/* * Copyright (c) Martin Schoeberl, martin@jopdesign.com * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software * must display the following acknowledgement: * This product includes software developed by Martin Schoeberl * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE REGENTS AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. * */ package ejip; /** * Ppp.java * * communicate with jop via serial line. */ import joprt.RtThread; import util.Serial; import util.Timer; /** * Ppp driver. */ public class Ppp extends LinkLayer { private static final int MAX_BUF = 1500+4; // 1500 is PPP information field /** * period for thread in us. */ private static final int IP = 0x0021; // Internet Protocol packet private static final int IPCP = 0x8021; // Internet Protocol Configuration Protocol packet private static final int CCP = 0x80fd; // Compression Configuration Protocol packet private static final int LCP = 0xc021; // Link Configuration Protocol packet private static final int PAP = 0xc023; // Password Authentication Protocol packet private static final int REQ = 1; // Request options list private static final int ACK = 2; // Acknowledge options list private static final int NAK = 3; // Not acknowledge options list private static final int REJ = 4; // Reject options list private static final int TERM = 5; // Termination private static final int NEG_SEND= 3000; // Period of send negotiation (in ms) private static final int IP_SEND= 10000; // Send timeout for IP for reconnect (in ms) private static final int PPP_HANDLING = 60000; // Timeout for the PPP negotiation private static final int GPRS_TRY_CNT = 3; // After that count connect via GSM /** * receive buffer */ private int[] rbuf; /** * send buffer */ private int[] sbuf; /** * bytes received. */ private int cnt; /** * a ppp packet is in the receive buffer. */ private boolean ready; /** * bytes to be sent. 0 means txFree */ private int scnt; /** * allready sent bytes. */ private int sent; /** * flag (0x7e, ~) received */ private boolean flag; /** * number for lcp id */ private int lcpId; /** * state machine */ private int state; /** * reject counter */ private int rejCnt; private static final int MAX_REJ = 5; /** * remote IP address. */ private int ipRemote; /** * request for reconnect. */ private boolean reconnectRequest; /** * request for a disconnect. */ private boolean disconnectRequest; // TODO: we run out of object fields.... private static int connCount; private static boolean useGSM; private Serial ser; private RtThread rth; /** * private constructor. The singleton object is created in init(). */ /** * Create a PPP connection. */ public Ppp(Ejip ejip, Serial serPort, RtThread pppThread) { super(ejip, 0); rbuf = new int[MAX_BUF]; sbuf = new int[MAX_BUF]; cnt = 0; ready = false; flag = false; scnt = 0; sent = 0; connCount = 0; lcpId = 0x11; ipRemote = 0; reconnectRequest = false; disconnectRequest = false; useGSM = true; initStr(); ser = serPort; // new Serial(serAddr, 10, 3000); rth = pppThread; } /** * Returns IP address, 0 if not connected. */ public int getIpAddress() { if (state==CONNECTED) { return ip; } else { return 0; } } /** * Set connection strings and connect. */ public void startConnection(StringBuffer dialstr, StringBuffer connect, StringBuffer user, StringBuffer passwd) { int