package com.tinkerpop.pipes.filter; import com.tinkerpop.blueprints.Compare; import com.tinkerpop.blueprints.Element; import com.tinkerpop.pipes.AbstractPipe; /** * IntervalFilterPipe will filter an element flowing through it according to whether a particular property value of the element is within provided range. * For those objects who property value for provided key is null, the element is filtered out of the stream. * * @author Marko A. Rodriguez ( */ public class IntervalFilterPipe<S extends Element> extends AbstractPipe<S, S> implements FilterPipe<S> { private final String key; private final Comparable startValue; private final Comparable endValue; public IntervalFilterPipe(final String key, final Comparable startValue, final Comparable endValue) { this.key = key; this.startValue = startValue; this.endValue = endValue; } public S processNextStart() { while (true) { final S s =; final Object value = s.getProperty(key); if (null == value) continue; else { if (Compare.GREATER_THAN_EQUAL.evaluate(value, this.startValue) && Compare.LESS_THAN.evaluate(value, this.endValue)) return s; } } } public String getKey() { return this.key; } public Comparable getStartValue() { return this.startValue; } public Comparable getEndValue() { return this.endValue; } }