package ejip123; import ejip123.util.Dbg; /** TCP main class. Used for managing TcpConnections and handlers. */ public class Tcp{ /** TCP protocol number. */ public static final int PROTOCOL = 6; /** Offset of data in words when no options present. */ public static final int OFFSET = Ip.OFFSET + 5; private static final Object lock = new Object(); private static int MAX_HANDLER = 0; private static TcpHandler[] list = null; private static int[] ports = null; private static TcpConnection[] connections = null; /** Maximum number of active TCP connections. */ private static int MAX_CON = 0; private Tcp(){ } public static void init(int handlerCnt, int concurrConnCnt){ MAX_HANDLER = handlerCnt <= 0 ? 4 : handlerCnt; MAX_CON = handlerCnt <= 0 ? MAX_HANDLER<<1 : concurrConnCnt; list = new TcpHandler[MAX_HANDLER]; ports = new int[MAX_HANDLER]; connections = new TcpConnection[Tcp.MAX_CON]; for(int i = 0; i < Tcp.MAX_CON; ++i){ connections[i] = new TcpConnection(); } } /* Called periodic from Net for timeout processing. */ static void loop(int cur){ synchronized(lock){ for(int i = 0; i < MAX_CON; ++i){ TcpConnection tc = connections[i]; tc.loop(cur); } } } /* Processes packet and generate reply if necessary. */ static void process(Packet p, int off){ int[] buf = p.buf; int src = buf[3]; int dst = buf[4]; // inject pseudo header for tcp checksum into original packet // for packets w/o options: ttl, prot and ip checksum are overwritten buf[off - 1] = dst; buf[off - 2] = src; buf[off - 3] = (PROTOCOL<<16) + p.len() - (off<<2); if(Ip.chkSum(buf, off - 3, p.len() - ((off - 3)<<2)) != 0){ Dbg.wr("tcp checksum failed!\n");; return; } int dstPort = buf[off]; int srcPort = dstPort>>>16; dstPort &= 0xffff; synchronized(lock){ TcpConnection free = null; for(int i = 0; i < MAX_CON; ++i){ TcpConnection tc = connections[i]; if(tc.isUsed()){ if(tc.processPacket(src, dst, srcPort, dstPort, p, off)){ return; } } else{ free = tc; } } // if not found get a new one if possible or drop the packet if(free != null){ // Dbg.wr("new con\n"); free.newIncoming(src, dst, srcPort, dstPort, p, off); } else{ // TODO rst? port unreachable? protocol unreachable?; } } } static int getMaxPayload(int dstIp){ // int max = Ip.getMaxPayload(dstIp) - ((Tcp.OFFSET - Ip.OFFSET)<<2); // Dbg.wr("max local link payload="); // Dbg.intVal(max); return Ip.getMaxPayload(dstIp) - ((Tcp.OFFSET - Ip.OFFSET)<<2); } /** Opens a client connection. Fetches an available connection from the pool, sets it up and tries to connect to the remote host. Local IP and port will be chosen by the implementation. @param dstIp The remote IP. @param dstPort The remote port. @param th The TcpHandler, that will handle events for this connection. @return The fetched connection of null if there was an error. */ public static TcpConnection open(int dstIp, int dstPort, TcpHandler th){ return open(dstIp, dstPort, dstPort, th); } /** Opens a client connection. Fetches an available connection from the pool, sets it up and tries to connect to the remote host. Local IP will be chosen by the implementation. @param dstIp The remote IP. @param srcPort The local port. @param dstPort The remote port. @param th The TcpHandler, that will handle events for this connection. @return The fetched connection of null if there was an error. */ public static TcpConnection open(int dstIp, int srcPort, int dstPort, TcpHandler th){ int srcIp = Ip.getSrcIp(dstIp); return open(srcIp, dstIp, srcPort, dstPort, th); } /** Opens a client connection. Fetches an available connection from the pool, sets it up and tries to connect to the remote host. @param srcIp The local IP. @param dstIp The remote IP. @param srcPort The local port. @param dstPort The remote port. @param th The TcpHandler, that will handle events for this connection. @return The fetched connection of null if there was an error. */ public static TcpConnection open(int srcIp, int dstIp, int srcPort, int dstPort, TcpHandler th){ synchronized(lock){ // check that there is no for that port if(th == null || getHandler(srcPort) != null) return null; // check that there is no matching connection yet TcpConnection free = null; for(int i = 0; i < MAX_CON; ++i){ TcpConnection tc = connections[i]; if(tc.isUsed()){ if(tc.matches(srcIp, dstIp, srcPort, dstPort)){ return null; } } else{ free = tc; } } if(free != null &&, srcIp, dstPort, srcPort, th)) return free; } return null; } /** Registers a TcpHandler for a port. @param port The port. @param h The handler. @return True, if successfully registered. False, if list is full or there is already a handler registered for that port. */ public static boolean addHandler(int port, TcpHandler h){ synchronized(lock){ int free = -1; for(int i = 0; i < MAX_HANDLER; ++i){ if(list[i] == null){ free = i; } else if(ports[i] == port){ return false; } } if(free != -1){ ports[free] = port; list[free] = h; return true; } return false; } } /** Removes a TCP handler from the list. No new connections will be forwarded to that handler. Existing connection (even not yet fully established ones) are not touched by this. A handler has to close all existing non reset connections before it totally abandons them. @param port The port the handler wants to be listening to. @return false if it was not in the list. */ public static boolean removeHandler(int port){ synchronized(lock){ for(int i = 0; i < MAX_HANDLER; ++i){ if(list[i] != null && ports[i] == port){ list[i] = null; return true; } } } return false; } /** Fetches a handler. @param port The TCP port in question. @return The TcpHandler registered for that port or null if there is none. */ static TcpHandler getHandler(int port){ TcpHandler th = null; // is a handler registered for that port? synchronized(lock){ for(int i = 0; i < MAX_HANDLER; ++i){ if(list[i] != null && ports[i] == port){ th = list[i]; break; } } } return th; } }