package railo.runtime.tag; import java.awt.Color; import; import javax.servlet.jsp.JspException; import railo.commons.color.ColorCaster; import; import; import railo.commons.lang.StringUtil; import railo.runtime.exp.ApplicationException; import railo.runtime.exp.ExpressionException; import railo.runtime.exp.PageException; import railo.runtime.ext.tag.TagImpl; import railo.runtime.functions.other.CreateUUID; import railo.runtime.functions.system.ContractPath; import railo.runtime.img.ImageUtil; import railo.runtime.img.MarpleCaptcha; import railo.runtime.op.Caster; import railo.runtime.type.Struct; import railo.runtime.type.util.ArrayUtil; import railo.runtime.type.util.ListUtil; // GetWriteableImageFormats // GetReadableImageFormats /** * Lets you resize and add labels to GIF and JPEG format images. * * * **/ public final class Image extends TagImpl { private static int ACTION_BORDER=0; private static int ACTION_CAPTCHA=1; private static int ACTION_CONVERT=2; private static int ACTION_INFO=3; private static int ACTION_READ=4; private static int ACTION_RESIZE=5; private static int ACTION_ROTATE=6; private static int ACTION_WRITE=7; private static int ACTION_WRITE_TO_BROWSER=8; private int action=ACTION_READ; private String strAction="read"; private int angle=-1; private Color color=Color.BLACK; private Resource destination; private int difficulty=MarpleCaptcha.DIFFICULTY_LOW; private String[] fonts=new String[]{"arial"}; private int fontsize=24; private String format="png"; private String height; private String width; private boolean isbase64; private String name; private boolean overwrite; private float quality=.75F; private Object oSource; private railo.runtime.img.Image source; private String structName; private String text; private int thickness=1; private String passthrough; private boolean base64; @Override public void release() { super.release(); action=ACTION_READ; strAction="read"; angle=-1; color=Color.BLACK; destination=null; difficulty=MarpleCaptcha.DIFFICULTY_LOW; fonts=new String[]{"arial"}; fontsize=24; format="png"; height=null; width=null; isbase64=false; name=null; overwrite=false; quality=0.75F; source=null; oSource=null; structName=null; text=null; thickness=1; passthrough=null; base64=false; } /** * @param action the action to set * @throws ApplicationException */ public void setAction(String strAction) throws ApplicationException { this.strAction = strAction; strAction=strAction.trim().toLowerCase(); if(StringUtil.isEmpty(strAction))action=ACTION_READ; else if("border".equals(strAction))action=ACTION_BORDER; else if("captcha".equals(strAction))action=ACTION_CAPTCHA; else if("convert".equals(strAction))action=ACTION_CONVERT; else if("info".equals(strAction))action=ACTION_INFO; else if("read".equals(strAction))action=ACTION_READ; else if("resize".equals(strAction))action=ACTION_RESIZE; else if("rotate".equals(strAction))action=ACTION_ROTATE; else if("write".equals(strAction))action=ACTION_WRITE; else if("writetobrowser".equals(strAction))action=ACTION_WRITE_TO_BROWSER; else if("write-to-browser".equals(strAction))action=ACTION_WRITE_TO_BROWSER; else if("write_to_browser".equals(strAction))action=ACTION_WRITE_TO_BROWSER; else throw new ApplicationException("invalid action ["+this.strAction+"], " + "valid actions are [border,captcha,convert,info,read,resize,rotate,write,writeToBrowser]"); } /** * @param base64 the base64 to set */ public void setBase64(boolean base64) { this.base64 = base64; } /** * @param angle the angle to set */ public void setAngle(double angle) { this.angle = (int) angle; } /** * @param color the color to set * @throws ExpressionException */ public void setColor(String strColor) throws ExpressionException { this.color = ColorCaster.toColor(strColor); } /** * @param destination the destination to set */ public void setDestination(String destination) { this.destination = ResourceUtil.toResourceNotExisting(pageContext, destination); } /** * @param difficulty the difficulty to set * @throws ApplicationException */ public void setDifficulty(String strDifficulty) throws ApplicationException { strDifficulty=strDifficulty.trim().toLowerCase(); if(StringUtil.isEmpty(strDifficulty)) difficulty=MarpleCaptcha.DIFFICULTY_LOW; else if("low".equals(strDifficulty)) difficulty=MarpleCaptcha.DIFFICULTY_LOW; else if("medium".equals(strDifficulty)) difficulty=MarpleCaptcha.DIFFICULTY_MEDIUM; else if("high".equals(strDifficulty)) difficulty=MarpleCaptcha.DIFFICULTY_HIGH; else throw new ApplicationException("invalid difficulty level ["+strDifficulty+"], " + "valid difficulty level are [low,medium,high]"); } /** * @param fonts the fonts to set * @throws PageException */ public void setFonts(String fontList) throws PageException { fonts=ArrayUtil.trim(ListUtil.toStringArray(ListUtil.listToArray(fontList, ','))); } /** * @param