package com.jopdesign.wcet.annotations; import java.math.BigInteger; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.bcel.Constants; import org.apache.bcel.classfile.Constant; import org.apache.bcel.classfile.ConstantInteger; import org.apache.bcel.classfile.ConstantLong; import org.apache.bcel.classfile.ConstantPool; import org.apache.bcel.classfile.ConstantValue; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import com.jopdesign.common.ClassInfo; import com.jopdesign.common.FieldInfo; import com.jopdesign.common.code.ExecutionContext; import com.jopdesign.common.graphutils.Pair; /** * <p>Loop Bound Expressions</p> * We currently support the following loop bound expressions: * <ul> * <li/>{@code expr := IntervalExpr lb ub} with {@code lb,ub := LInteger } <br/> * Evaluates to [lb,ub], which corresponds to the set of integers <br/> * { x | lb <= x < ub } * <li/>{@code expr := ConstRefExpr field} with {@code field := MemberID } <br/> * Evaluates to the singleton set [c,c], if c is the constant value of * field found in the classfile * <li/>{@code expr := PrimOpExpr BitLength subexpr} <br/> * If subexpr evaluates to [lb,ub], it evaluates to the set * {@code [bitlength(lb), bitlength(ub)]} <br/> * The bitlength is the number of bits needed to represent a number * in a standard 2-complements encoding, or equivalently <br/> * {@code floor(log(x) / log(2)) + 1} * <li/>{@code expr := PrimOpExpr BinOp expr1 expr2} <br/> * Standard operations in the interval domain: addition, subtraction, * multiplication, integer division, intersection and union <br/> * We currently do not support maximum or minimum, as in most situations, * what you really mean is {@code union} (The maximum of the * upper bound and the minimum of the lower bound) or {@code intersection} * (The minum of the lower bound and the maximum of the upper bound) * </ul> * @author Benedikt Huber <> * */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public abstract class LoopBoundExpr { public static enum ExprType { LITERAL, CONST_REF, ARG_REF, PRIM_OP }; public static enum PrimOp { BIT_LENGTH, /* bit scan reverse (index of most-significant 1 bit) */ INTERSECT, UNION, ADD, SUB, MUL, IDIV }; public static class LInteger extends Number { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private BigInteger repr; public LInteger(long val) { repr = new BigInteger(""+val); } public LInteger(String val) { if(val == null) throw new AssertionError("LInteger((String)null)"); repr = new BigInteger(val); } private LInteger(BigInteger repr) { this.repr = repr; } @Override public double doubleValue() { if(isInfinite()) return Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; else return repr.doubleValue(); } @Override public float floatValue() { return (float)repr.doubleValue(); } @Override public int intValue() { if(isInfinite()) throw new ArithmeticException("cannot convert infinity to int"); return repr.intValue(); } @Override public long longValue() { if(isInfinite()) throw new ArithmeticException("cannot convert infinity to long"); return repr.longValue(); } public boolean isInfinite() { return repr == null; } public boolean isNegative() { if(isInfinite()) return false; return repr.signum() < 0; } public LInteger add(LInteger other) { if(this.isInfinite()) return INFINITY; if(other.isInfinite()) return INFINITY; return new LInteger(repr.add(other.repr)); } public LInteger subtract(LInteger other) { if(other.isInfinite()) throw new ArithmeticException("x - infinity is undefined in the loop bound domain"); if(this.isInfinite()) return INFINITY; return new LInteger(repr.subtract(other.repr)); } public LInteger multiply(LInteger other) { if(this.isInfinite() || other.isInfinite()) return INFINITY; return new LInteger(repr.multiply(other.repr)); } public LInteger divide(LInteger other) { if(other.isInfinite()) throw new ArithmeticException("division by