package railo.runtime.type.ref; import railo.runtime.PageContext; import railo.runtime.exp.PageException; import railo.runtime.type.Collection; /** * */ public interface Reference { /** * @return returns the value of the Variable * @throws PageException * @deprecated use instead <code>{@link #getKey()}</code> */ public abstract String getKeyAsString() throws PageException; /** * @return returns the value of the Variable * @throws PageException */ public abstract Collection.Key getKey() throws PageException; /** * @param pc PageContext of the actuell Request * @return returns the value of the Variable * @throws PageException */ public abstract Object get(PageContext pc) throws PageException; /** * @param pc PageContext of the actuell Request * @return returns the value of the Variable * @throws PageException */ public abstract Object get(PageContext pc, Object defaultValue); /** * @param pc PageContext of the actuell Request * @param value resets the value of the variable * @return new Value setted * @throws PageException */ public abstract Object set(PageContext pc,Object value) throws PageException; /** * @param pc PageContext of the actuell Request * @param value resets the value of the variable * @return new Value setted * @throws PageException */ public abstract Object setEL(PageContext pc,Object value); /** * clears the variable from collection * @param pc * @return removed Object * @throws PageException */ public abstract Object remove(PageContext pc) throws PageException; /** * clears the variable from collection * @param pc * @return removed Object * @throws PageException */ public abstract Object removeEL(PageContext pc); /** * create it when not exist * @param pc * @return removed Object * @throws PageException */ public abstract Object touch(PageContext pc) throws PageException; /** * create it when not exist * @param pc * @return removed Object * @throws PageException */ public abstract Object touchEL(PageContext pc); /** * @return returns the collection */ public abstract Object getParent(); }