i, j; copyStr(dialstr, dial, gsm_dial); dial.append('\r'); gsm_dial.append('\r'); con.setLength(0); con.append("AT+CGDCONT=1,\"IP\",\""); i = connect.length(); for (j=0; j<i; ++j) con.append(connect.charAt(j)); con.append("\"\r"); copyStr(user, uid, gsm_uid); copyStr(passwd, pwd, gsm_pwd); reconnectRequest = true; connCount = 0; ip = 0; } /** * Forces the connection to be anew established. */ public void reconnect() { reconnectRequest = true; connCount = 0; ip = 0; } /** * Force a disconnect */ public void disconnect() { disconnectRequest = true; ip = 0; } /** * main loop. However this loop NEVER returns! * TODO: change to a loop based version to use PPP without threads. */ public void run() { connect(); } private StringBuffer dial; private StringBuffer con; private StringBuffer uid; private StringBuffer pwd; private StringBuffer gsm_dial; private StringBuffer gsm_uid; private StringBuffer gsm_pwd; private static String ok; private static String connect; private static String ath; private static String pin; private static String flow; private StringBuffer strBuf; /** * a little helper: */ static void copyStr(StringBuffer src, StringBuffer dst, StringBuffer gsm_dst) { int i, j; dst.setLength(0); i = src.length(); for (j=0; j<i; ++j) { char ch = src.charAt(j); if (ch=='|') { ++j; // skip it break; } dst.append(ch); } gsm_dst.setLength(0); for (; j<i; ++j) { gsm_dst.append(src.charAt(j)); } } private void initStr() { con = new StringBuffer(40); dial = new StringBuffer(20); uid = new StringBuffer(20); pwd = new StringBuffer(20); gsm_dial = new StringBuffer(20); gsm_uid = new StringBuffer(20); gsm_pwd = new StringBuffer(20); ok = "OK"; connect = "ECT"; ath = "|+++|ATH\r"; pin = "AT+CPIN=5644\r"; flow = "AT\\Q3\r"; strBuf = new StringBuffer(40); } /** * wait seconds and drop IP packets */ void waitSec(int t) { int timer = Timer.getTimeoutMs(1000); for (int i=0; i<t; ++i) { while (!Timer.timeout(timer)) { rth.waitForNextPeriod(); } timer = Timer.getTimeoutMs(1000); dropIp(); } } /** * send a string to serial line buffer. * '|' has special meaning: wait one second. */ boolean wrString(StringBuffer s) { int i, j, val; i = ser.txFreeCnt(); j = s.length(); if (j>i) return false; if (Logging.LOG) Logging.wr('\''); for (i=0; i<j; ++i) { val = s.charAt(i); if (val=='|') { waitSec(2); // for shure if send buffer is full } else { ser.wr(val); if (Logging.LOG) Logging.wr((char) val); } } if (Logging.LOG) Logging.wr('\''); if (Logging.LOG) Logging.lf(); return true; } boolean sendWait(String snd, String rcv, int timeout) { strBuf.setLength(0); strBuf.append(snd); return sendWait(strBuf, rcv, timeout); } /** * send a string and loop until rcv string arrives or it times out * timeout in seconds for receive string, is also used for send (if handshake lines are not set) * return false means timeout. */ boolean sendWait(StringBuffer snd, String rcv, int timeout) { timeout *= 1000; // // send string // int timer = Timer.getTimeoutMs(timeout); // use same timeout for send while (!wrString(snd)) { rth.waitForNextPeriod(); // wait till send buffer is free dropIp(); if (Timer.timeout(timer)) return false; // timeout on send means problem with handshake lines } if (rcv==null) return true; // no wait string, we're done int ptr = 0; int len = rcv.length(); // // now wait on response string // for (timer = Timer.getTimeoutMs(timeout); !Timer.timeout(timer); ) { rth.waitForNextPeriod(); dropIp(); for (int i = ser.rxCnt(); i>0; --i) { int val = ser.rd(); if (Logging.LOG) Logging.wr((char) val); if (val == rcv.charAt(ptr)) { ++ptr; if (ptr==len) { if (Logging.LOG) Logging.wr('\n'); waitSec(1); return true; // we're done } } else { ptr = 0; // reset match pointer } } } if (Logging.LOG) Logging.wr('?'); if (Logging.LOG) Logging.lf(); return false; // timeout expired } private static int globTimer; // negotion send and ip-restart timer private static boolean lcpAck; /** * do the modem stuff till CONNECT */ void modemInit() { useGSM = false; ++connCount; for (;;++connCount) { System.out.print("Modem init "); System.out.println(connCount); // Led.stopModem(); // waitSec(1); // Led.startModem(); waitSec(15); if (connCount>GPRS_TRY_CNT && gsm_uid.length()!=0) { useGSM = true; } if (sendWait(ath, ok, 3)) { if (sendWait(flow, ok, 3)) { if (!sendWait(con, ok, 2)) { // when ERROR PIN is not set sendWait(pin, ok, 30); if (!sendWait(con, ok, 20)) { continue; // something really strange happend! } } sendWait("ATD", null, 1); if (useGSM) { if (sendWait(gsm_dial, connect, 30)) { System.out.println("GSM connect ok"); break; } } else { if (sendWait(dial, connect, 30)) { System.out.println("GPRS connect ok"); break; } } } } // waitSec(1); } state = MODEM_OK; globTimer = Timer.getTimeoutMs(NEG_SEND); lcpAck = false; } /** * cancel connection. */ void modemHangUp() { ip = 0; // stop sending ip data reconnectRequest = false; disconnectRequest = false; state = INIT; rejCnt = 0; // flush buffer for (int i = ser.rxCnt(); i>0; --i) { ser.rd(); } for (;;) { if (sendWait(ath, ok, 3)) { break; } waitSec(3); } } private static final int INIT = 0; private static final int MODEM_OK = 1; private static final int LCP_SENT = 2; private static final int LCP_OK = 3; private static final int PAP_SENT = 4; private static final int PAP_OK = 5; private static final int IPCP_SENT = 6; private static final int IPCP_SENT2 = 7; private static final int IPCP_OK = 8; private static final int CONNECTED = 9; /** * establish a connection. */ void connect() { state = INIT; rejCnt = 0; lcpAck = false; int timer = 0; // // wait for startConnection(...) // while (!reconnectRequest) { rth.waitForNextPeriod(); } reconnectRequest = false; // // start the modem // modemInit(); // // now LCP negotiation // for (;;) { rth.waitForNextPeriod(); pppLoop(); if (state==MODEM_OK) { // start timer for PPP negotiation timer = Timer.getTimeoutMs(PPP_HANDLING); } if ((rejCnt > MAX_REJ) || (Timer.timeout(timer) && state!=CONNECTED)) { modemHangUp(); // start over modemInit(); } if (ready && scnt==0) { // one packet is read and send buffer is free dbgCon(); int prot = (rbuf[2]<<8)+rbuf[3]; int code = rbuf[4]; if (prot == LCP) { if (code == REQ) { if (checkOptions(LCP)) { lcpAck = true; } else { ++rejCnt; } } else if (code==ACK && rbuf[5]==lcpId) { state = LCP_OK; } else if (code==TERM) { modemHangUp(); // start over modemInit(); } } else if (prot == PAP) { if (rbuf[4]==ACK && rbuf[5]==lcpId) { state = PAP_OK; } } else if (prot == IPCP) { if (code == REQ) { if (checkOptions(IPCP)) { ; } } else if (code == NAK) { // with this NAK we will get our IP address ip= (rbuf[10]<<24) + (rbuf[11]<<16) + (rbuf[12]<<8) + rbuf[13]; dbgIp(ip); makeIPCP(); state = IPCP_SENT2; } else if (code == ACK) { state = IPCP_OK; // nothing more to do ? state = CONNECTED; if (Logging.LOG) Logging.wr('C'); if (Logging.LOG) Logging.wr('\n'); } // // des is net guat: kommt nur hierher, wenn der Sendbuffer frei ist!!! // } else if (prot == IP) { // we finally got an ip packet :-) readIp(); } cnt = 0; ready = false; } doSend(); } } void doSend() { if (reconnectRequest) { modemHangUp(); // start over modemInit(); } if (disconnectRequest) { modemHangUp(); // stop the connection } if (state==CONNECTED) { // send waiting IP packets if (scnt==0) { // transmit buffer is free globTimer = Timer.getTimeoutMs(IP_SEND); // use IP timeout // // get a ready to send packet with source from this driver. // Packet p = txQueue.deq(); if (p!=null) { sendIp(p); // send one packet } } else { // check sendTimer; if (Timer.timeout(globTimer)) { System.out.println("IP send timeout"); System.out.println(scnt); modemHangUp(); // start over modemInit(); } } } else { // do the negotiation stuff dropIp(); if (Timer.timeout(globTimer)) { if (scnt==0) { // once every three seconds send a REQ if (state == MODEM_OK) { makeLCP(); state = LCP_SENT; } else if (state == LCP_OK && lcpAck) { makePAP(); state = PAP_SENT; // } else if (state == PAP_OK && ipcpAck) { // wait for remote ipcp and ACK first on Linux } else if (state>=PAP_OK && state<CONNECTED) { // ONE makeIPCP(); state = IPCP_SENT; ++rejCnt; // increment counter to start over when no respond } globTimer = Timer.getTimeoutMs(NEG_SEND); // use negotiation timeout } } } } /** * drop waiting packet to prevent packet buffer overrun */ void dropIp() { Packet p = txQueue.deq(); if (p!=null && !p.isTcpOnFly) { ejip.returnPacket(p); } } void dbgCon() { if (state!=CONNECTED) { if (Logging.LOG) Logging.wr('>'); for (int i=0; i<cnt; ++i) { if (Logging.LOG) Logging.byteVal(rbuf[i]); if ((i&0x0f) ==0) rth.waitForNextPeriod(); } if (Logging.LOG) Logging.wr('\n'); } } void dbgIp(int ip) { if (Logging.LOG) Logging.wr('I'); if (Logging.LOG) Logging.wr(' '); if (Logging.LOG) Logging.intVal(ip>>>24); if (Logging.LOG) Logging.intVal((ip>>>16)&0xff); if (Logging.LOG) Logging.intVal((ip>>>8)&0xff); if (Logging.LOG) Logging.intVal(ip&0xff); if (Logging.LOG) Logging.lf(); } /** * generate a PPP (negotiation) request. */ void makeLCP() { lcpId = 0x22; if (Logging.LOG) Logging.wr('L'); if (Logging.LOG) Logging.intVal(lcpId); if (Logging.LOG) Logging.wr('\n'); sbuf[0] = 0xff; sbuf[1] = 0x03; // REQ LCP options 2, 7, 8 sbuf[2] = LCP>>8; sbuf[3] = LCP&0xff; sbuf[4] = REQ; sbuf[5] = lcpId; sbuf[6] = 0; sbuf[7] = 18-4; // length including code, id and length field sbuf[8] = 0x02; // async-map sbuf[9] = 0x06; sbuf[10] = 0x00; sbuf[11] = 0x0a; // sbuf[11] = 0x00; // one does not like this sbuf[12] = 0x00; sbuf[13] = 0x00; sbuf[14] = 0x07; // protocol field compression sbuf[15] = 0x02; sbuf[16] = 0x08; // addr., contr. field compression sbuf[17] = 0x02; checksum(18); } void makePAP() { int i; lcpId = 0x33; if (Logging.LOG) Logging.wr('P'); if (Logging.LOG) Logging.intVal(lcpId); if (Logging.LOG) Logging.wr('\n'); /* compression sbuf[0] = 0xff; sbuf[1] = 0x03; */ sbuf[0] = PAP>>8; sbuf[1] = PAP&0xff; sbuf[2] = REQ; sbuf[3] = lcpId; sbuf[4] = 0; StringBuffer u, p; if (useGSM) { u = gsm_uid; p = gsm_pwd; } else { u = uid; p = pwd; } int ulen = u.length(); int plen = p.length(); sbuf[5] = ulen + plen + 6; // length including code, id and length field sbuf[6] = ulen; // length of user id for (i=0; i<ulen; ++i) { sbuf[7+i] = u.charAt(i); } sbuf[7+ulen] = plen; for (i=0; i<plen; ++i) { sbuf[8+ulen+i] = p.charAt(i); } checksum(ulen + plen + 8); /* A1.net sbuf[5] = 24-2; // length including code, id and length field sbuf[6] = 13; // length of user id sbuf[7] = 'p'; sbuf[8] = 'p'; sbuf[9] = 'p'; sbuf[10] = '@'; sbuf[11] = 'A'; sbuf[12] = '1'; sbuf[13] = 'p'; sbuf[14] = 'l'; sbuf[15] = 'u'; sbuf[16] = 's'; sbuf[17] = '.'; sbuf[18] = 'a'; sbuf[19] = 't'; sbuf[20] = 3; // length of password sbuf[21] = 'p'; sbuf[22] = 'p'; sbuf[23] = 'p'; checksum(24); */ /* ONE sbuf[7] = 30-4; // length including code, id and length field sbuf[8] = 14; // length of user id sbuf[9] = '+'; sbuf[10] = '4'; sbuf[11] = '3'; sbuf[12] = '6'; sbuf[13] = '9'; sbuf[14] = '9'; sbuf[15] = '1'; sbuf[16] = '9'; sbuf[17] = '5'; sbuf[18] = '2'; sbuf[19] = '0'; sbuf[20] = '2'; sbuf[21] = '2'; sbuf[22] = '0'; sbuf[23] = 6; // length of password sbuf[24] = 'N'; sbuf[25] = '6'; sbuf[26] = 'J'; sbuf[27] = '8'; sbuf[28] = 'N'; sbuf[29] = '4'; checksum(30); */ } void makeIPCP() { lcpId = 0x44; if (Logging.LOG) Logging.wr('I'); if (Logging.LOG) Logging.intVal(lcpId); if (Logging.LOG) Logging.wr('\n'); /* compression sbuf[0] = 0xff; sbuf[1] = 0x03; */ sbuf[0] = IPCP>>8; sbuf[1] = IPCP&0xff; sbuf[2] = REQ; sbuf[3] = lcpId; sbuf[4] = 0; sbuf[5] = 14-4; // length including code, id and length field sbuf[6] = 0x03; // ip-address sbuf[7] = 0x06; sbuf[8] = ip>>>24; sbuf[9] = (ip>>16)&0xff; sbuf[10] = (ip>>8)&0xff; sbuf[11] = ip&0xff; // checksum(14); checksum(12); } /** * process a LCP, IPCP request */ boolean checkOptions(int type) { int i; int len = (rbuf[6]<<8) + rbuf[7] - 4; // including code, id and lentgh int ptr = 8; if (Logging.LOG) Logging.wr('R'); if (Logging.LOG) Logging.wr(' '); int resp = ACK; for (i=0; i<cnt; ++i) sbuf[i] = rbuf[i]; // assume ACK int slen = len + 4; while (len > 0) { int opt = rbuf[ptr]; if (Logging.LOG) Logging.intVal(opt); if (type==LCP && opt==3) { // auth. protocol if ((rbuf[ptr+2]<<8) + rbuf[ptr+3] != PAP) { resp = REJ; if (Logging.LOG) Logging.wr('!'); if (Logging.LOG) Logging.wr('P'); if (Logging.LOG) Logging.wr(' '); } } else if (type==IPCP) { if (opt==2) { // IP-Compression resp = REJ; } else if (opt==3) { // IP-address ipRemote = (rbuf[ptr+2]<<24) + (rbuf[ptr+3]<<16) + (rbuf[ptr+4]<<8) + rbuf[ptr+5]; if (Logging.LOG) Logging.hexVal(ipRemote); dbgIp(ipRemote); } } // } else if (opt==xx} if (resp==REJ) { int optlen = rbuf[ptr+1]; slen = 4 + optlen; for (i=0; i<optlen; ++i) { sbuf[8+i] = rbuf[ptr+i]; } break; // end check options } i = rbuf[ptr+1]; // check next option ptr += i; len -= i; } sbuf[4] = resp; sbuf[6] = slen>>>8; sbuf[7] = slen&0xff; if (Logging.LOG) Logging.lf(); checksum(slen+4); return resp == ACK; } /** * get a Packet buffer and copy from receive buffer. */ void readIp() { int i, j, k; Packet p = ejip.getFreePacket(this); if (p==null) { if (Logging.LOG) Logging.wr('!'); return; // try again later } // buf blocks receive buffer :-< int[] pb = p.buf; cnt -= 6; // minus ppp header and checksum rbuf[cnt+4] = 0; rbuf[cnt+4+1] = 0; rbuf[cnt+4+2] = 0; // copy buffer k = 0; for (i=0; i<cnt; i+=4) { for (j=0; j<4; ++j) { k <<= 8; k += rbuf[i+j+4]; // after header } pb[i>>>2] = k; } p.len = cnt; cnt = 0; ready = false; rxQueue.enq(p); // inform upper layer } /** * copy packet to send buffer. */ void sendIp(Packet p) { int i, k; int[] pb = p.buf; sbuf[0] = 0xff; sbuf[1] = 0x03; sbuf[2] = IP>>8; sbuf[3] = IP&0xff; int slen = p.len; sent = 0; for (i=0; i<slen; i+=4) { k = pb[i>>>2]; sbuf[i+4] = k>>>24; sbuf[i+4+1] = (k>>>16)&0xff; sbuf[i+4+2] = (k>>>8)&0xff; sbuf[i+4+3] = k&0xff; } if (!p.isTcpOnFly) { ejip.returnPacket(p); } checksum(slen+4); } /** * read from serial buffer and build a ppp packet. * send a packet if one is in our send buffer. */ boolean pppLoop() { int i; boolean ret = false; i = ser.rxCnt(); if (i!