package com.tinkerpop.pipes.util; import com.tinkerpop.pipes.Pipe; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; /** * A Pipeline is a linear composite of Pipes. * Pipeline takes a List of Pipes and joins them according to their order as specified by their location in the List. * It is important to ensure that the provided ordered Pipes can connect together. * That is, that the output type of the n-1 Pipe is the same as the input type of the n Pipe. * Once all provided Pipes are composed, a Pipeline can be treated like any other Pipe. * * @author Marko A. Rodriguez ( */ public class Pipeline<S, E> implements Pipe<S, E>, MetaPipe { protected Pipe<S, ?> startPipe; protected Pipe<?, E> endPipe; protected List<Pipe> pipes; protected Iterator<S> starts; protected boolean pathEnabled = false; public Pipeline() { this.pipes = new ArrayList<Pipe>(); } /** * Constructs a pipeline from the provided pipes. The ordered list determines how the pipes will be chained together. * When the pipes are chained together, the start of pipe n is the end of pipe n-1. * * @param pipes the ordered list of pipes to chain together into a pipeline */ public Pipeline(final List<Pipe> pipes) { this.pipes = pipes; this.setPipes(pipes); } /** * Constructs a pipeline from the provided pipes. The ordered array determines how the pipes will be chained together. * When the pipes are chained together, the start of pipe n is the end of pipe n-1. * * @param pipes the ordered array of pipes to chain together into a pipeline */ public Pipeline(final Pipe... pipes) { this(new ArrayList<Pipe>(Arrays.asList(pipes))); } /** * Useful for constructing the pipeline chain without making use of the constructor. * * @param pipes the ordered list of pipes to chain together into a pipeline */ protected void setPipes(final List<Pipe> pipes) { final int pipelineLength = pipes.size(); this.startPipe = (Pipe<S, ?>) pipes.get(0); this.endPipe = (Pipe<?, E>) pipes.get(pipelineLength - 1); for (int i = 1; i < pipelineLength; i++) { pipes.get(i).setStarts((Iterator) pipes.get(i - 1)); } } /** * Adds a new pipe to the end of the pipeline and then reconstructs the pipeline chain. * * @param pipe the new pipe to add to the pipeline */ public void addPipe(final Pipe pipe) { this.pipes.add(pipe); this.setPipes(this.pipes); } public void addPipe(final int location, final Pipe pipe) { this.pipes.add(location, pipe); this.setPipes(this.pipes); } public void setStarts(final Iterator<S> starts) { this.starts = starts; this.startPipe.setStarts(starts); } public void setStarts(final Iterable<S> starts) { this.setStarts(starts.iterator()); } /** * An unsupported operation that throws an UnsupportedOperationException. */ public void remove() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } /** * Determines if there is another object that can be emitted from the pipeline. * * @return true if an object can be next()'d out of the pipeline */ public boolean hasNext() { return this.endPipe.hasNext(); } /** * Get the next object emitted from the pipeline. * If no such object exists, then a NoSuchElementException is thrown. * * @return the next emitted object */ public E next() { return; } public List getCurrentPath() { if (this.pathEnabled) return this.endPipe.getCurrentPath(); else throw new RuntimeException(Pipe.NO_PATH_MESSAGE); } public void enablePath(final boolean enable) { this.pathEnabled = enable; this.endPipe.enablePath(enable); } /** * Get the number of pipes in the pipeline. * * @return the pipeline length */ public int size() { return this.pipes.size(); } public void reset() { this.endPipe.reset(); } /** * Simply returns this as as a pipeline (more specifically, pipe) implements Iterator. * * @return returns the iterator representation of this pipeline */ public Iterator<E> iterator() { return this; } /** * Returns the current pipeline with a new end type. * Useful if the end type of the pipeline cannot be implicitly derived. * * @return returns the current pipeline with the new end type. */ public <E> Pipeline<S, E> cast(Class<E> end) { return (Pipeline<S, E>) this; } public String toString() { return this.pipes.toString(); } public List<Pipe> getPipes() { return this.pipes; } public Iterator<S> getStarts() { return this.starts; } public Pipe remove(final int index) { return this.pipes.remove(index); } public Pipe get(final int index) { return this.pipes.get(index); } public boolean equals(final Object object) { return (object instanceof Pipeline) && PipeHelper.areEqual(this, (Pipeline) object); } public long count() { return PipeHelper.counter(this); } public void iterate() { PipeHelper.iterate(this); } public List<E> next(final int number) { final List<E> list = new ArrayList<E>(number); PipeHelper.fillCollection(this, list, number); return list; } public List<E> toList() { final List<E> list = new ArrayList<E>(); PipeHelper.fillCollection(this, list); return list; } public Collection<E> fill(final Collection<E> collection) { PipeHelper.fillCollection(this, collection); return collection; } }