infinity"); if(other.repr.intValue() == 0) throw new ArithmeticException("division by zero"); if(this.isInfinite()) return INFINITY; return new LInteger(repr.divide(other.repr)); } public LInteger min(LInteger other) { if(other.isInfinite()) return this; if(this.isInfinite()) return other; return new LInteger(repr.min(other.repr)); } public LInteger max(LInteger other) { if(this.isInfinite() || other.isInfinite()) return INFINITY; return new LInteger(repr.max(other.repr)); } public int compareTo(LInteger other) { if(this.isInfinite()) { if(other.isInfinite()) return 0; else return 1; } else if(other.isInfinite()) { return -1; } else { return this.repr.compareTo(other.repr); } } @Override public String toString() { if(isInfinite()) return "inf"; return repr.toString(10); } public LInteger bitLength() { if(isInfinite()) return this; return new LInteger(repr.bitLength()); } } public static final LInteger ZERO = new LInteger(0); public static final LInteger INFINITY = new LInteger((BigInteger)null); public static final LoopBoundExpr ANY = new IntervalExpr(ZERO, INFINITY); public static final Pair<LInteger,LInteger> ANY_VALUE = ANY.constValue(null); protected ExprType type; /** Value of an expression, or ANY if no constant interval for the expression * can be calculated. * @param ctx If the loop bound refers to the source code (e.g., constant fields) * or results from the value analysis (e.g., the interval of an argument), * the context is needed to calculate a constant bound. Is allowed to be null * if no context is available */ public abstract Pair<LInteger, LInteger> constValue(ExecutionContext ctx); /** Constant loop upper bound, or null if no (independent) constant upper bound is known */ public Long upperBound(ExecutionContext ctx) { Pair<LInteger, LInteger> cv = constValue(ctx); if(cv.second().isInfinite()) return null; return cv.second().longValue(); } /** Constant loop lower bound */ public Long lowerBound(ExecutionContext ctx) { Pair<LInteger, LInteger> cv = constValue(ctx); if(cv == null) return 0L; return cv.first().longValue(); } public LoopBoundExpr(ExprType ty) { this.type = ty; } public static IntervalExpr numericBound(long lb, long ub) { return new IntervalExpr(new LInteger(lb), new LInteger(ub)); } public static IntervalExpr numericBound(String lb, String ub) { return new IntervalExpr(new LInteger(lb), new LInteger(ub)); } public static IntervalExpr numUpperBound(long ub) { return new IntervalExpr(ZERO, new LInteger(ub)); } public static IntervalExpr numUpperBound(String ub) { return new IntervalExpr(ZERO, new LInteger(ub)); } private static final Map<String,PrimOp> ASSOCIATIVE_BIN_OPS = buildAssociativeBinopMap(); private static Map<String,PrimOp> buildAssociativeBinopMap() { HashMap<String, PrimOp> map = new HashMap<String, PrimOp>(); map.put("sum", PrimOp.ADD); map.put("product", PrimOp.MUL); map.put("union", PrimOp.UNION); map.put("intersection", PrimOp.INTERSECT); return map; } static LoopBoundExpr builtInFunction(String ident, List<LoopBoundExpr> args) { if(ident.equals("bitlength")) { return new PrimOpExpr(PrimOp.BIT_LENGTH, args, 1) { @Override protected Pair evaluatePrimOp(List<Pair<LInteger, LInteger>> args) { /* Minimum number of bits in minimal two-bit complement representation */ /* For positive numbers, this is bitwidth(x) - clz(x) */ Pair<LInteger, LInteger> n = args.get(0); if(n.first().compareTo(ZERO) < 0) { throw new ArithmeticException("bit-length of negative number"); } return new Pair<LInteger,LInteger>(n.first().bitLength(), n.second().bitLength()); } }; } else if(ASSOCIATIVE_BIN_OPS.containsKey(ident)) { /* associative bin-op */ Iterator<LoopBoundExpr> argIter = args.iterator(); if(! argIter.hasNext()) { throw new ArithmeticException("LoopBound expression: Empty "+ident+" (probably not intended)"); } LoopBoundExpr r =; while(argIter.hasNext()) { r = r.binOp(ASSOCIATIVE_BIN_OPS.get(ident),; } return