package railo.commons.lang; import; import; import; import; /** * class to handle characters, similar to StringBuffer, but dont copy big blocks of char arrays. */ public class CharBuffer { private final static int BLOCK_LENGTH = 1024; private char buffer[]; private int pos=0; private int length=0; private final Entity root=new Entity(null); private Entity curr=root; /** * default constructor */ public CharBuffer() { this(BLOCK_LENGTH); } /** * constructor with size of the buffer * @param size */ public CharBuffer(int size) { buffer = new char[size]; } public void append(char c) { append(new char[]{c}); } /** * method to appennd a charr array to the buffer * @param c char array to append */ public void append(char c[]) { int maxlength=buffer.length-pos; if(c.length<maxlength) { System.arraycopy(c, 0, buffer, pos, c.length); pos+=c.length; } else { System.arraycopy(c, 0, buffer, pos, maxlength); Entity(buffer);; length+=buffer.length; buffer=new char[(buffer.length>c.length-maxlength)?buffer.length:c.length-maxlength]; if(c.length>maxlength) { System.arraycopy(c, maxlength, buffer, 0, c.length-maxlength); pos=c.length-maxlength; } else { pos=0; } } } /** * method to append a part of a char array * @param c char array to get part from * @param off start index on the char array * @param len length of the sequenz to get from array */ public void append(char c[], int off, int len) { int restLength=buffer.length-pos; if(len<restLength) { System.arraycopy(c, off, buffer, pos, len); pos+=len; } else { System.arraycopy(c, off, buffer, pos, restLength); Entity(buffer);; length+=buffer.length; buffer=new char[(buffer.length>len-restLength)?buffer.length:len-restLength]; System.arraycopy(c, off+restLength, buffer, 0, len-restLength); pos=len-restLength; } } /** * Method to append a string to char buffer * @param str String to append */ public void append(String str) { if(str==null)return; int restLength=buffer.length-pos; if(str.length()<restLength) { str.getChars(0,str.length(),buffer,pos); pos+=str.length(); } else { str.getChars(0,restLength,buffer,pos); Entity(buffer);; length+=buffer.length; buffer=new char[(buffer.length>str.length()-restLength)?buffer.length:str.length()-restLength]; str.getChars(restLength,str.length(),buffer,0); pos=str.length()-restLength; } } /** * method to append a part of a String * @param str string to get part from * @param off start index on the string * @param len length of the sequenz to get from string */ public void append(String str, int off, int len) { int restLength=buffer.length-pos; if(len<restLength) { str.getChars(off,off+len,buffer,pos); pos+=len; } else { str.getChars(off,off+restLength,buffer,pos); Entity(buffer);; length+=buffer.length; buffer=new char[(buffer.length>len-restLength)?buffer.length:len-restLength]; str.getChars(off+restLength,off+len,buffer,0); pos=len-restLength; } } /** * method to writeout content of the char buffer in a writer, * this is faster than get char array with (toCharArray()) and write this in writer. * @param writer writer to write inside * @throws IOException */ public void writeOut(Writer writer) throws IOException { Entity e=root; while(!=null) {; writer.write(; } writer.write(buffer, 0, pos); } public void writeOut(OutputStream os, String charset) throws IOException { Entity e=root; while(!=null) {; os.write(new String(; } os.write(new String(buffer, 0, pos).getBytes(charset)); } /** * return content of the Char Buffer as char array * @return char array */ public char[] toCharArray() { Entity e=root; char[] chrs=new char[size()]; int off=0; while(!=null) {; System.arraycopy(,0,chrs,off,;; } System.arraycopy(buffer,0,chrs,off,pos); return chrs; } @Override public String toString() { return new String(toCharArray()); } /** * clear the content of the buffer */ public void clear() { if(size()==0)return; buffer = new char[buffer.length];; pos = 0; length=0; curr=root; } /** * @return returns the size of the content of the buffer */ public int size() { return length+pos; } private class Entity { private char[] data; private Entity next; private Entity(char[] data) {; } } public byte[] getBytes(String characterEncoding) throws UnsupportedEncodingException { return toString().getBytes(characterEncoding); } /*public static void main(String[] args) { CharBuffer cb=new CharBuffer(3); cb.append("12"); cb.append("34"); cb.append("5"); cb.append("6"); cb.append("7"); cb.append("890-"); cb.append("1234567890-1234567890-"); cb=new CharBuffer(3); cb.append("12",0,2); cb.append("34",0,2); cb.append("5",0,1); cb.append("xxx6ggg",3,1); cb.append("7zzz",0,1); cb.append("890-",0,4); cb.append("1234567890-1234567890-",0,22); //System.out.println(cb+"->"+cb.size()); cb=new CharBuffer(3); cb.append(new char[]{'1','2'}); cb.append(new char[]{'3','4'}); cb.append(new char[]{'5'}); cb.append(new char[]{'6'}); cb.append(new char[]{'7'}); cb.append(new char[]{'8','9','0','-'}); cb.append(new char[]{'1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','0','-','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','0','-'}); System.out.println(cb+"->"+cb.size()); cb=new CharBuffer(3); cb.append(new char[]{'X','1','2','X'},1,2); cb.append(new char[]{'3','4'},0,2); cb.append(new char[]{'5'},0,1); cb.append(new char[]{'6'},0,1); cb.append(new char[]{'7'},0,1); cb.append(new char[]{'8','9','0','-'},0,4); cb.append(new char[]{'1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','0','-','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','0','-'},0,22); System.out.println(cb+"->"+cb.size()); }*/ }