package; import; import; import; /** * Helper methods for file objects */ public final class FileUtil { /** * Field <code>FILE_SEPERATOR</code> */ public static final char FILE_SEPERATOR=File.separatorChar; /** * Field <code>FILE_ANTI_SEPERATOR</code> */ public static final char FILE_ANTI_SEPERATOR=(FILE_SEPERATOR=='/')?'\\':'/'; /** * Field <code>TYPE_DIR</code> */ public static final short TYPE_DIR=0; /** * Field <code>TYPE_FILE</code> */ public static final short TYPE_FILE=1; /** * Field <code>LEVEL_FILE</code> */ public static final short LEVEL_FILE=0; /** * Field <code>LEVEL_PARENT_FILE</code> */ public static final short LEVEL_PARENT_FILE=1; /** * Field <code>LEVEL_GRAND_PARENT_FILE</code> */ public static final short LEVEL_GRAND_PARENT_FILE=2; /** * create a file from path * @param path * @return new File Object */ public static File toFile(String path) { return new File(path.replace(FILE_ANTI_SEPERATOR,FILE_SEPERATOR)); } /** * create a File from parent file and string * @param parent * @param path * @return new File Object */ public static File toFile(File parent, String path) { return new File(parent,path.replace(FILE_ANTI_SEPERATOR,FILE_SEPERATOR)); } /** * create a File from parent file and string * @param parent * @param path * @return new File Object */ public static File toFile(String parent, String path) { return new File( parent.replace(FILE_ANTI_SEPERATOR,FILE_SEPERATOR), path.replace(FILE_ANTI_SEPERATOR,FILE_SEPERATOR)); } /* * * create a file object from a file object (parent) and realpath, in difference to the same constructor * of the File Object this method ignore the diffrent path seperators on the different plattforms * @param parent * @param realpath * @return new FIle Object matching on arguments * / public static File toFile2(File parent, String realpath) { realpath=realpath.replace(FILE_ANTI_SEPERATOR,FILE_SEPERATOR); while(realpath.startsWith("../")) { parent=parent.getParentFile(); realpath=realpath.substring(3); } if(realpath.startsWith("./")) realpath=realpath.substring(2); return FileUtil.toFile(parent,realpath); }*/ /** * translate a URL to a File Object * @param url * @return matching file object * @throws MalformedURLException */ public static final File URLToFile(URL url) throws MalformedURLException { if (!"file".equals(url.getProtocol())) throw new MalformedURLException("URL protocol must be 'file'."); return new File(URIToFilename(url.getFile())); } /** * Fixes a platform dependent filename to standard URI form. * @param str The string to fix. * @return Returns the fixed URI string. */ public static final String URIToFilename(String str) { // Windows fix if (str.length() >= 3) { if (str.charAt(0) == '/' && str.charAt(2) == ':') { char ch1 = Character.toUpperCase(str.charAt(1)); if (ch1 >= 'A' && ch1 <= 'Z') str = str.substring(1); } } // handle platform dependent strings str = str.replace('/',; return str; } }