r; } throw new ArithmeticException("Unsupported prim-op: "+ident); } static LoopBoundExpr constRef(ArrayList<String> memberIDs) { return new ConstRefExpr(memberIDs); } static LoopBoundExpr argRef(String arg, ArrayList<String> memberIDs) { throw new AssertionError("Unimplemented: LoopBoundExpr#argRef"); } public LoopBoundExpr relaxLowerBound(long lb) { return union(numericBound(lb,lb)); } public LoopBoundExpr add(LoopBoundExpr other) { return new PrimOpExpr(PrimOp.ADD, this, other) { protected Pair evaluatePrimOp(List<Pair<LInteger,LInteger>> args) { Pair<LInteger, LInteger> n1 = args.get(0); Pair<LInteger, LInteger> n2 = args.get(1); return new Pair(n1.first().add(n2.first()), n1.second().add(n2.second())); } }; } public LoopBoundExpr subtract(LoopBoundExpr other) { return new PrimOpExpr(PrimOp.SUB, this, other) { protected Pair evaluatePrimOp(List<Pair<LInteger,LInteger>> args) { Pair<LInteger, LInteger> n1 = args.get(0); Pair<LInteger, LInteger> n2 = args.get(1); return new Pair(n1.first().subtract(n2.second()), n1.second().subtract(n2.first())); } }; } public LoopBoundExpr mul(LoopBoundExpr other) { return new PrimOpExpr(PrimOp.MUL, this, other) { protected Pair evaluatePrimOp(List<Pair<LInteger,LInteger>> args) { Pair<LInteger, LInteger> n1 = args.get(0); Pair<LInteger, LInteger> n2 = args.get(1); if(n1.first().isNegative()) throw new AssertionError("Multiplication with negative number"); if(n2.first().isNegative()) throw new AssertionError("Multiplication with negative number"); return new Pair(n1.first().multiply(n2.first()), n1.second().multiply(n2.second())); } }; } public LoopBoundExpr idiv(LoopBoundExpr other) { return new PrimOpExpr(PrimOp.MUL, this, other) { protected Pair evaluatePrimOp(List<Pair<LInteger,LInteger>> args) { Pair<LInteger, LInteger> n1 = args.get(0); Pair<LInteger, LInteger> n2 = args.get(1); if(n1.first().isNegative()) throw new AssertionError("Integer Division with negative number"); if(n2.first().isNegative()) throw new AssertionError("Integer Division with negative number"); return new Pair(n1.first().divide(n2.second()), n1.second().divide(n2.first())); } }; } public LoopBoundExpr intersect(LoopBoundExpr other) { if(other == null) return this; return new PrimOpExpr(PrimOp.INTERSECT, this, other) { protected Pair evaluatePrimOp(List<Pair<LInteger,LInteger>> args) { Pair<LInteger, LInteger> n1 = args.get(0); Pair<LInteger, LInteger> n2 = args.get(1); if(n2.second().compareTo(n1.first()) < 0 && n2.second().compareTo(n2.first()) < 0) { throw new AssertionError("Empty Interval-Intersection (probably a bug)"); } return new Pair(n1.first().max(n2.first()), n1.second().min(n2.second())); } }; } public LoopBoundExpr union(LoopBoundExpr other) { return new PrimOpExpr(PrimOp.UNION, this, other) { protected Pair evaluatePrimOp(List<Pair<LInteger,LInteger>> args) { Pair<LInteger, LInteger> n1 = args.get(0); Pair<LInteger, LInteger> n2 = args.get(1); return new Pair(n1.first().min(n2.first()), n1.second().max(n2.second())); } }; } /* generic binop */ public LoopBoundExpr binOp(PrimOp op, LoopBoundExpr other) { switch(op) { case ADD: return add(other); case SUB: return subtract(other); case MUL: return mul(other); case IDIV: return idiv(other); case UNION: return union(other); case INTERSECT: return intersect(other); default: throw new ArithmeticException("Not a binary op: "+op); } } public static class IntervalExpr extends LoopBoundExpr { private LInteger lb, ub; private IntervalExpr(LInteger lb, LInteger ub) { super(ExprType.LITERAL); = lb; this.ub = ub; } /* Value of a constant expression, or null if the expression is not constant */ public Pair<LInteger, LInteger> constValue(ExecutionContext _) { return new Pair<LInteger, LInteger>(lb,ub); } @Override public String toString() { if(lb.compareTo(ub) == 0) return ub.toString(); return "["+lb.toString()+","+ub.toString()+"]"; } } public