package org.openntf.domino.graph; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import javolution.text.TextBuilder; import javolution.util.FastMap; import javolution.util.FastSet; import org.openntf.domino.Document; import org.openntf.domino.graph.DominoGraph.DominoGraphException; import com.tinkerpop.blueprints.Direction; import com.tinkerpop.blueprints.Edge; import com.tinkerpop.blueprints.Vertex; import com.tinkerpop.blueprints.VertexQuery; import com.tinkerpop.blueprints.util.DefaultVertexQuery; import com.tinkerpop.blueprints.util.MultiIterable; import com.tinkerpop.blueprints.util.VerticesFromEdgesIterable; @Deprecated public class DominoVertex extends DominoElement implements IDominoVertex, Serializable { private static final Logger log_ = Logger.getLogger(DominoVertex.class.getName()); public static final String GRAPH_TYPE_VALUE = "OpenVertex"; // public static final String IN_NAME = "_OPEN_IN"; // public static final String OUT_NAME = "_OPEN_OUT"; // public static final String IN_LABELS = "_OPEN_LABELS_IN"; // public static final String OUT_LABELS = "_OPEN_LABELS_OUT"; public static final String IN_PREFIX = "_OPEN_IN_"; public static final String OUT_PREFIX = "_OPEN_OUT_"; private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private FastMap<String, Boolean> inDirtyMap_; private FastMap<String, Boolean> outDirtyMap_; private FastMap<String, FastSet<String>> inEdgesMap_; private FastMap<String, FastSet<String>> outEdgesMap_; private transient FastMap<String, FastSet<Edge>> inEdgeCache_; private transient FastMap<String, FastSet<Edge>> outEdgeCache_; public DominoVertex(final DominoGraph parent, final org.openntf.domino.Document doc) { super(parent, doc); } Map<String, Boolean> getInDirtyMap() { if (inDirtyMap_ == null) { inDirtyMap_ = new FastMap<String, Boolean>().atomic(); } return inDirtyMap_; } Map<String, Boolean> getOutDirtyMap() { if (outDirtyMap_ == null) { outDirtyMap_ = new FastMap<String, Boolean>().atomic(); } return outDirtyMap_; } Map<String, FastSet<String>> getInEdgesMap() { if (inEdgesMap_ == null) { inEdgesMap_ = new FastMap<String, FastSet<String>>().atomic(); } return inEdgesMap_; } Map<String, FastSet<String>> getOutEdgesMap() { if (outEdgesMap_ == null) { outEdgesMap_ = new FastMap<String, FastSet<String>>().atomic(); } return outEdgesMap_; } @Override public int getInEdgeCount(final String label) { Set<String> edgeIds = getInEdgesMap().get(label); if (edgeIds == null) { return getProperty("_COUNT" + DominoVertex.IN_PREFIX + label, Integer.class, false); } else { return edgeIds.size(); } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Set<String> getInEdgesSet(final String label) { FastSet<String> edgeIds = getInEdgesMap().get(label); if (edgeIds == null) { