package rttm.skiplist; public class Const { // Create deterministic output for bvt public static boolean DETERMINISTIC = false; public static final int MAGIC = -10000; public static final int CNT = 100; // Number of threads to run public static int THREADS = 4; // Number of successful operations per thread (-1 => loop forever) public static int OP_COUNT = 10; // Range of key values, 0..KEY_SPACE_MASK // public static int KEY_SPACE_MASK = 0xffff; public static int KEY_SPACE_MASK = 0xff; // Workload mix, should sum to 0x100 public static int LOOKUP_FRAC = 0xc0; public static int REMOVE_FRAC = 0x20; public static int INSERT_FRAC = 0x20; public enum RUN_KIND {LOCK, TM} public static RUN_KIND run_kind = RUN_KIND.TM; }