntities.escapeHTML(str,HTMLEntities.HTMLV20); } /** * @return the monthnames */ public String[] getMonthnames() { return monthnames; } /** * @param monthnames the monthnames to set */ public void setMonthnames(String[] monthnames) { this.monthnames = monthnames; } /** * @param height the height to set */ public void setHeight(String height) { attributes.setEL("height",height); } /** * @param input the input to set */ public void setInput(InputBean input) { this.input = input; } /** * @param passthrough the passthrough to set */ public void setPassthrough(String passthrough) { this.passthrough = passthrough; } /** * @param tooltip the tooltip to set * @throws ApplicationException */ public void setTooltip(String tooltip) { this.tooltip = tooltip; } /** * @param validateAt the validateAt to set * @throws ApplicationException */ public void setValidateat(String validateAt) throws ApplicationException { this.validateAt = validateAt; throw new ApplicationException("attribute validateAt is not supportrd for tag input "); } /** * @param visible the visible to set * @throws ApplicationException */ public void setVisible(boolean visible) { this.visible = visible; } /** * @param width the width to set * @throws ApplicationException */ public void setWidth(String width) { attributes.setEL("width", width); } private ExpressionException notSupported(String label) { return new ExpressionException("attribute ["+label+"] is not supported"); } public void setAutosuggest(String autosuggest) throws ExpressionException { throw notSupported("autosuggest"); //attributes.setEL("bind",bind); } public void setAutosuggestbinddelay(double autosuggestBindDelay) throws ExpressionException { throw notSupported("autosuggestBindDelay"); //attributes.setEL("bind",bind); } public void setAutosuggestminlength(double autosuggestMinLength) throws ExpressionException { throw notSupported("autosuggestMinLength"); //attributes.setEL("bind",bind); } public void setBind(String bind) throws ExpressionException { throw notSupported("bind"); //attributes.setEL("bind",bind); } public void setBindattribute(String bindAttribute) throws ExpressionException { throw notSupported("bindAttribute"); //attributes.setEL("bind",bind); } public void setBindonload(boolean bindOnLoad) throws ExpressionException { throw notSupported("bindOnLoad"); //attributes.setEL("bind",bind); } public void setDelimiter(String delimiter) throws ExpressionException { throw notSupported("delimiter"); //attributes.setEL("bind",bind); } public void setMaxresultsdisplayed(double maxResultsDisplayed) throws ExpressionException { throw notSupported("maxResultsDisplayed"); //attributes.setEL("bind",bind); } public void setOnbinderror(String onBindError) throws ExpressionException { throw notSupported("onBindError"); //attributes.setEL("bind",bind); } public void setShowautosuggestloadingicon(boolean showAutosuggestLoadingIcon) throws ExpressionException { throw notSupported("showAutosuggestLoadingIcon"); //attributes.setEL("bind",bind); } public void setSourcefortooltip(String sourceForTooltip) throws ExpressionException { throw notSupported("sourceForTooltip"); //attributes.setEL("bind",bind); } public void setSrc(String src) { attributes.setEL("src",src); } public void setStep(String step) { attributes.setEL("step",step); } public void setTypeahead(boolean typeahead) throws ExpressionException { throw notSupported("typeahead"); //attributes.setEL("src",src); } }