passthrough the passthrough to set */ public void setPassthrough(String passthrough) { this.passthrough = passthrough; } /** * @param fontsize the fontsize to set */ public void setFontsize(double fontsize) { this.fontsize = (int) fontsize; } /** * @param format the format to set * @throws ApplicationException */ public void setFormat(String format) throws ApplicationException { format=format.trim().toLowerCase(); if("gif".equalsIgnoreCase(format)) this.format = "gif"; else if("jpg".equalsIgnoreCase(format)) this.format = "jpg"; else if("jpe".equalsIgnoreCase(format)) this.format = "jpg"; else if("jpeg".equalsIgnoreCase(format))this.format = "jpg"; else if("png".equalsIgnoreCase(format)) this.format = "png"; else if("tiff".equalsIgnoreCase(format))this.format = "tiff"; else if("bmp".equalsIgnoreCase(format)) this.format = "bmp"; else throw new ApplicationException("invalid format ["+format+"], " + "valid formats are [gif,jpg,png,tiff,bmp]"); } /** * @param height the height to set */ public void setHeight(String height) { this.height = height; } /** * @param width the width to set */ public void setWidth(String width) { this.width = width; } /** * @param isbase64 the isbase64 to set */ public void setIsbase64(boolean isbase64) { this.isbase64 = isbase64; } /** * @param name the name to set */ public void setName(String name) { = name; } /** * @param overwrite the overwrite to set */ public void setOverwrite(boolean overwrite) { this.overwrite = overwrite; } /** * @param quality the quality to set * @throws ApplicationException */ public void setQuality(double quality) throws ApplicationException { this.quality = (float) quality; if(quality<0 || quality>1) throw new ApplicationException("quality ("+Caster.toString(quality)+") has to be a value between 0 and 1"); } /** * @param source the source to set * @throws PageException */ public void setSource(Object source) { this.oSource=source; // this.source=railo.runtime.img.Image.createImage(pageContext, source, false, false); } /** * @param structName the structName to set */ public void setStructname(String structName) { this.structName = structName; } /** * @param structName the structName to set */ public void setResult(String structName) { this.structName = structName; } /** * @param text the text to set */ public void setText(String text) { this.text = text; } /** * @param thickness the thickness to set */ public void setThickness(double thickness) { this.thickness = (int) thickness; } @Override public int doStartTag() throws JspException { try { if(this.oSource!=null){ if(isbase64) this.source=new railo.runtime.img.Image(Caster.toString(oSource)); else this.source=railo.runtime.img.Image.createImage(pageContext, oSource, false, false,true,null); } if(action==ACTION_BORDER) doActionBorder(); else if(action==ACTION_CAPTCHA) doActionCaptcha(); else if(action==ACTION_CONVERT) doActionConvert(); else if(action==ACTION_INFO) doActionInfo(); else if(action==ACTION_READ) doActionRead(); else if(action==ACTION_RESIZE) doActionResize(); else if(action==ACTION_ROTATE) doActionRotate(); else if(action==ACTION_WRITE) doActionWrite(); else if(action==ACTION_WRITE_TO_BROWSER) doActionWriteToBrowser(); } catch(Throwable t) { throw Caster.toPageException(t); } return SKIP_BODY; } // Add a border to an image private void doActionBorder() throws PageException, IOException { required("source", source); source.addBorder(thickness,color,railo.runtime.img.Image.BORDER_TYPE_CONSTANT); write(); } // Create a CAPTCHA image private void doActionCaptcha() throws PageException, IOException { required("height", height); required("width", width); required("text", text); boolean doRenderHtmlTag = ( destination == null ); String path=null; // create destination if(StringUtil.isEmpty(name))path=touchDestination(); MarpleCaptcha c=new MarpleCaptcha(); source=new railo.runtime.img.Image(c.generate(text, Caster.toIntValue(width),Caster.toIntValue(height), fonts, true, Color.BLACK,fontsize, difficulty)); // link destination if ( doRenderHtmlTag ) writeLink( path ); // write out write(); } private void writeLink(String path) throws IOException, PageException { String add=""; if(passthrough!=null) { add=" "+passthrough; } if(base64) { String b64 = source.getBase64String(format); pageContext.write("<img src=\"data:image/"+ImageUtil.getMimeTypeFromFormat(format)+";base64,"+b64+"\" width=\""+source.getWidth()+"\" height=\""+source.getHeight()+"\""+add+" />"); return; } pageContext.write("<img src=\""+path+"\" width=\""+source.getWidth()+"\" height=\""+source.getHeight()+"\""+add+" />"); } private String touchDestination() throws IOException { if(destination==null) { String"."