package scd_micro; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; /** * The constructor runs and the instance lives in the persistent detector scope. The state table * passed to it lives in the persistent detector scope. The thread runs in transient detector * scope. The frame (currentFrame) lives in immortal memory. * * The real collision detection starts here. */ public class TransientDetectorScopeEntry implements Runnable { private StateTable state; private float voxelSize; private RawFrame currentFrame; public TransientDetectorScopeEntry(final StateTable s, final float voxelSize) { state = s; this.voxelSize = voxelSize; } public void run() { if (Constants.SYNCHRONOUS_DETECTOR || Constants.DEBUG_DETECTOR) { dumpFrame("CD-PROCESSING-FRAME (indexed as received): "); } final Reducer reducer = new Reducer(voxelSize); final List collisions = lookForCollisions(reducer, createMotions()); int numberOfCollisions = collisions.size(); if (ImmortalEntry.recordedRuns < ImmortalEntry.maxDetectorRuns) { ImmortalEntry.detectedCollisions[ ImmortalEntry.recordedRuns ] = numberOfCollisions; } if (Constants.SYNCHRONOUS_DETECTOR || Constants.DEBUG_DETECTOR) { System.out.println("CD detected "+numberOfCollisions+" collisions."); int colIndex = 0; for(final Iterator iter = collisions.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { Collision col = (Collision); List aircraft = col.getAircraftInvolved(); System.out.println("CD collision "+colIndex+" occured at location "+col.getLocation() + " with "+aircraft.size()+" involved aircraft."); for(final Iterator aiter = aircraft.iterator(); aiter.hasNext();) { Aircraft a = (Aircraft); System.out.println("CD collision "+colIndex+" includes aircraft "+a); } colIndex++; } System.out.println(""); } /* if (Constants.SYNCHRONOUS_DETECTOR) { FrameSynchronizer.consumeFrame(); } */ } public List lookForCollisions(final Reducer reducer, final List motions) { final List check = reduceCollisionSet(reducer, motions); final CollisionCollector c = new CollisionCollector(); int suspectedSize = check.size(); if (ImmortalEntry.recordedRuns < ImmortalEntry.maxDetectorRuns) { ImmortalEntry.suspectedCollisions[ ImmortalEntry.recordedRuns ] = suspectedSize; } if ((Constants.SYNCHRONOUS_DETECTOR || Constants.DEBUG_DETECTOR) && !check.isEmpty()) { System.out.println("CD found "+suspectedSize+" potential collisions"); int i=0; for(final Iterator iter = check.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { final List col = (List); for(final Iterator aiter = col.iterator(); aiter.hasNext();) { final Motion m = (Motion); System.out.println("CD: potential collision "+i+" (of "+col.size()+" aircraft) includes motion "+m); } i++; } } for (final Iterator iter = check.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) c.addCollisions(determineCollisions((List); return c.getCollisions(); } /** * Takes a List of Motions and returns an List of Lists of Motions, where the inner lists implement RandomAccess. * Each Vector of Motions that is returned represents a set of Motions that might have collisions. */ public List reduceCollisionSet(final Reducer it, final List motions) { final HashMap voxel_map = new HashMap(); final HashMap graph_colors = new HashMap(); for (final Iterator iter = motions.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) it.performVoxelHashing((Motion), voxel_map, graph_colors); final List ret = new LinkedList(); for (final Iterator iter = voxel_map.values().iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { final List cur_set = (List); if (cur_set.size() > 1) ret.add(cur_set); } return ret; } public List determineCollisions(final List motions) { final List ret = new LinkedList(); for (int i = 0; i < motions.size() - 1; i++) { final Motion one = (Motion) motions.get(i); for (int j = i + 1; j < motions.size(); j++) { final Motion two = (Motion) motions.get(j); final Vector3d vec = one.findIntersection(two); if (vec != null) ret.add(new Collision(one.getAircraft(), two.getAircraft(), vec)); } } return ret; } public void dumpFrame( String debugPrefix ) { String prefix = debugPrefix + frameno + " "; int offset = 0; for (int i=0;i<currentFrame.planeCnt;i++) { int cslen = currentFrame.lengths[i]; System.out.println(prefix+new String( currentFrame.callsigns, offset, cslen )+" "+ currentFrame.positions[3*i]+" "+ currentFrame.positions[3*i+1]+" "+ currentFrame.positions[3*i+2]+" "); offset += cslen; } } int frameno=-1; // just for debug public void setFrame(final RawFrame f) { if (Constants.DEBUG_DETECTOR || Constants.DUMP_RECEIVED_FRAMES || Constants.SYNCHRONOUS_DETECTOR) { frameno++; } currentFrame = f; if (Constants.DUMP_RECEIVED_FRAMES) { dumpFrame( "CD-R-FRAME: "); } } /** * * This method computes the motions and current positions of the aircraft * * Afterwards, it stores the positions of the aircrafts into the StateTable in the persistentScope * * @return */ public List createMotions() { final List ret = new LinkedList(); final HashSet poked = new HashSet(); Aircraft craft; Vector3d new_pos; for (int i = 0, pos = 0; i < currentFrame.planeCnt; i++) { final float x = currentFrame.positions[3*i], y = currentFrame.positions[3*i + 1], z = currentFrame.positions[3*i + 2]; final byte[] cs = new byte[currentFrame.lengths[i]]; for (int j = 0; j < cs.length; j++) cs[j] = currentFrame.callsigns[pos + j]; pos += cs.length; craft = new Aircraft(cs); new_pos = new Vector3d(x, y, z); poked.add(craft); // get the last known position of this aircraft final Vector3d old_pos = state.get(mkCallsignInPersistentScope(craft.getCallsign())); if (old_pos == null) { // Ales : we have detected a new aircraft //here, we create a new callsign and store the aircraft into the state table. state.put(mkCallsignInPersistentScope(craft.getCallsign()), new_pos.x, new_pos.y, new_pos.z); final Motion m = new Motion(craft, new_pos); if (Constants.DEBUG_DETECTOR || Constants.SYNCHRONOUS_DETECTOR) { System.out.println("createMotions: old position is null, adding motion: " + m); } ret.add(m); } else { // this is already detected aircraft, we we need to update its position final Vector3d save_old_position = new Vector3d(old_pos.x, old_pos.y, old_pos.z); //updating position in the StateTable old_pos.set(new_pos.x, new_pos.y, new_pos.z); final Motion m = new Motion(craft, save_old_position, new_pos); if (Constants.DEBUG_DETECTOR || Constants.SYNCHRONOUS_DETECTOR) { System.out.println("createMotions: adding motion: " + m); } ret.add(m); } } return ret; } /** * * This Runnable enters the StateTable in order to allocate the callsign in the PersistentScope * * * @author Ales * */ static class R implements Runnable { CallSign c; byte[] cs; public void run() { final byte[] b = new byte[cs.length]; for (int i = 0; i < b.length; i++) b[i] = cs[i]; c = new CallSign(b); } } private final R r = new R(); CallSign mkCallsignInPersistentScope(final byte[] cs) { r.cs = cs; //MemoryArea.getMemoryArea(state).executeInArea(r);; return r.c; } }