package hwScopeEx.nbody; import java.util.Random; import com.jopdesign.sys.Memory; /* * Scoped version of the N-Body simulation from classical mechanics. It is a "brute-force" * simulation in the sense that the algorithm to calculate the resulting force of each body is * not optimized (anyway that is not the goal of this example). Of course, drawback is that * it is a slow simulation, proportional to the N*N. * * Number of aastore references are in the order of 6*N*steps */ public class NBodyScoped { /* * Number of bodies in simulation */ final static int N = 2; final static int steps = 100; final static int DIMENSIONS = 2; final static int ITERATIONS = 5; public static double time; /* * Constants to count reference access */ // public static boolean COUNT_REF = false; // public static int PUTFIELD_COUNT = 0; // public static int PUTSTATIC_COUNT = 0; // public static int AASTORE_COUNT = 0; final static boolean SHW_DETAILS = false; /* * Gravitational constant */ final static float G = (float) 6.67e-11; /* * An array of N bodies. It will be used to make extensive * references to the array from a nested scope region. */ //BodyScoped[] ab; BodyScoped_2[] ab; static final int M_SIZE = 4096; static final int S_SIZE = 512; NBodyScoped(){ init(); } public void init(){ /* * Initialize the array of bodies */ // double[][] p = {{-0.5, 0}, {0.5, 0}}; // double[][] s = {{0, 0}, {0, 0}}; // double[][] a = {{0, 0}, {0, 0}}; // // double[][] p = new double[N][2]; // double[][] s = new double[N][2]; // double[][] a = new double[N][2]; float[][] p = new float[N][2]; float[][] s = new float[N][2]; float[][] a = new float[N][2]; /* * i = body number * j = dimension (x,y,z,....) */ Random rand = new Random(); for(int i = 0; i < N; i++){ for(int j=0; j<DIMENSIONS; j++){ p[i][j] = rand.nextFloat(); s[i][j] = 0; a[i][j] = 0; } } //ab = new BodyScoped[N]; ab = new BodyScoped_2[N]; for(int i = 0; i < N; i++){ ab[i] = new BodyScoped_2(p[i], s[i], a[i],10000000); //ab[i] = new BodyScoped(p[i], s[i], a[i],10000000); } }; public static void main(String args[]){ NBodyScoped nBodySc = new NBodyScoped(); //NBodyCalc nBodyCalc = new NBodyCalc(nBodySc.ab); NBodyCalc_2 nBodyCalc = new NBodyCalc_2(nBodySc.ab); Memory m = Memory.getCurrentMemory(); //; // COUNT_REF = true; m.enterPrivateMemory(512, nBodyCalc); double total_time = time/ITERATIONS; System.out.println("---------- Simulation results after t = "+steps+" steps ----------"); System.out.println("---------- Number of bodies: "+N+"----------"); System.out.println("---------- Elapsed time: " + total_time + "----------"); // System.out.println("---------- Static refs: " + PUTSTATIC_COUNT + "----------"); // System.out.println("---------- Field refs: " + PUTFIELD_COUNT + "----------"); // System.out.println("---------- Array refs: " + AASTORE_COUNT + "----------"); // if(SHW_DETAILS){ // // for(int p=0; p<N;p++){ // // System.out.println(); // System.out.println("---------- Body " +p+ "----------"); // System.out.println("Force in x : "+nBodySc.ab[p].Force[1]); // System.out.println("Force in y : "+nBodySc.ab[p].Force[2]); // // System.out.println("Speed in x : "+nBodySc.ab[p].speed[0]); // System.out.println("Speed in y : "+nBodySc.ab[p].speed[1]); // // System.out.println("Position in x : "+nBodySc.ab[p].position[0]); // System.out.println("Position in y : "+nBodySc.ab[p].position[1]); // } // } } }