package wcet.dsvmfp.model.smo.kernel; /* FP version 3.1 Copyright (c) 2004 Andre de Leiradella <> This program is licensed under the Artistic License. See for details. Uses parts or ideas from FPMath. FPMath is copyright (c) 2001 Beartronics and is authored by Henry Minsky. Uses parts or ideas from oMathFP. oMathFP is copyright (c) 2004 Dan Carter. */ public class FloatUtil { private static Error overflow = new Error("FP.intToFp:Overflow"); // public static int HALF; // // public static int ONE; // // public static int TWO; // // public static int PI; // // public static int E; // // public static int MAX; // // public static int MIN; // // private static byte[] gP; // // private static byte[] gA; private static StringBuffer gB; public static final float HALF = 0.5f; public static final float ONE = 1.0f; public static final float TWO = 2.0f; public static final float PI = 3.14f; public static final float E = 2.781f; public static final float MAX = 2147483647.0f; public static final float MIN = -2147483648.0f; private static byte[] gP = new byte[21]; private static byte[] gA = new byte[21]; private static final int fpfact[] = { 1<<16, 1<<16, 2<<16, 6<<16, 24<<16, 120<<16, 720<<16, 5040<<16, 40320<<16 }; // private static StringBuffer gB = new StringBuffer(23); // Don't use private FloatUtil() { } // public static void init() { // HALF = 32768; // ONE = 65536; // TWO = 131072; // PI = 205887; // E = 178145; // MAX = 2147483647; // MIN = -2147483648; // gP = new byte[21]; // gA = new byte[21]; // // } public static int fpToInt(int f) { return f >> 16; } public static float intToFp(int i) { return (float)i; } public static float add(float f1, float f2) { return f1 + f2; } public static float sub(float f1, float f2) { return f1 - f2; } public static float mul(float f1, float f2) { return f1 * f2; // int res; // res = ((f1 >> 16) * (f2 >> 16)) << 16; //AH*BH // res += ((f1 >> 16) * (f2 & 0x0000FFFF)) ; //AH*BL // res += ((f1 & 0x0000FFFF) * (f2 >> 16)) ; //AL*BH // res += ((f1 & 0x0000FFFF) * (f2 & 0x0000FFFF)) >> 16; //AL*BL // // return res; } public static float div(float f1, float f2) { return f2 == 0.0f ? 0 : f1 / f2; } public static int mod(int f1, int f2) { return f1 % f2; } public static float min(float f1, float f2) { return f1 < f2 ? f1 : f2; } public static float max(float f1, float f2) { return f1 > f2 ? f1 : f2; } public static float sqrt(float f) { return -1; } public static int round(int f) { return f < 0 ? -((-f + 32768) & ~0xFFFF) : (f + 32768) & ~0xFFFF; } public static int ceil(int f) { if ((f & 0xFFFF) == 0) return f; return (f & ~0xFFFF) + (f < 0 ? 0 : 65536); } public static int floor(int f) { if ((f & 0xFFFF) == 0) return f; return (f & ~0xFFFF) + (f < 0 ? 65536 : 0); } public static int trunc(int f) { return f < 0 ? -(-f & ~0xFFFF) : f & ~0xFFFF; } public static int frac(int f) { return (f < 0 ? -f : f) & 0xFFFF; } public static int sin(int f) { boolean neg; f = (f % 411774); if (neg = f < 0) f = -f; if (f < 102943) { ; } else if (f < 205887) { f = (205887 - f); } else if (f < 308830) { f = (f - 205887); neg = !neg; } else { f = (411774 - f); neg = !neg; } int g = ((int) ((((long) f) * ((long) f)) >> 16)); g = ((int) ((((long) f) * (65536 + ((((long) g) * (((((long) g) * ((long) 498)) >> 16) - 10881)) >> 16))) >> 16)); return neg ? -g : g; } public static int cos(int f) { return sin(f + 102943); } public static int tan(int f) { int s, c; s = sin(f); c = cos(f); if (c != 0) return ((int) (((((long) s) << 32) / c) >> 16)); return s < 0 ? -2147483648 : 2147483647; } public static int asin(int f) { boolean neg; if (neg = f < 0) f = -f; int g = ((int) (102943 - ((((long) sqrt((65536 - f))) * (((((long) f) * (((((long) f) * (((((long) f) * ((long) -1228)) >> 16) + 4866)) >> 16) - 13900)) >> 16) + 102939)) >> 16))); return neg ? -g : g; } public static int acos(int f) { return (102943 - asin(f)); } /* public static int exp(int f) { if (f == 0) return 65536; int k = ((int) (((((long) (f < 0 ? -f : f)) * ((long) 94547)) >> 16) + 32768)) & ~0xFFFF; if (f < 0) k = -k; f = ((int) (f - ((((long) k) * ((long) 45425)) >> 16))); int z = ((int) ((((long) f) * ((long) f)) >> 16)); int r = ((int) (131072 + ((((long) z) * (((((long) z) * ((long) ((z >> 14) - 182))) >> 16) + 10921)) >> 16))); k = k < 0 ? 65536 >> (-k >> 16) : 65536 << (k >> 16); return ((int) ((((long) k) * (65536 + (((((long) (f << 1)) << 32) / (r - f)) >> 16))) >> 16)); } */ public static int ln(int f) { if (f < 0) return 0; if (f == 0) return -2147483648; int log2 = 0, g = f; while (g >= 131072) { g >>= 1; log2++; } g -= 65536; int s = ((int) (((((long) g) << 32) / (131072 + g)) >> 16)); int z = ((int) ((((long) s) * ((long) s)) >> 16)); int w = ((int) ((((long) z) * ((long) z)) >> 16)); int r = ((int) (((((long) w) * (((((long) w) * (((((long) w) * ((long) 10036)) >> 16) + 14563)) >> 16) + 26214)) >> 16) + (((((((long) w) * (((((long) w) * (((((long) w) * ((long) 9697)) >> 16) + 11916)) >> 16) + 18724)) >> 16) + 43689) * ((long) z)) >> 16))); return ((int) (((45425 * log2) + g) - ((((long) s) * ((long) (g - r))) >> 16))); } public static float abs(float f) { if (f >= 0) return f; else return -f; } public static boolean epsEqual(float f1, float f2, float eps_fp) { float diff_fp = (f1 - f2); if (diff_fp > 0) return diff_fp < eps_fp; else return diff_fp > -eps_fp; } public static String fpToStr(int f) { gB = new StringBuffer(23); byte[] pow = gP; byte[] acc = gA; int digit, carry; boolean neg; StringBuffer sb = gB; digit = 0; do pow[digit] = acc[digit] = 0; while (++digit < 21); pow[9] = 1; pow[10] = 5; pow[11] = 2; pow[12] = 5; pow[13] = 8; pow[14] = 7; pow[15] = 8; pow[16] = 9; pow[17] = 0; pow[18] = 6; pow[19] = 2; pow[20] = 5; if (neg = f < 0) f = -f; while (f != 0) { if ((f & 1) != 0) { digit = 20; carry = 0; do { acc[digit] = (byte) (acc[digit] + pow[digit] + carry); if (acc[digit] > 9) { acc[digit] -= 10; carry = 1; } else carry = 0; } while (--digit >= 0); } digit = 20; carry = 0; do { pow[digit] = (byte) (pow[digit] + pow[digit] + carry); if (pow[digit] > 9) { pow[digit] -= 10; carry = 1; } else carry = 0; } while (--digit >= 0); f >>>= 1; } sb.setLength(0); if (neg) sb.append('-'); for (f = 0; f < 21 && acc[f] == 0; f++) ; if (f > 4) sb.append('0'); for (digit = f; digit < 5; digit++) sb.append(acc[digit]); for (f = 20; f >= 0 && acc[f] == 0; f--) ; if (f > 4) sb.append('.'); for (digit = 5; digit <= f; digit++) sb.append(acc[digit]); return sb.toString(); } }