package railo.runtime.schedule; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.xerces.parsers.DOMParser; import org.apache.xml.serialize.OutputFormat; import org.apache.xml.serialize.XMLSerializer; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import org.w3c.dom.Node; import org.w3c.dom.NodeList; import org.xml.sax.InputSource; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; import; import; import; import; import; import railo.runtime.Info; import railo.runtime.config.Config; import railo.runtime.engine.ThreadLocalPageContext; import railo.runtime.op.Caster; import; import railo.runtime.type.dt.Date; import railo.runtime.type.dt.DateImpl; import railo.runtime.type.dt.DateTime; import railo.runtime.type.dt.Time; import railo.runtime.type.dt.TimeImpl; /** * */ public final class StorageUtil { /** * create xml file from a resource definition * @param file * @param resourcePath * @throws IOException */ public void loadFile(File file,String resourcePath) throws IOException { loadFile(ResourceUtil.toResource(file), resourcePath); } /** * create xml file from a resource definition * @param res * @param resourcePath * @throws IOException */ public void loadFile(Resource res,String resourcePath) throws IOException { res.createFile(true); InputStream is = new Info().getClass().getResourceAsStream(resourcePath); IOUtil.copy(is,res,true); } /** * load a XML Document as DOM representation * @param file XML File to load * @return DOM Object * @throws SAXException * @throws IOException */ public Document loadDocument(Resource file) throws SAXException, IOException { DOMParser parser = new DOMParser(); InputStream in = null; try { in = file.getInputStream(); InputSource source = new InputSource(in); parser.parse(source); } finally { IOUtil.closeEL(in); } return parser.getDocument(); } public Document loadDocument(String content) throws SAXException, IOException { DOMParser parser = new DOMParser(); InputSource source = new InputSource(content); parser.parse(source); return parser.getDocument(); } /** * return XML Element matching name * @param list source node list * @param key key to compare * @param value value to compare * @return matching XML Element */ public Element getElement(NodeList list,String key, String value) { int len=list.getLength(); for(int i=0;i<len;i++) { Node n=list.item(i); if(n instanceof Element) { Element el = (Element)n; if(el.getAttribute(key).equalsIgnoreCase(value)) return el; } } return null; } /** * store loaded data to xml file * @param doc * @param file * @throws IOException */ public synchronized void store(Document doc,File file) throws IOException { store(doc, ResourceUtil.toResource(file)); } /** * store loaded data to xml file * @param doc * @param res * @throws IOException */ public synchronized void store(Document doc,Resource res) throws IOException { OutputFormat format = new OutputFormat(doc, null, true); format.setLineSeparator("\r\n"); format.setLineWidth(72); OutputStream os=null; try { XMLSerializer serializer = new XMLSerializer(os=res.getOutputStream(), format); serializer.serialize(doc.getDocumentElement()); } finally { IOUtil.closeEL(os); } } /** * reads a XML Element Attribute ans cast it to a String * @param el XML Element to read Attribute from it * @param attributeName Name of the Attribute to read * @return Attribute Value */ public String toString(Element el,String attributeName) { return el.getAttribute(attributeName); } /** * reads a XML Element Attribute ans cast it to a String * @param el XML Element to read Attribute from it * @param attributeName Name of the Attribute to read * @param defaultValue if attribute doesn't exist return default value * @return Attribute Value */ public String toString(Element el,String attributeName, String defaultValue) { String value = el.getAttribute(attributeName); return (value==null)?defaultValue:value; } /** * reads a XML Element Attribute ans cast it to a File * @param el XML Element to read Attribute from it * @param attributeName Name of the Attribute to read * @return Attribute Value */ /*public File toFile(Element el,String attributeName) { String attributeValue = el.getAttribute(attributeName); if(attributeValue==null || attributeValue.trim().length()==0) return null; return new File(attributeValue); }*/ public Resource toResource(Config config,Element el,String attributeName) { String attributeValue = el.getAttribute(attributeName); if(attributeValue==null || attributeValue.trim().length()==0) return null; return config.getResource(attributeValue); } /** * reads a XML Element Attribute ans cast it to a boolean value * @param el XML Element to read Attribute from it * @param attributeName Name of the Attribute to read * @return Attribute Value */ public boolean toBoolean(Element el,String attributeName) { return Caster.toBooleanValue(el.getAttribute(attributeName),false); } /** * reads a XML Element Attribute ans cast it to a boolean value * @param el XML Element to read Attribute from it * @param attributeName Name of the Attribute to read * @param defaultValue if attribute doesn't exist return default value * @return Attribute Value */ public boolean toBoolean(Element el,String attributeName, boolean defaultValue) { String value = el.getAttribute(attributeName); if(value==null) return defaultValue; return Caster.toBooleanValue(value,false); } /** * reads a XML Element Attribute ans cast it to a int value * @param el XML Element to read Attribute from it * @param attributeName Name of the Attribute to read * @return Attribute Value */ public int toInt(Element el,String attributeName) { return Caster.toIntValue(el.getAttribute(attributeName),Integer.MIN_VALUE); } public long toLong(Element el,String attributeName) { return Caster.toLongValue(el.getAttribute(attributeName),Long.MIN_VALUE); } /** * reads a XML Element Attribute ans cast it to a int value * @param el XML Element to read Attribute from it * @param attributeName Name of the Attribute to read * @param defaultValue if attribute doesn't