package; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.EnumSet; import java.util.Set; import org.openntf.domino.nsfdata.structs.FONTID; import org.openntf.domino.nsfdata.structs.NOTES_COLOR; import org.openntf.domino.nsfdata.structs.ODSUtils; import org.openntf.domino.nsfdata.structs.SIG; import org.openntf.domino.nsfdata.structs.WSIG; /** * This structure defines the appearance of the bar used with collapsible sections. * * @since Lotus Notes 4.1 * */ public class CDBAR extends CDRecord { /** * On-disk flags for CDBAR (Collapsible Sections). For collapsible sections indicated by a tab or a tab with a diagonal border, the * CDBAR record (with its Flags member set to BARREC_BORDER_OTHER) is followed by a CDDATAFLAGS structure with its Flags member set to * BARREC_DATA_BORDER_TAB (for tab) or BARREC_DATA_BORDER_DIAG (for diagonal). * * @since Lotus Notes 4.5 * */ // TODO: This needs to be rationalized somehow - the borders share values with earlier consts, but documentation is unclear public static enum Flag { /** * Section can be expanded only if the current user has editing privileges. */ DISABLED_FOR_NON_EDITORS(1), /** * Section is expanded. */ EXPANDED(2), /** * The bar is preview only. */ PREVIEW(4), /** * Border is not visible around section title. */ BORDER_INVISIBLE(0x1000), /** * Bar caption is a formula. */ ISFORMULA(0x2000), /** * Caption is hidden when bar is expanded. */ HIDE_EXPANDED(0x4000), POSTREPLYSECTION(0x8000), AUTO_EXP_READ(0x20), AUTO_EXP_PRE(0x20), AUTO_EXP_EDIT(0x40), AUTO_EXP_PRINT(0x80), AUTO_COL_READ(0x100), AUTO_COL_PRE(0x200), AUTO_COL_EDIT(0x400), AUTO_COL_PRINT(0x800), AUTO_COL_MASK(0xF00), AUTO_ED_EXP_READ(0x10000), AUTO_ED_EXP_PRE(0x20000), AUTO_ED_EXP_EDIT(0x40000), AUTO_ED_EXP_PRINT(0x80000), AUTO_ED_COL_READ(0x100000), AUTO_ED_COL_PRE(0x200000), AUTO_ED_COL_EDIT(0x400000), AUTO_ED_COL_PRINT(0x800000), /** * Whether the user can edit this bar or not. */ INTENDED(0x1000000), /** * The bar has an explicit color reference. */ HAS_COLOR(0x4000000), /** * Draw a shadow around the border of the bar. */ BORDER_SHADOW(0), /** * No default border style. */ BORDER_NONE(1), /** * Bar is single thickness. */ BORDER_SINGLE(2), /** * Bar is double thickness. */ BORDER_DOUBLE(3), /** * Bar is triple thickness. */ BORDER_TRIPLE(4), /** * Bar is two lines. */ BORDER_TWOLINE(5), /** * Shaded box is visible around section title. Open and close is indicated by icon on right of section. */ BORDER_WINDOWCAPTION(6), /** * Used to create tab or diagonal sections. */ BORDER_OTHER(7), /** * Box is visible around section title with shading blended to match the background. */ BORDER_GRADIENT(7), /** * Section is indicated by a tab. */ BORDER_TAB(8), /** * Section is indicated by a tab with a diagonal border. */ BORDER_DIAG(9), BORDER_DUOCOLOR(10), /** * Unused */ INDENTED(0x80000000); public static final int AUTO_EXP_MASK = 0xf0; public static final int AUTO_PRE_MASK = AUTO_COL_PRE.getValue() | AUTO_EXP_PRE.getValue(); public static final int AUTO_READ_MASK = AUTO_COL_READ.getValue() | AUTO_EXP_READ.getValue(); public static final int AUTO_EDIT_MASK = AUTO_COL_EDIT.getValue() | AUTO_EXP_EDIT.getValue(); public static final int AUTO_PRINT_MASK = AUTO_COL_EDIT.getValue() | AUTO_EXP_PRINT.getValue(); /** * We will make use (in the code) of the fact that the auto expand/collapse flags for editors are simply shifted left twelve bits * from the normal expand/collapse flags. */ public static final int AUTO_ED_SHIFT = 12; public static final int AUTO_ED_EXP_MASK = 0xf00000; public static final int AUTO_ED_COL_MASK = 0xF00000; public static final int AUTO_ED_PRE_MASK = AUTO_ED_COL_PRE.getValue() | AUTO_ED_EXP_PRE.getValue(); public static final int AUTO_ED_READ_MASK = AUTO_ED_COL_READ.getValue() | AUTO_ED_EXP_READ.getValue(); public static final int AUTO_ED_EDIT_MASK = AUTO_ED_COL_EDIT.getValue() | AUTO_ED_EXP_EDIT.getValue(); public static final int AUTO_ED_PRINT_MASK = AUTO_ED_COL_PRINT.getValue() | AUTO_ED_EXP_PRINT.getValue(); /** * Mask used for getting and setting the border type. */ public static final int BORDER_MASK = 0x70000000; /** * Indicate explicitly those bits that we want to save on-disk so that we insure that the others are zero when we save to disk so * that we can use later. */ public static final int ODS_MASK = 0xF4FFEFF7; private final int value_; private Flag(final int value) { value_ = value; } public int getValue() { return value_; } public static Set<Flag> valuesOf(final int flags) { Set<Flag> result = EnumSet.noneOf(Flag.class); for (Flag flag : values()) { if ((flag.getValue() & flags) > 0) { result.add(flag); } } return result; } } public final WSIG Header = inner(new WSIG()); /** * Use getFlags for access. */ @Deprecated public final Unsigned32 Flags = new Unsigned32(); public final FONTID FontID = inner(new FONTID()); @Override public SIG getHeader() { return Header; } public Set<Flag> getFlags() { return Flag.valuesOf((int) Flags.get()); } /** * If the BARREC_HAS_COLOR bit is set in the Flags field then immediately following this structure there will be a WORD that identifies * the value of the color. This color value comes from the defines in the file COLORID.H that begin with NOTES_COLOR_xxx */ public NOTES_COLOR getColor() { if (getFlags().contains(Flag.HAS_COLOR)) { short color = getData().getShort(getData().position() + FontID.size() + 4); return new NOTES_COLOR(color); } return null; } public String getCaption() { // Note: this can't use the standard methods because of the bizarre Color value above int preceding = getFlags().contains(Flag.HAS_COLOR) ? 2 : 0; int length = (int) (Header.getRecordLength() - 4 - FontID.size() - preceding); ByteBuffer data = getData().duplicate(); data.position(data.position() + FontID.size() + 4 + preceding); data.limit(data.position() + length); return ODSUtils.fromLMBCS(data); } }