package wcet.mrtc; /** * Simple iterative Fibonacci calculation used to calculate fib(30). * * WCET aspect: Parameter-dependent function, single-nested loop. * * Ported from C code written by Sung-Soo Lim for the SNU-RT benchmark suite with * modifications by Jan Gustafsson. See <a * href="">Maelardalen WCET * Benchmarks</a>. */ public class Fibonacci { public int fib(int n) { int i, fNew, fOld, temp; fNew = 1; fOld = 0; //@LoopBound(max=29) for (i = 2; i <= 30 && i <= n; i++) { // @WCA loop=29 temp = fNew; fNew = fNew + fOld; fOld = temp; } return fNew; } public static void main(String[] args) { Fibonacci f = new Fibonacci(); f.fib(30); } }