+format; Resource folder = pageContext.getConfig().getTempDirectory().getRealResource("graph"); if(!folder.exists())folder.createDirectory(true); destination = folder.getRealResource(name); cleanOld(folder); // create path String cp = pageContext.getHttpServletRequest().getContextPath(); if(StringUtil.isEmpty(cp)) cp=""; return cp+"/railo-context/graph.cfm?img="+name+"&type="+(ListUtil.last(ImageUtil.getMimeTypeFromFormat(format),'/').trim()); } return, destination.getAbsolutePath()); } private static void cleanOld(Resource folder) throws IOException { if(!folder.exists())folder.createDirectory(true); else if(folder.isDirectory() && ResourceUtil.getRealSize(folder)>(1024*1024)) { Resource[] children = folder.listResources(); long maxAge=System.currentTimeMillis()-(1000*60); for(int i=0;i<children.length;i++) { if(children[i].lastModified()<maxAge) children[i].delete(); } } } // Convert an image file format private void doActionConvert() throws PageException, IOException { required("source", source); required("destination", destination); source.convert(ImageUtil.getFormat(destination)); write(); } // Retrieve information about an image private void doActionInfo() throws PageException { required("source",source); required("structname",structName); pageContext.setVariable(structName,; } private Struct doActionInfo(railo.runtime.img.Image source) throws PageException { return; } // Read an image into memory private void doActionRead() throws PageException { required("source",source); required("name",name); pageContext.setVariable(name, source); } // Resize an image private void doActionResize() throws PageException, IOException { required("source", source); //Info i = new Info(source); /*int w = toDimension("width",width,i); int h = toDimension("height",height,i); if(w==-1 && h==-1) throw new ApplicationException("Missing attribute [width or height]. The action ["+strAction+"] requires the attribute [width or height]."); */ source.resize(width,height,"highestquality",1D); write(); } // Rotate an image private void doActionRotate() throws PageException, IOException { required("source",source); required("angle",angle,-1); source.rotate(-1, -1, angle, railo.runtime.img.Image.INTERPOLATION_NONE); write(); } // Write an image to a file private void doActionWrite() throws ApplicationException, IOException, ExpressionException { required("source", source); required("destination", destination); source.writeOut(destination,overwrite,quality); } // Write an image to the browser private void doActionWriteToBrowser() throws IOException, PageException { required("source", source); String path=null; // create destination if(!base64 || !StringUtil.isEmpty(name)) { path=touchDestination(); write(); } // link destination if(StringUtil.isEmpty(name))writeLink(path); } private void required(String label, Object value) throws ApplicationException { if(value==null) throw new ApplicationException("Missing attribute ["+label+"]. The action ["+strAction+"] requires the attribute [" + label + "]."); //throw new ApplicationException("missing attribute ["+label+"], for the action ["+strAction+"] this attribute is required but was not passed in"); } private void required(String label, int value,int nullValue) throws ApplicationException { if(value==nullValue) throw new ApplicationException("Missing attribute ["+label+"]. The action ["+strAction+"] requires the attribute [" + label + "]."); //throw new ApplicationException("missing attribute ["+label+"], for the action ["+strAction+"] this attribute is required but was not passed in"); } private void write() throws IOException, PageException { if(destination!=null) { doActionWrite(); } if(!StringUtil.isEmpty(name)) { required("source", source); pageContext.setVariable(name, source);// TODO ist das so gut } //if(writeToResponseWhenNoOtherTarget) doActionWriteToBrowser(); } class Info { Struct struct; private railo.runtime.img.Image img; public Info(railo.runtime.img.Image img) { this.img=img; } /** * @return the sct * @throws PageException */ public Struct getStruct() throws PageException { if(struct==null) struct=doActionInfo(img); return struct; } } private int toDimension(String label, String dimension, Info info) throws PageException { if(StringUtil.isEmpty(dimension)) return -1; dimension=dimension.trim(); // int value int i=Caster.toIntValue(dimension,-1); if(i>-1) return i; // percent value if(StringUtil.endsWith(dimension, '%')) { float pro=Caster.toIntValue( dimension.substring(0,dimension.length()-1).trim(), -1); if(pro<0 || pro>100) throw new ExpressionException("attribute ["+label+"] value has an invalid percent definition ["+dimension+"]"); pro/=100F; return (int)(Caster.toFloatValue(info.getStruct().get(label))*pro); } throw new ExpressionException("attribute ["+label+"] value has an invalid definition ["+dimension+"]"); } }