package org.openntf.domino.xsp.xots; import java.lang.reflect.Constructor; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Observable; import java.util.Observer; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import javax.servlet.ServletException; import lotus.domino.Session; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Platform; import org.openntf.domino.session.NativeSessionFactory; import org.openntf.domino.thread.DominoExecutor; import org.openntf.domino.thread.IWrappedCallable; import org.openntf.domino.thread.IWrappedRunnable; import org.openntf.domino.utils.DominoUtils; import org.openntf.domino.utils.Factory; import org.openntf.domino.utils.Factory.SessionType; import org.openntf.domino.xots.AbstractXotsCallable; import org.openntf.domino.xots.AbstractXotsRunnable; import org.openntf.domino.xots.Tasklet; import org.openntf.domino.xots.Tasklet.Context; import org.openntf.domino.xots.XotsContext; import org.openntf.domino.xsp.ODAPlatform; import org.openntf.domino.xsp.session.InvalidSessionFactory; import org.openntf.domino.xsp.session.XPageNamedSessionFactory; import org.openntf.domino.xsp.session.XPageSignerSessionFactory; import org.osgi.framework.Bundle; import; import; import; import; import; public class XotsDominoExecutor extends DominoExecutor { private static final Logger log_ = Logger.getLogger(XotsDominoExecutor.class.getName()); /** * * @author Roland Praml, FOCONIS AG * */ public static class XotsWrappedCallable<V> extends XotsWrappedTask implements IWrappedCallable<V> { private NSFComponentModule module_; public XotsWrappedCallable(final NSFComponentModule module, final Callable<V> wrappedObject) { setWrappedTask(wrappedObject); module_ = module; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public V call() throws Exception { return (V) callOrRun(module_); } } /** * * @author Roland Praml, FOCONIS AG * */ public static class XotsWrappedRunnable extends XotsWrappedTask implements IWrappedRunnable { private NSFComponentModule module_; public XotsWrappedRunnable(final NSFComponentModule module, final Runnable wrappedObject) { setWrappedTask(wrappedObject); module_ = module; } @Override public void run() { try { callOrRun(module_); } catch (Exception e) { log_.log(Level.SEVERE, "Could not execute " + module_.getModuleName() + "/" + getWrappedTask().getClass(), e); } } } /** * This class is used for periodic tasks. * * @author Roland Praml, FOCONIS AG * */ protected static class XotsBundleTasklet extends XotsWrappedTask implements IWrappedCallable<Object> { private String description; public XotsBundleTasklet(final String bundleName, final String className, final Object[] args) { super(); final Bundle bundle = Platform.getBundle(bundleName); Class<?> clazz = null; if (bundle == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Could not find bundle " + bundleName); try { clazz = bundle.loadClass(className); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Could not load class " + className + " in bundle " + bundleName, e); } description = "bundle:" + bundleName + ":" + className; Constructor<?> cTor = findConstructor(clazz, args); try { setWrappedTask(cTor.newInstance(args)); } catch (Exception e) { DominoUtils.handleException(e); } // This WrappedCallable has no tasklet if it does NOT run } @Override public Object call() throws Exception { return callOrRun(null); } @Override public String getDescription() { return description; } } protected static class XotsModuleTasklet extends XotsWrappedTask implements IWrappedCallable<Object> { private String moduleName; private String className; private Object[] args; private ArrayList<Observer> observers; public XotsModuleTasklet(final String moduleName, final String className, final Object... args) { super(); this.moduleName = moduleName; this.className = className; this.args = args; if (NotesContext.getCurrentUnchecked() == null) { // perform a check if there is NO open context. // if there is an open context, we cannot switch the module. // maybe we can do this in a separate thread NSFComponentModule module = loadModule(); NotesContext ctx = new NotesContext(module); NotesContext.initThread(ctx); try { Factory.initThread(ODAPlatform.getAppThreadConfig(module.getNotesApplication())); try { ClassLoader mcl = module.getModuleClassLoader(); ClassLoader oldCl = switchClassLoader(mcl); Factory.setClassLoader(mcl); try { Class<?