package ejip123.examples; import com.jopdesign.sys.Const; import ejip123.*; import joprt.RtThread; import ejip123.util.Dbg; import ejip123.util.DbgUdp; import ejip123.util.Serial; import util.Timer; /** This examples shows how TCP clients can open a connection and use it. */ public class TcpClientTest{ private static TcpHandler th = null; private static TcpConnection con = null; private static int cnt = 0; private static StringBuffer text = new StringBuffer("total useful text #000\n"); private static final Object lock = new Object(); private TcpClientTest(){ } public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException{ PacketPool.init(10, 1500); DbgUdp.init(); // Serial ser = new Serial(10, 1000, Const.IO_UART_BG_MODEM_BASE); // simulator Serial ser = new Serial(10, 1000, Const.IO_UART1_BASE); LinkLayer slip = Slip.init(9, 1000, ser, Ip.Ip(192, 168, 2, 2), 1500); Ip.init(5, 1000); Router.init(3); Router.addRoute(new Route(Ip.Ip(192, 168, 2, 0), Ip.Ip(255, 255, 255, 0), slip)); Router.setDefaultInterface(slip); Tcp.init(1, 4); th = new TcpTestHandler(); RtThread.startMission(); Router.print(); forever(); } private static void forever(){ text.setLength(19); for(; ;){ synchronized(lock){ if(con == null), 168, 2, 1), 4321, 1234, th); else{ Packet p = PacketPool.getFreshPacket(); if(p != null){ text.append(cnt % 1000); text.append('\n'); p.setData(Tcp.OFFSET<<2, text); if(con.send(p, true)){ cnt++; text.setLength(19); } } } } for(int i = 0; i < 5; ++i){ RtThread.sleepMs(500); Timer.wd(); } } } private static class TcpTestHandler implements TcpHandler{ /** handle one request on the registered port. */ public boolean request(TcpConnection con, Packet p, int off){ Dbg.wr("request\n"); p.print(0); return true; } public boolean isBusy(TcpConnection newCon){ return con == null; } /** Connection is established. Transfer can start. */ public void established(TcpConnection newCon){ synchronized(lock){ if(con != null){ newCon.close(); } else{ Dbg.wr("established\n"); con = newCon; } } } public void closed(TcpConnection closedCon){ synchronized(lock){ if(closedCon == con){ Dbg.wr("closed\n"); con = null; cnt = 0; } } } public void reset(TcpConnection closedCon){ synchronized(lock){ if(closedCon == con){ Dbg.wr("reset\n"); con = null; cnt = 0; } } } } }