exist return default value * @return Attribute Value */ public int toInt(Element el,String attributeName, int defaultValue) { String value = el.getAttribute(attributeName); if(value==null) return defaultValue; int intValue=Caster.toIntValue(value,Integer.MIN_VALUE); if(intValue==Integer.MIN_VALUE) return defaultValue; return intValue; } /** * reads a XML Element Attribute ans cast it to a DateTime Object * @param config * @param el XML Element to read Attribute from it * @param attributeName Name of the Attribute to read * @return Attribute Value */ public DateTime toDateTime(Config config, Element el,String attributeName) { String str=el.getAttribute(attributeName); if(str==null) return null; return DateCaster.toDateAdvanced(str,ThreadLocalPageContext.getTimeZone(config),null); } /** * reads a XML Element Attribute ans cast it to a DateTime * @param el XML Element to read Attribute from it * @param attributeName Name of the Attribute to read * @param defaultValue if attribute doesn't exist return default value * @return Attribute Value */ public DateTime toDateTime(Element el,String attributeName, DateTime defaultValue) { String value = el.getAttribute(attributeName); if(value==null) return defaultValue; DateTime dtValue=Caster.toDate(value,false,null,null); if(dtValue==null) return defaultValue; return dtValue; } /** * reads a XML Element Attribute ans cast it to a Date Object * @param el XML Element to read Attribute from it * @param attributeName Name of the Attribute to read * @return Attribute Value */ public Date toDate(Config config,Element el,String attributeName) { DateTime dt = toDateTime(config,el,attributeName); if(dt==null) return null; return new DateImpl(dt); } /** * reads a XML Element Attribute ans cast it to a Date * @param el XML Element to read Attribute from it * @param attributeName Name of the Attribute to read * @param defaultValue if attribute doesn't exist return default value * @return Attribute Value */ public Date toDate(Element el,String attributeName, Date defaultValue) { return new DateImpl(toDateTime(el,attributeName,defaultValue)); } /** * reads a XML Element Attribute ans cast it to a Time Object * @param config * @param el XML Element to read Attribute from it * @param attributeName Name of the Attribute to read * @return Attribute Value */ public Time toTime(Config config, Element el,String attributeName) { DateTime dt = toDateTime(config,el,attributeName); if(dt==null) return null; return new TimeImpl(dt); } /** * reads a XML Element Attribute ans cast it to a Date * @param el XML Element to read Attribute from it * @param attributeName Name of the Attribute to read * @param defaultValue if attribute doesn't exist return default value * @return Attribute Value */ public Time toTime(Element el,String attributeName, Time defaultValue) { return new TimeImpl(toDateTime(el,attributeName,defaultValue)); } /** * reads 2 XML Element Attribute ans cast it to a Credential * @param el XML Element to read Attribute from it * @param attributeUser Name of the user Attribute to read * @param attributePassword Name of the password Attribute to read * @return Attribute Value */ public Credentials toCredentials(Element el,String attributeUser, String attributePassword) { String user = el.getAttribute(attributeUser); String pass = el.getAttribute(attributePassword); if(user==null) return null; if(pass==null)pass=""; return CredentialsImpl.toCredentials(user,pass); } /** * reads 2 XML Element Attribute ans cast it to a Credential * @param el XML Element to read Attribute from it * @param attributeUser Name of the user Attribute to read * @param attributePassword Name of the password Attribute to read * @param defaultCredentials * @return Attribute Value */ public Credentials toCredentials(Element el,String attributeUser, String attributePassword, Credentials defaultCredentials) { String user = el.getAttribute(attributeUser); String pass = el.getAttribute(attributePassword); if(user==null) return defaultCredentials; if(pass==null)pass=""; return CredentialsImpl.toCredentials(user,pass); } /** * sets a string value to a XML Element * @param el Element to set value on it * @param key key to set * @param value value to set */ public void setString(Element el, String key, String value) { if(value!=null)el.setAttribute(key,value); } /** * sets a file value to a XML Element * @param el Element to set value on it * @param key key to set * @param value value to set */ public void setFile(Element el, String key, File value) { setFile(el, key, ResourceUtil.toResource(value)); } /** * sets a file value to a XML Element * @param el Element to set value on it * @param key key to set * @param value value to set */ public void setFile(Element el, String key, Resource value) { if(value!=null && value.toString().length()>0)el.setAttribute(key,value.getAbsolutePath()); } /** * sets a boolean value to a XML Element * @param el Element to set value on it * @param key key to set * @param value value to set */ public void setBoolean(Element el, String key, boolean value) { el.setAttribute(key,String.valueOf(value)); } /** * sets a int value to a XML Element * @param el Element to set value on it * @param key key to set * @param value value to set */ public void setInt(Element el, String key, int value) { el.setAttribute(key,String.valueOf(value)); } /** * sets a datetime value to a XML Element * @param el Element to set value on it * @param key key to set * @param value value to set */ public void setDateTime(Element el, String key, DateTime value) { if(value!=null){ String str = value.castToString(null); if(str!=null)el.setAttribute(key,str); } } /** * sets a Credentials to a XML Element * @param el * @param username * @param password * @param credentials */ public void setCredentials(Element el, String username, String password, Credentials c) { if(c==null) return; if(c.getUsername()!=null)el.setAttribute(username,c.getUsername()); if(c.getPassword()!=null)el.setAttribute(password,c.getPassword()); } }