package com.tinkerpop.pipes.transform; import com.tinkerpop.pipes.AbstractPipe; import com.tinkerpop.pipes.util.FastNoSuchElementException; /** * @author Darrick Wiebe ( */ public class HasCountPipe<S> extends AbstractPipe<S, Boolean> implements TransformPipe<S, Boolean> { private long minimum; private long maximum; private long counter = 0; private boolean finished = false; /** * The pipe must emit at least min and not more than max elements. * * @param min minimum number of elements. Use -1 for no minimum. * @param max maximum number of elements. Use -1 for no maximum. */ public HasCountPipe(long min, long max) { this.minimum = min; this.maximum = max; } public Boolean processNextStart() { if (this.finished) { throw FastNoSuchElementException.instance(); } this.finished = true; if (this.minimum == -1 && this.maximum == -1) return Boolean.TRUE; while (true) { if (this.starts.hasNext()) { if (this.counter == this.maximum) { return Boolean.FALSE; } this.counter++; if (this.minimum != -1 && this.counter == this.minimum && this.maximum == -1) { return Boolean.TRUE; }; } else if (this.maximum != -1 && this.counter >= this.minimum) { return Boolean.TRUE; } else { return Boolean.FALSE; } } } public void reset() { super.reset(); this.counter = 0; this.finished = false; } }