=0 && !ready) { ret = true; rcv(i); } if (scnt!=0) { i = ser.txFreeCnt(); if (i>2) { snd(i); } } return ret; } /** * copy from send buffer to serial buffer with flags and escapes. */ void snd(int free) { int i; if (sent==0) { ser.wr('~'); --free; } for (i=sent; free>1 && i<scnt; ++i) { int c = sbuf[i]; /* no hard code if (state >= LCP_OK) { // hard code async map if (c=='~' || c=='}' || c==17 || c==19) { // 0x000a0000 async map ser.wr('}'); ser.wr(c ^ ' '); free -= 2; } else { ser.wr(c); --free; } } else { */ if (c=='~' || c=='}' || c<0x20) { // c<0x20 could be omitted after LCP async map ser.wr('}'); ser.wr(c ^ ' '); free -= 2; } else { ser.wr(c); --free; } /* } */ } sent = i; if (sent==scnt && free!=0) { ser.wr('~'); scnt = 0; sent = 0; } } private boolean escape; private int fcs; /** * copy from serial buffer to receive buffer. * calc CRC on the fly. */ void rcv(int len) { int i; if (cnt==0) fcs = 0xffff; // get all bytes from serial buffer for (i=0; i<len && cnt<MAX_BUF; ++i) { int val = ser.rd(); if (cnt==0 && !flag && val!='~') { // wait for a packet start escape = false; // first data byte is not an escape if (Logging.LOG) Logging.wr('d'); continue; // so don't worry about '~' escapes on cnt==0 } if (!escape && val=='~') { flag = true; // remember flag, because end flag and if (cnt!=0) { // starting flag can be the same (see rfc1549) if (fcs==0xf0b8) { // checksum ok? ready = true; } else { cnt = 0; // just drop it } break; } continue; } else { flag = false; } if (!escape && val=='}') { escape = true; continue; } if (escape) { val ^= ' '; escape = false; } // rfc1549 3.2 Address-and-Control-Field-Compression if (cnt==0 && val!=0xff) { rbuf[cnt++] = 0xff; } if (cnt==1 && val!=0x03) { rbuf[cnt++] = 0x03; } // rfc1548 6.6 Protocol-Field-Compression if (cnt==2 && (val&1)!=0) { rbuf[cnt++] = 0x00; } rbuf[cnt++] = val; fcs = check(val^fcs) ^ (fcs>>8); } } /** * calculate CRC of byte c for checksum */ int check(int c) { c &= 0xff; for (int i=0; i<8; ++i) { if ((c&1) != 0) { c >>= 1; c ^= 0x8408; } else { c >>= 1; } } return c; } /** * calculate CRC for send packet and mark it ready to send. */ void checksum(int len) { int k, j, i; int fcs = 0xffff; for (i=0; i<len; ++i) { j = sbuf[i]; j ^= fcs & 0xff; // only low order byte for (k=0; k<8; ++k) { if ((j&1) != 0) { j >>= 1; j ^= 0x8408; } else { j >>= 1; } } fcs = j ^ (fcs>>8); } fcs = fcs ^ 0xffff; sbuf[len] = fcs & 0xff; // LSB first ! sbuf[len+1] = fcs >> 8; scnt = len+2; if (state!=CONNECTED) { if (Logging.LOG) Logging.wr('<'); for (i=0; i<scnt; ++i) { if (Logging.LOG) Logging.byteVal(sbuf[i]); if ((i&0x0f) ==0) rth.waitForNextPeriod(); } if (Logging.LOG) Logging.wr('\n'); } } /** * @return */ public int getConnCount() { return connCount; } /** * GPRS or GSM * @return 0=GPRS, 1=GSM */ public int getConnType() { if (useGSM) { return 1; } else { return 0; } } }