package org.openntf.domino.nsfdata.structs; /** * This structure holds the format for character time/date strings. You set up this structure based on the time/date format you want to use. * Definitions for the various fields of this structure are found in TDFMT_xxx, TTFMT_xxx, TZFMT_xxx, and TSFMT_xxx. (misc.h) * */ public class TFMT extends AbstractStruct { public static enum TDFMT { FULL, CPARTIAL, PARTIAL, DPARTIAL, FULL4, CPARTIAL4, DPARTIAL4 } public static enum TTFMT { FULL, PARTIAL, HOUR } public static enum TZFMT { NEVER, SOMETIMES, ALWAYS } public static enum TSFMT { DATE, TIME, DATETIME, CDATETIME } // TODO Figure out why this sometimes fails (Nifty 50 FORMROUT.NSF contains a value 123) public final Unsigned8 Date = new Unsigned8(); // public final Enum8<TDFMT> Date = new Enum8<TDFMT>(TDFMT.values()); // TODO FORMROUT.NSF contains 64 public final Unsigned8 Time = new Unsigned8(); // public final Enum8<TTFMT> Time = new Enum8<TTFMT>(TTFMT.values()); // TODO FORMROUT.NSF contains 105 public final Unsigned8 Zone = new Unsigned8(); // public final Enum8<TZFMT> Zone = new Enum8<TZFMT>(TZFMT.values()); // TODO FORMROUT.NSF contains 102 public final Unsigned8 Structure = new Unsigned8(); // public final Enum8<TSFMT> Structure = new Enum8<TSFMT>(TSFMT.values()); }