abstract static class PrimOpExpr extends LoopBoundExpr { private PrimOp op; private List<LoopBoundExpr> args; private PrimOpExpr(PrimOp op) { super(ExprType.PRIM_OP); this.op = op; this.args = new ArrayList<LoopBoundExpr>(); } private PrimOpExpr(PrimOp binOp, LoopBoundExpr m1, LoopBoundExpr m2) { this(binOp); args.add(m1); args.add(m2); } private PrimOpExpr(PrimOp op, List<LoopBoundExpr> args, int expectedArgs) { super(ExprType.PRIM_OP); if(args.size() != expectedArgs) { throw new ArithmeticException("Bad number of operands for "+op); } this.op = op; this.args = new ArrayList<LoopBoundExpr>(args); } /* Value of a constant expression, or null if the expression is not constant */ @Override public Pair<LInteger, LInteger> constValue(ExecutionContext ctx) { List<Pair<LInteger,LInteger>> constArgs = new ArrayList<Pair<LInteger,LInteger>>(); for(LoopBoundExpr a : args) { Pair<LInteger, LInteger> n = a.constValue(ctx); if(n == null) n = ANY_VALUE; constArgs.add(n); } return evalInterval(constArgs); } public Pair<LInteger, LInteger> evalInterval(List<Pair<LInteger, LInteger>> args) { Pair<LInteger,LInteger> r = evaluatePrimOp(args); if(r.first().compareTo(r.second()) > 0) throw new AssertionError("Interval Arithmetic: lb > ub ?"); return r; } protected abstract Pair<LInteger, LInteger> evaluatePrimOp(List<Pair<LInteger,LInteger>> args); @Override public String toString() { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(""+op+"("); boolean first = true; for(LoopBoundExpr a : args) { if(!first) sb.append(", "); sb.append(a.toString()); first = false; } sb.append(")"); return sb.toString(); } } public static class ConstRefExpr extends LoopBoundExpr { private String className; private String fieldName; public ConstRefExpr(ArrayList<String> memberIdentParts) { super(ExprType.CONST_REF); int i; StringBuffer className = new StringBuffer(); for(i = 0; i < memberIdentParts.size() - 1; i++) { if(i!=0) className.append("."); className.append(memberIdentParts.get(i)); } this.className = className.toString(); this.fieldName = memberIdentParts.get(memberIdentParts.size()-1); } @Override public Pair<LInteger, LInteger> constValue(ExecutionContext ctx) { ClassInfo ci; if(className.equals("")) { ci = ctx.getMethodInfo().getClassInfo(); } else { ci = ctx.getMethodInfo().getAppInfo().getClassInfo(className); } FieldInfo fieldInfo = ci.getFieldInfo(fieldName); if(fieldInfo == null) { Logger.getLogger(this.getClass()).error("Loop Bound Expression: Cannot find information on constant value "+toString()); return ANY_VALUE; } ConstantValue cv = fieldInfo.getField().getConstantValue(); if(cv == null) { Logger.getLogger(this.getClass()).error("Loop Bound Expression: Cannot find information on constant value "+toString()); return ANY_VALUE; } Long value = getLongConstant(cv); if(value == null) { Logger.getLogger(this.getClass()).error("Loop Bound Expression: Bad constant value (not an integer): "+toString()); return ANY_VALUE; } return new Pair<LInteger,LInteger>(new LInteger(value), new LInteger(value)); } /** Get constant value as long. Adapted from BCEL's ConstantValue#toString() */ private Long getLongConstant(ConstantValue cv) { ConstantPool cp = cv.getConstantPool(); int cpix = cv.getConstantValueIndex(); Constant c = cp.getConstant(cpix); switch (c.getTag()) { case Constants.CONSTANT_Integer: return new Long(((ConstantInteger) c).getBytes()); case Constants.CONSTANT_Long: return ((ConstantLong) c).getBytes(); default: return null; } } @Override public String toString() { return (className.length() > 0 ? (this.className+".") : "")+this.fieldName; } } } // case MAX: // /* [a,b] `max` [c,d] = [a `max` c, b `max` d] */ // lb = n1.first().max(n2.first()); // ub = ub1.max(n2.second()); // break; // case MIN: // /* [a,b] `min` [c,d] = [a `min` c, b `min` d] */ // lb = n1.first().min(n2.first()); // ub = ub1.min(n2.second()); // break;