package javax.realtime; import javax.safetycritical.annotate.SCJAllowed; import static javax.safetycritical.annotate.Level.LEVEL_1; /** * This class is here just for the SPM experiments. * Needed in SCJ? * Shall go away and substituted by a SCJ concept for SPM. * @author martin * */ @SCJAllowed(LEVEL_1) public final class PhysicalMemoryManager { public static final Object ON_CHIP_PRIVATE = new Object(); /* * */ public static final PhysicalMemoryName ALIGNED = null; /* * */ public static final PhysicalMemoryName BYTESWAP = null; /* * */ @SCJAllowed(LEVEL_1) public static final PhysicalMemoryName DEVICE = null; /* * */ @SCJAllowed(LEVEL_1) public static final PhysicalMemoryName DMA = null; /* * */ @SCJAllowed(LEVEL_1) public static final PhysicalMemoryName IO_PAGE = null; /* * */ @SCJAllowed(LEVEL_1) public static final PhysicalMemoryName SHARED = null; }