package org.openntf.domino.tests.ntf; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.openntf.domino.Database; import org.openntf.domino.DbDirectory; import org.openntf.domino.Document; import org.openntf.domino.Session; import org.openntf.domino.ext.Session.Fixes; import org.openntf.domino.thread.DominoThread; import org.openntf.domino.utils.Factory; import org.openntf.domino.utils.Factory.SessionType; public class IMDBTest implements Runnable { public static void main(final String[] args) { DominoThread thread = new DominoThread(new IMDBTest(), "IMDB Test"); thread.start(); } public IMDBTest() { // whatever you might want to do in your constructor, but stay away from Domino objects } @SuppressWarnings("unused") private void importMovies(final Database db) { if (db == null) { System.out.println("db is null. Cannot proceed."); return; } BufferedReader br = getFileReader("c:/data/imdb/movies.list"); String curLine; try { boolean atMovies = false; int movieCount = 0; while ((curLine = br.readLine()) != null) { if (!atMovies) { if (curLine.startsWith("MOVIES LIST")) { curLine = br.readLine(); if (curLine.startsWith("===")) { atMovies = true; } } } else { if (curLine.length() > 2) { try { movieCount++; if (movieCount % 1000 == 0) { System.out.println("Processing line " + movieCount + ": " + curLine); } int tabPos = curLine.indexOf('\t'); String rawMovieTitle = curLine.substring(0, tabPos).trim(); String rawReleaseDate = curLine.substring(tabPos + 1).trim(); String entryType = null; String expectedTitle = null; String episodeTitle = null; String episodeNumber = null; Integer seasonNumber = null; Integer showNumber = null; String expectedFilmDate = null; String remainingTitle = null; String entryKey = null; Integer releaseYear = null; char firstChar = rawMovieTitle.charAt(0); if (firstChar == '"') { //This is a TV series... /* "17 Kids and Counting" (2008) 2008-???? "17 Kids and Counting" (2008) {20 Years, 20 Duggars (#3.15)} 2009 "17 Kids and Counting" (2008) {38 Kids & Counting! (#8.7)} 2011 */ entryKey = rawMovieTitle; int endQuote = rawMovieTitle.indexOf('"', 2); expectedTitle = rawMovieTitle.substring(1, endQuote); remainingTitle = rawMovieTitle.substring(endQuote); boolean isEpisode = false; if (remainingTitle.indexOf(") {") > -1) { isEpisode = true; } int startParens = remainingTitle.indexOf('('); int endParens = remainingTitle.indexOf(')'); expectedFilmDate = remainingTitle.substring(startParens + 1, endParens); if (isEpisode) { entryType = "EPISODE"; remainingTitle = remainingTitle.substring(endParens).trim(); int startBrace = remainingTitle.indexOf('{'); int endBrace = remainingTitle.lastIndexOf('}'); remainingTitle = remainingTitle.substring(startBrace + 1, endBrace); startParens = remainingTitle.lastIndexOf('('); endParens = remainingTitle.lastIndexOf(')'); if (startParens > -1 && endParens > 1) { if (startParens > 0) { episodeTitle = remainingTitle.substring(0, startParens - 1).trim(); } episodeNumber = remainingTitle.substring(startParens + 1, endParens); int period = episodeNumber.indexOf('.'); if (period > -1) { try { if (episodeNumber.startsWith("#")) { seasonNumber = Integer.valueOf(episodeNumber.substring(1, period)); } else { seasonNumber = Integer.valueOf(episodeNumber.substring(0, period)); } showNumber = Integer.valueOf(episodeNumber.substring(period + 1)); } catch (Exception e) { // move along... } } } else { episodeTitle = remainingTitle.trim(); } } else { entryType = "SERIES"; } } else { //This is a movie (feature release, made for TV, straight to video) //$21 a Day - (Once a Month) (1941) 1941 //'7th on Sixth': Inside Fashion Week (1999) (TV) 1999 entryKey = rawMovieTitle; if (rawMovieTitle.endsWith("(TV)")) { entryType = "MOVIE_TV"; remainingTitle = rawMovieTitle.substring(0, rawMovieTitle.lastIndexOf('(')).trim(); } else if (rawMovieTitle.endsWith("(V)")) { entryType = "MOVIE_VIDEO"; remainingTitle = rawMovieTitle.substring(0, rawMovieTitle.lastIndexOf('(')).trim(); } else if (rawMovieTitle.endsWith("(VG)")) { entryType = "VIDEOGAME"; remainingTitle = rawMovieTitle.substring(0, rawMovieTitle.lastIndexOf('(')).trim(); } else { entryType = "MOVIE"; remainingTitle = rawMovieTitle.trim(); } int startParens = remainingTitle.lastIndexOf('('); int endParens = remainingTitle.lastIndexOf(')'); if (startParens > -1 && endParens > 1) { expectedFilmDate = remainingTitle.substring(startParens + 1, endParens); expectedTitle = remainingTitle.substring(0, startParens); } else { expectedTitle = remainingTitle; } } if (rawReleaseDate.length() > 3 && !rawReleaseDate.startsWith("?")) { releaseYear = Integer.valueOf(rawReleaseDate.substring(0, 4).trim()); } Document doc = db.getDocumentWithKey(entryKey, true); doc.replaceItemValue("StartDate", expectedFilmDate); doc.replaceItemValue("Title", expectedTitle); doc.replaceItemValue("Type", entryType); doc.replaceItemValue("EpisodeTitle", episodeTitle); doc.replaceItemValue("EpisodeNumber", episodeNumber); doc.replaceItemValue("SeasonNumber", seasonNumber); doc.replaceItemValue("ShowNumber", showNumber); doc.replaceItemValue("ReleaseYear", releaseYear);; } catch (Throwable t) { System.out.println("Exception processing line: " + curLine); t.printStackTrace(); } } } } } catch (Throwable t) { t.printStackTrace(); } /* MOVIES LIST =========== "17 Kids and Counting" (2008) 2008-???? "17 Kids and Counting" (2008) {20 Years, 20 Duggars (#3.15)} 2009 "17 Kids and Counting" (2008) {38 Kids & Counting! (#8.7)} 2011 "17 Kids and Counting" (2008) {40 Kids, Oh My!} 2012 "17 Kids and Counting" (2008) {A Big Idea} 2013 */ } private void importGenres(final Database db) { /* 8: THE GENRES LIST ================== "17 - o poveste despre destin" (2008) Drama "17 Kids and Counting" (2008) Documentary "17 Meter - Wie weit kannst du gehn?" (2011) Game-Show */ if (db == null) { System.out.println("db is null. Cannot proceed."); return; } BufferedReader br = getFileReader("c:/data/imdb/genres.list"); int exceptionCount = 0; String curLine; try { boolean atMovies = false; int movieCount = 0; int lineCount = 0; String lastTitle = ""; List<String> genres = new ArrayList<String>(); while ((curLine = br.readLine()) != null) { if (exceptionCount > 500) { System.out.println("EXCEPTION COUNT EXCEEDED. TERMINATING."); return; } lineCount++; if (!atMovies) { if (curLine.startsWith("8: THE GENRES LIST")) { curLine = br.readLine(); if (curLine.startsWith("===")) { atMovies = true; } } } else { if (curLine.length() > 2) { try { int tabPos = curLine.indexOf('\t'); String rawMovieTitle = curLine.substring(0, tabPos).trim(); String curGenre = curLine.substring(tabPos).trim(); genres.add(curGenre); if (movieCount % 1000 == 0) { System.out.println("Processing plot for " + movieCount + ": " + rawMovieTitle + " (" + lineCount + " lines)"); } if (!rawMovieTitle.equalsIgnoreCase(lastTitle)) { movieCount++; Document doc = db.getDocumentWithKey(rawMovieTitle, false); if (doc != null) { doc.replaceItemValue("Genres", genres);; } else { exceptionCount++; } lastTitle = rawMovieTitle; genres = new ArrayList<String>(); } } catch (Throwable t) { exceptionCount++; t.printStackTrace(); } } } } } catch (Throwable t) { exceptionCount++; t.printStackTrace(); } } @SuppressWarnings("unused") private void importPlots(final Database db) { /* PLOT SUMMARIES LIST =================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MV: "17 Kids and Counting" (2008) {Coffee & Caricatures} PL: Jessa and Jinger volunteer at a local coffee shop and have no idea what's PL: in store. With Jinger being a big coffee fan, will she drink more than she PL: sells? And Jackson and Johannah are drawing caricatures to collect funds PL: for Josh and Anna's baby gift. BY: Anonymous ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MV: "17 Kids and Counting" (2008) {Designing Duggars (#3.27)} PL: The Duggars are back with the Bates and Wilsons! Watch as the families put PL: the finishing touches on the Bates' home renovation project. But with over PL: 40 kids running around, will the families be able to get everything done in PL: their one-week deadline? BY: Anonymous ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MV: "17 Kids and Counting" (2008) {Digesting Duggars (#5.2)} PL: Doctors make a breakthrough with Josie when they determine the cause of her PL: digestive problems. With the discovery comes relief when Michelle is PL: finally able to bring Josie back home. Meanwhile, Jana and John David take PL: off on their trip to Asia. BY: Anonymous */ if (db == null) { System.out.println("db is null. Cannot proceed."); return; } BufferedReader br = getFileReader("c:/data/imdb/plot.list"); int exceptionCount = 0; String curLine; try { boolean atMovies = false; int movieCount = 0; int lineCount = 0; String expectedTitle = null; Map<String, String> plots = new HashMap<String, String>(); StringBuilder curPlot = new StringBuilder(); while ((curLine = br.readLine()) != null) { if (exceptionCount > 