package railo.runtime.tag; import railo.commons.cli.Command; import railo.commons.cli.CommandResult; import; import; import; import railo.runtime.PageContext; /** * */ public final class _Execute extends Thread { private PageContext pc; private Resource outputfile; private Resource errorFile; private String variable; private String errorVariable; private boolean aborted; private String command; //private static final int BLOCK_SIZE=4096; private Object monitor; private Exception exception; //private String body; private boolean finished; private Process process; /** * @param pageContext * @param monitor * @param process * @param outputfile * @param variable * @param body * @param terminateOnTimeout */ public _Execute(PageContext pageContext, Object monitor, String command, Resource outputfile, String variable, Resource errorFile, String errorVariable) { this.pc=pageContext; this.monitor=monitor; this.command=command; this.outputfile=outputfile; this.variable=variable; this.errorFile = errorFile; this.errorVariable = errorVariable; //this.body=body; } @Override public void run() { try { _run(); } catch (Exception e) {} } void _run() { //synchronized(monitor){ try { process = Command.createProcess(command,true); CommandResult result = Command.execute(process); String rst = result.getOutput(); finished = true; if(!aborted) { if(outputfile==null && variable==null) pc.write(rst); else { if(outputfile!=null) IOUtil.write(outputfile, rst, SystemUtil.getCharset(), false); if(variable!=null) pc.setVariable(variable,rst); } if(errorFile != null) IOUtil.write(errorFile, result.getError(), SystemUtil.getCharset(), false); if(errorVariable != null) pc.setVariable(errorVariable, result.getError()); } } catch(Exception ioe){ exception=ioe; } finally { synchronized(monitor){ monitor.notify(); } } //} } /** * define that execution is aborted */ public void abort(boolean terminateProcess) { aborted=true; if(terminateProcess)process.destroy(); } public boolean hasException() { return exception!=null; } public boolean hasFinished() { return finished; } /** * @return the exception */ public Exception getException() { return exception; } }