> clazz = mcl.loadClass(className); findConstructor(clazz, args); // try if we can find the constructor } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Could not load class " + className + " in module " + moduleName, e); } finally { switchClassLoader(oldCl); } } finally { Factory.termThread(); } } finally { NotesContext.termThread(); } } } /** * loads the module * * @return */ protected NSFComponentModule loadModule() { try { NSFComponentModule module = ModuleLoader.loadModule(moduleName, true); if (module == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Could not find bundle " + moduleName); return module; } catch (ServletException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } @Override public void addObserver(final Observer o) { if (observers == null) { observers = new ArrayList<Observer>(); } observers.add(o); } @Override public Object call() throws Exception { NSFComponentModule module = loadModule(); NotesContext ctx = new NotesContext(module); NotesContext.initThread(ctx); try { // CHECKME which username should we use? Server ctx.initRequest(new FakeHttpRequest(Factory.getLocalServerName())); // ThreadLock readLock = null; // // if (ODAPlatform.isAppFlagSet("LOCKXOTS", codeModule.getNotesApplication())) { // readLock = getLockManager(codeModule).getReadLock(); // readLock.acquire(); // } // try { Factory.initThread(ODAPlatform.getAppThreadConfig(module.getNotesApplication())); try { ClassLoader mcl = module.getModuleClassLoader(); ClassLoader oldCl = switchClassLoader(mcl); Factory.setClassLoader(mcl); Factory.setSessionFactory(new NativeSessionFactory(moduleName), SessionType.CURRENT); DominoUtils.setBubbleExceptions(true); try { // Construct & set up Class<?> clazz = mcl.loadClass(className); Constructor<?> cTor = findConstructor(clazz, args); setWrappedTask(cTor.newInstance(args)); Object wrappedTask = getWrappedTask(); if (wrappedTask instanceof Observable && observers != null) { for (Observer o : observers) { ((Observable) wrappedTask).addObserver(o); } } return invokeTasklet(ctx, module); } finally { switchClassLoader(oldCl); } } finally { setWrappedTask(null); Factory.termThread(); } // } finally { // if (readLock != null) // readLock.release(); // } } finally { NotesContext.termThread(); } } @Override public String getDescription() { return moduleName + ":" + className; } } public XotsDominoExecutor(final int corePoolSize) { super(corePoolSize, "Xots"); } /** * We lock the module, so that it cannot get refreshed. (hope this is a good idea) * */ private static Field lockManager_field = AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction<Field>() { @Override public Field run() { Field field; try { field = ComponentModule.class.getDeclaredField("lockManager"); field.setAccessible(true); return field; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } }); /** * Returns the lock manager for the given ComponentModule * * @param module * @return */ static ThreadLockManager getLockManager(final ComponentModule module) { try { if (lockManager_field != null) { return (ThreadLockManager) lockManager_field.get(module); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } /** * Helper for WrappedCallable/WrappedRunnable * * @param ctx * @param mcl * @param wrapper * @throws ServletException */ static void initModule(final NotesContext ctx, final ClassLoader mcl, final Object wrappedObject) throws ServletException { // next initialize the context with a FakeHttpRequest. This is neccessary so that internal things // like session-creation and so on work properly // RPr: // You may ask what I do here: ReLoading the module again from the MCL triggers signature checking. if (mcl instanceof ModuleClassLoader) { URLClassLoader dcl = (URLClassLoader) ((ModuleClassLoader) mcl).getDynamicClassLoader(); String className = wrappedObject.getClass().getName(); String str = className.replace('.', '/') + ".class"; URL url = dcl.findResource(str); if (url != null && url.getProtocol().startsWith("xspnsf")) { // Set up the "TopLevelXPageSigner == Signer of the runnable // As soon as we are in a xspnsf, we do not have a SessionFactory! ctx.setSignerSessionRights("WEB-INF/classes/" + str); // RPr: There is a bug: you can decide if you want to use "sessionAsSigner" or "sessionAsSignerFullAccess" // But you cannot use both simultaneously! Session signerSession = ctx.getSessionAsSigner(true); if (signerSession != null) { Factory.setSessionFactory(new