500) { System.out.println("EXCEPTION COUNT EXCEEDED. TERMINATING."); return; } lineCount++; if (!atMovies) { if (curLine.startsWith("PLOT SUMMARIES LIST")) { curLine = br.readLine(); if (curLine.startsWith("===")) { curLine = br.readLine(); atMovies = true; } } } else { if (curLine.length() > 2) { try { if (curLine.startsWith("MV:")) { expectedTitle = curLine.substring(3).trim(); //"#LawstinWoods" (2013) movieCount++; if (movieCount % 1000 == 0) { System.out.println("Processing plot for " + movieCount + ": " + expectedTitle + " (" + lineCount + " lines)"); } } else if (curLine.startsWith("PL:")) { String plotLine = curLine.substring(3).trim(); curPlot.append(plotLine); curPlot.append(" "); } else if (curLine.startsWith("BY:")) { String byLine = curLine.substring(3).trim(); plots.put(byLine, curPlot.toString()); } else if (curLine.startsWith("------")) { Document doc = db.getDocumentWithKey(expectedTitle, false); if (doc != null) { int plotNumber = 0; for (String author : plots.keySet()) { plotNumber++; doc.replaceItemValue("plot_" + plotNumber, plots.get(author)); doc.replaceItemValue("author_" + plotNumber, author); }; } else { // System.out.println("Unable to find movie doc with key: " + expectedTitle); exceptionCount++; } expectedTitle = null; plots = new HashMap<String, String>(); curPlot = new StringBuilder(); } } catch (Throwable t) { exceptionCount++; t.printStackTrace(); } } } } } catch (Throwable t) { exceptionCount++; t.printStackTrace(); } } @SuppressWarnings("unused") private void importDirectors(final Database db) { /* THE DIRECTORS LIST ================== Name Titles ---- ------ Enlow, Scott (I) "17 Kids and Counting" (2008) {Big Family Meets Big Apple (#1.1)} "17 Kids and Counting" (2008) {Duggars Do New York (#1.2)} "17 Kids and Counting" (2008) {Duggars Movin' Out (#4.4)} "17 Kids and Counting" (2008) {Josh Gets Engaged (#1.3)} "Jon & Kate Plus 8" (2007) {Leah and Joel (#3.18)} Ennett, Jimmy Action Movie (2011) (co-director) Billy Cart (2013) Define by Ability (2013) Invasion (2011/I) Man of Action (2013) My Heart, a Drum (2010) Winning Streaks (2012) */ } @SuppressWarnings("unused") private void importActors(final DbDirectory dir) { if (dir == null) { System.out.println("dir is null. Cannot proceed."); return; } BufferedReader br = getFileReader("c:/data/imdb/actresses1.list"); int exceptionCount = 0; String curLine; try { boolean atMovies = false; int actorCount = 0; int lineCount = 0; String curActor = ""; String lastActor = ""; List<String> genres = new ArrayList<String>(); while ((curLine = br.readLine()) != null) { if (exceptionCount > 500) { System.out.println("EXCEPTION COUNT EXCEEDED. TERMINATING."); return; } lineCount++; if (!atMovies) { if (curLine.startsWith("8: THE GENRES LIST")) { curLine = br.readLine(); if (curLine.startsWith("===")) { atMovies = true; } } } else { if (curLine.trim().length() > 2) { try { char firstChar = curLine.charAt(0); if (firstChar == '\t') { //continuation of prior actor } else { //new actor actorCount++; int tabPos = curLine.indexOf('\t'); curActor = curLine.substring(0, tabPos).trim(); if (actorCount % 1000 == 0) { System.out.println("Processing actor " + actorCount + ": " + curActor + " (" + lineCount + " lines)"); } Database db = null; //TODO obviously not... @SuppressWarnings("null") Document doc = db.getDocumentWithKey(curActor, false); if (doc != null) { doc.replaceItemValue("Genres", genres);; } else { exceptionCount++; } lastActor = curActor; genres = new ArrayList<String>(); } } catch (Throwable t) { exceptionCount++; t.printStackTrace(); } } } } } catch (Throwable t) { exceptionCount++; t.printStackTrace(); } } @Override public void run() { Session session = Factory.getSession(SessionType.CURRENT); session.setFixEnable(Fixes.REPLACE_ITEM_NULL, true); session.setFixEnable(Fixes.REMOVE_ITEM, true); session.setFixEnable(Fixes.CREATE_DB, true); DbDirectory dir = session.getDbDirectory(""); Database moviesDb = dir.createDatabase("imdb/movies.nsf", true); // importMovies(moviesDb); // importPlots(moviesDb); importGenres(moviesDb); // Database actorsDb = dir.createDatabase("imdb/actors.nsf", true); // Database directorsDb = dir.createDatabase("imdb/directors.nsf", true); } public BufferedReader getFileReader(final String filepath) { File file = new File(filepath); if (file.exists()) { try { BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(file), "UTF-8")); return br; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } return null; } }