package com.tinkerpop.blueprints.util; import com.tinkerpop.blueprints.TransactionalGraph; import java.util.Set; /** * Creates a TransactionGraph "holder" which allows execution of a TransactionWork instance inside of a * TransactionRetryStrategy implementation. * * @param <T> The return value of the work. */ public class TransactionRetryHelper<T> { private final TransactionalGraph graph; private final TransactionWork<T> work; private TransactionRetryHelper(final Builder<T> builder) { this.graph = builder.getGraph(); = builder.getWork(); } /** * Executes the work committing if possible and rolling back on failure. On failure, not exception is reported. */ public T fireAndForget() { return use(new TransactionRetryStrategy.FireAndForget<T>()); } /** * Executes the work committing if possible and rolling back on failure. On failure an exception is reported. */ public T oneAndDone() { return use(new TransactionRetryStrategy.OneAndDone<T>()); } /** * Executes the work with a default number of retries with a default number of milliseconds delay between * each try. */ public T retry() { return use(new TransactionRetryStrategy.DelayedRetry<T>()); } /** * Executes the work with a specified number of retries with a default number of milliseconds delay between * each try. */ public T retry(final int retries) { return use(new TransactionRetryStrategy.DelayedRetry<T>(retries, TransactionRetryStrategy.DelayedRetry.DEFAULT_DELAY_MS)); } /** * Executes the work with a specified number of retries with a specified number of milliseconds delay between * each try. */ public T retry(final int retries, final long delayBetweenRetries) { return use(new TransactionRetryStrategy.DelayedRetry<T>(retries, delayBetweenRetries)); } /** * Executes the work with a specified number of retries with a specified number of milliseconds delay between * each try. * * @param exceptionsToRetryOn For a retry to happen, it must be in this set of accepted exceptions. If an * exception raises that is not in the set, then an error is immediately raised * with no retry. */ public T retry(final int retries, final long delayBetweenRetries, final Set<Class> exceptionsToRetryOn ) { return use(new TransactionRetryStrategy.DelayedRetry<T>(retries, delayBetweenRetries, exceptionsToRetryOn)); } /** * Executes the work with a default number of retries with a exponentially increasing number of milliseconds * between each retry. */ public T exponentialBackoff() { return use(new TransactionRetryStrategy.ExponentialBackoff<T>()); } /** * Executes the work with a specified number of retries with a exponentially increasing number of milliseconds * between each retry. */ public T exponentialBackoff(final int retries) { return use(new TransactionRetryStrategy.ExponentialBackoff<T>( retries, TransactionRetryStrategy.ExponentialBackoff.DEFAULT_DELAY_MS)); } /** * Executes the work with a specified number of retries with a exponentially increasing number of milliseconds * between each retry. */ public T exponentialBackoff(final int retries, final long initialDelay) { return use(new TransactionRetryStrategy.ExponentialBackoff<T>( retries, initialDelay)); } /** * Executes the work with a specified number of retries with a exponentially increasing number of milliseconds * between each retry. * * @param exceptionsToRetryOn For a retry to happen, it must be in this set of accepted exceptions. If an * exception raises that is not in the set, then an error is immediately raised * with no retry. */ public T exponentialBackoff(final int retries, final long initialDelay, final Set<Class> exceptionsToRetryOn) { return use(new TransactionRetryStrategy.ExponentialBackoff<T>( retries, initialDelay, exceptionsToRetryOn)); } /** * Executes the work with a specified TransactionRetryStrategy. */ public T use(final TransactionRetryStrategy<T> strategy) { return strategy.execute(this.graph,; } /** * Constructs a TransactionRetryStrategy. */ public static class Builder<T> { private final TransactionalGraph graph; private TransactionWork<T> work; public Builder(final TransactionalGraph graph) { this.graph = graph; } public Builder<T> perform(final TransactionWork<T> work) { = work; return this; } public TransactionRetryHelper<T> build() { return new TransactionRetryHelper<T>(this); } public TransactionalGraph getGraph() { return graph; } public TransactionWork<T> getWork() { return work; } } }