/** <p> StAX-like XML readers/writers which do not require object creation (such as String) and are consequently faster than standard StAX.</p> <p> The main difference with "javax.xml.stream.*" classes is the integration with OSGi to retrieve {@code XMLInputFactory/XMLOutputFactory} instances and the use of <code>CharSequence</code> instead of <code>String</code>. Since <code>String</code> is a <code>CharSequence</code> (JDK 1.4+), most existing StAX code requires very little modification to be used with these new classes.</p> <p> For more information about the usage of this package please read the documentation for the {@link javolution.xml.stream.XMLStreamReader} and {@link javolution.xml.stream.XMLStreamWriter} interfaces.</p> <p> For more information about StAX (Streaming API for XML) in general see <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/StAX">Wikipedia: StAX</a></p> */ package javolution.xml.stream;