XPageSignerSessionFactory(false), SessionType.SIGNER); Factory.setSessionFactory(new XPageSignerSessionFactory(true), SessionType.SIGNER_FULL_ACCESS); } else { // do not setup signer sessions if it is not properly signed! Factory.setSessionFactory(new InvalidSessionFactory(), SessionType.SIGNER); Factory.setSessionFactory(new InvalidSessionFactory(), SessionType.SIGNER_FULL_ACCESS); } } else { // The code is not part from an NSF, so it resides on the server Factory.setSessionFactory(new XPageNamedSessionFactory(Factory.getLocalServerName(), false), SessionType.SIGNER); Factory.setSessionFactory(new XPageNamedSessionFactory(Factory.getLocalServerName(), true), SessionType.SIGNER_FULL_ACCESS); } } Factory.setClassLoader(mcl); } // ------------------------------ protected NSFComponentModule getCurrentModule() { NotesContext ctx = NotesContext.getCurrentUnchecked(); if (ctx == null) return null; return ctx.getModule(); } @Override protected <V> IWrappedCallable<V> wrap(final Callable<V> inner) { if (inner instanceof IWrappedCallable) return (IWrappedCallable<V>) inner; NSFComponentModule module = getCurrentModule(); Tasklet annot = inner.getClass().getAnnotation(Tasklet.class); if (annot == null || annot.context() == Context.DEFAULT) { if (module == null) { return super.wrap(inner); } else { if (inner instanceof AbstractXotsCallable) { XotsContext ctx = new XotsContext(); ctx.setOpenLogApiPath(ODAPlatform.getXspPropertyAsString("xsp.openlog.filepath")); ctx.setContextApiPath(module.getDatabasePath()); ctx.setTaskletClass(inner.getClass().getName()); ((AbstractXotsCallable) inner).setContext(ctx); } return new XotsWrappedCallable<V>(module, inner); } } else if (annot.context() == Context.PLUGIN) { return super.wrap(inner); } else if (annot.context() == Context.XSPSCOPED || annot.context() == Context.XSPBARE) { if (inner instanceof AbstractXotsXspCallable) { XotsXspContext ctx = new XotsXspContext(); if (annot.context() == Context.XSPSCOPED) { ctx.initialiseXspContext(true); } else { ctx.initialiseXspContext(false); } if (module != null) { ctx.setOpenLogApiPath(ODAPlatform.getXspPropertyAsString("xsp.openlog.filepath")); ctx.setContextApiPath(module.getDatabasePath()); ctx.setTaskletClass(inner.getClass().getName()); } ((AbstractXotsXspCallable) inner).setContext(ctx); } if (module == null) { return super.wrap(inner); } else { return new XotsWrappedCallable(module, inner); } } else { if (module == null) { throw new NullPointerException("No module is running"); } return new XotsWrappedCallable<V>(module, inner); } } @Override protected IWrappedRunnable wrap(final Runnable inner) { if (inner instanceof IWrappedRunnable) return (IWrappedRunnable) inner; NSFComponentModule module = getCurrentModule(); Tasklet annot = inner.getClass().getAnnotation(Tasklet.class); if (annot == null || annot.context() == Context.DEFAULT) { if (module == null) { return super.wrap(inner); } else { if (inner instanceof AbstractXotsRunnable) { XotsContext ctx = new XotsContext(); ctx.setOpenLogApiPath(ODAPlatform.getXspPropertyAsString("xsp.openlog.filepath")); ctx.setContextApiPath(module.getDatabasePath()); ctx.setTaskletClass(inner.getClass().getName()); ((AbstractXotsRunnable) inner).setContext(ctx); } return new XotsWrappedRunnable(module, inner); } } else if (annot.context() == Context.PLUGIN) { return super.wrap(inner); } else if (annot.context() == Context.XSPSCOPED || annot.context() == Context.XSPBARE) { if (inner instanceof AbstractXotsXspRunnable) { XotsXspContext ctx = new XotsXspContext(); if (annot.context() == Context.XSPSCOPED) { ctx.initialiseXspContext(true); } else { ctx.initialiseXspContext(false); } if (module != null) { ctx.setOpenLogApiPath(ODAPlatform.getXspPropertyAsString("xsp.openlog.filepath")); ctx.setContextApiPath(module.getDatabasePath()); ctx.setTaskletClass(inner.getClass().getName()); } ((AbstractXotsXspRunnable) inner).setContext(ctx); } if (module == null) { return super.wrap(inner); } else { return new XotsWrappedRunnable(module, inner); } } else { if (module == null) { throw new NullPointerException("No module is running"); } return new XotsWrappedRunnable(module, inner); } } @Override protected IWrappedCallable<?> wrap(final String moduleName, final String className, final Object... ctorArgs) { if (moduleName.startsWith("bundle:")) { return new XotsBundleTasklet(moduleName.substring(7), className, ctorArgs); } return new XotsModuleTasklet(moduleName, className, ctorArgs); } }