package railo.runtime.db; import java.sql.Types; public interface CFTypes { //public static final int BFILE=-13;//OracleTypes.BFILE; public static final int CURSOR=-10;//OracleTypes.CURSOR; public static final int OPAQUE=2007; public static final int BFILE=-13; public static final int BINARY_DOUBLE=101; public static final int BINARY_FLOAT=100; public static final int FIXED_CHAR=999; public static final int INTERVALDS=-104; public static final int INTERVALYM=-103; public static final int JAVA_STRUCT=2008; public static final int NUMBER=Types.NUMERIC; public static final int PLSQL_INDEX_TABLE=-14; public static final int RAW=-2; public static final int ROWID=-8; public static final int TIMESTAMPLTZ=-102; public static final int TIMESTAMPNS=-100; public static final int TIMESTAMPTZ=-101; public static final int VARCHAR2=-100; /** * <P>The constant in the Java programming language, sometimes referred * to as a type code, that identifies the generic SQL type * <code>BIT</code>. */ public final static int BIT = -7; /** * <P>The constant in the Java programming language, sometimes referred * to as a type code, that identifies the generic SQL type * <code>TINYINT</code>. */ public final static int TINYINT = -6; /** * <P>The constant in the Java programming language, sometimes referred * to as a type code, that identifies the generic SQL type * <code>SMALLINT</code>. */ public final static int SMALLINT = 5; /** * <P>The constant in the Java programming language, sometimes referred * to as a type code, that identifies the generic SQL type * <code>INTEGER</code>. */ public final static int INTEGER = 4; /** * <P>The constant in the Java programming language, sometimes referred * to as a type code, that identifies the generic SQL type * <code>BIGINT</code>. */ public final static int BIGINT = -5; /** * <P>The constant in the Java programming language, sometimes referred * to as a type code, that identifies the generic SQL type * <code>FLOAT</code>. */ public final static int FLOAT = 6; /** * <P>The constant in the Java programming language, sometimes referred * to as a type code, that identifies the generic SQL type * <code>REAL</code>. */ public final static int REAL = 7; /** * <P>The constant in the Java programming language, sometimes referred * to as a type code, that identifies the generic SQL type * <code>DOUBLE</code>. */ public final static int DOUBLE = 8; /** * <P>The constant in the Java programming language, sometimes referred * to as a type code, that identifies the generic SQL type * <code>NUMERIC</code>. */ public final static int NUMERIC = 2; /** * <P>The constant in the Java programming language, sometimes referred * to as a type code, that identifies the generic SQL type * <code>DECIMAL</code>. */ public final static int DECIMAL = 3; /** * <P>The constant in the Java programming language, sometimes referred * to as a type code, that identifies the generic SQL type * <code>CHAR</code>. */ public final static int CHAR = 1; /** * <P>The constant in the Java programming language, sometimes referred * to as a type code, that identifies the generic SQL type * <code>VARCHAR</code>. */ public final static int VARCHAR = 12; /** * <P>The constant in the Java programming language, sometimes referred * to as a type code, that identifies the generic SQL type * <code>LONGVARCHAR</code>. */ public final static int LONGVARCHAR = -1; /** * <P>The constant in the Java programming language, sometimes referred * to as a type code, that identifies the generic SQL type * <code>DATE</code>. */ public final static int DATE = 91; /** * <P>The constant in the Java programming language, sometimes referred * to as a type code, that identifies the generic SQL type * <code>TIME</code>. */ public final static int TIME = 92; /** * <P>The constant in the Java programming language, sometimes referred * to as a type code, that identifies the generic SQL type * <code>TIMESTAMP</code>. */ public final static int TIMESTAMP = 93; /** * <P>The constant in the Java programming language, sometimes referred * to as a type code, that identifies the generic SQL type * <code>BINARY</code>. */ public final static int BINARY = -2; /** * <P>The constant in the Java programming language, sometimes referred * to as a type code, that identifies the generic SQL type * <code>VARBINARY</code>. */ public final static int VARBINARY = -3; /** * <P>The constant in the Java programming language, sometimes referred * to as a type code, that identifies the generic SQL type * <code>LONGVARBINARY</code>. */ public final static int LONGVARBINARY = -4; /** * <P>The constant in the Java programming language, sometimes referred * to as a type code, that identifies the generic SQL type * <code>NULL</code>. */ public final static int NULL = 0; /** * The constant in the Java programming language that indicates * that the SQL type is database-specific and * gets mapped to a Java object that can be accessed via * the methods <code>getObject</code> and <code>setObject</code>. */ public final static int OTHER = 1111; /** * The constant in the Java programming language, sometimes referred to * as a type code, that identifies the generic SQL type * <code>JAVA_OBJECT</code>. * @since 1.2 */ public final static int JAVA_OBJECT = 2000; /** * The constant in the Java programming language, sometimes referred to * as a type code, that identifies the generic SQL type * <code>DISTINCT</code>. * @since 1.2 */ public final static int DISTINCT = 2001; /** * The constant in the Java programming language, sometimes referred to * as a type code, that identifies the generic SQL type * <code>STRUCT</code>. * @since 1.2 */ public final static int STRUCT = 2002; /** * The constant in the Java programming language, sometimes referred to * as a type code, that identifies the generic SQL type * <code>ARRAY</code>. * @since 1.2 */ public final static int ARRAY = 2003; /** * The constant in the Java programming language, sometimes referred to * as a type code, that identifies the generic SQL type * <code>BLOB</code>. * @since 1.2 */ public final static int BLOB = 2004; /** * The constant in the Java programming language, sometimes referred to * as a type code, that identifies the generic SQL type * <code>CLOB</code>. * @since 1.2 */ public final static int CLOB = 2005; /** * The constant in the Java programming language, sometimes referred to * as a type code, that identifies the generic SQL type * <code>REF</code>. * @since 1.2 */ public final static int REF = 2006; /** * The constant in the Java programming language, somtimes referred to * as a type code, that identifies the generic SQL type <code>DATALINK</code>. * * @since 1.4 */ public final static int DATALINK = 70; /** * The constant in the Java programming language, somtimes referred to * as a type code, that identifies the generic SQL type <code>BOOLEAN</code>. * * @since 1.4 */ public final static int BOOLEAN = 16; public static final int IDSTAMP = CHAR;//TODO is this right? }