package com.tinkerpop.blueprints; /** * Compare is a predicate that determines whether the first argument is ==, !=, >, >=, <, <= to the second argument. * * @author Marko A. Rodriguez ( */ public enum Compare implements Predicate { EQUAL, NOT_EQUAL, GREATER_THAN, GREATER_THAN_EQUAL, LESS_THAN, LESS_THAN_EQUAL; public boolean evaluate(final Object first, final Object second) { switch (this) { case EQUAL: if (null == first) return second == null; return first.equals(second); case NOT_EQUAL: if (null == first) return second != null; return !first.equals(second); case GREATER_THAN: if (null == first || second == null) return false; return ((Comparable) first).compareTo(second) >= 1; case LESS_THAN: if (null == first || second == null) return false; return ((Comparable) first).compareTo(second) <= -1; case GREATER_THAN_EQUAL: if (null == first || second == null) return false; return ((Comparable) first).compareTo(second) >= 0; case LESS_THAN_EQUAL: if (null == first || second == null) return false; return ((Comparable) first).compareTo(second) <= 0; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid state as no valid filter was provided"); } } public Compare opposite() { if (this.equals(EQUAL)) return NOT_EQUAL; else if (this.equals(NOT_EQUAL)) return EQUAL; else if (this.equals(GREATER_THAN)) return LESS_THAN_EQUAL; else if (this.equals(GREATER_THAN_EQUAL)) return LESS_THAN; else if (this.equals(LESS_THAN)) return GREATER_THAN_EQUAL; else if (this.equals(LESS_THAN_EQUAL)) return GREATER_THAN; else throw new RuntimeException("Comparator does not have an opposite"); } /** * Constructs the string representation of the Compare. */ public String asString() { if (this.equals(EQUAL)) return "="; else if (this.equals(GREATER_THAN)) return ">"; else if (this.equals(GREATER_THAN_EQUAL)) return ">="; else if (this.equals(LESS_THAN_EQUAL)) return "<="; else if (this.equals(LESS_THAN)) return "<"; else if (this.equals(NOT_EQUAL)) return "<>"; else throw new RuntimeException("Comparator does not have a string representation"); } /** * Constructs a Compare from its string representation. */ public static Compare fromString(final String c) { if (c.equals("=")) return EQUAL; else if (c.equals("<>")) return NOT_EQUAL; else if (c.equals(">")) return GREATER_THAN; else if (c.equals(">=")) return GREATER_THAN_EQUAL; else if (c.equals("<")) return LESS_THAN; else if (c.equals("<=")) return LESS_THAN_EQUAL; else throw new IllegalArgumentException("Argument does not match any comparator"); } }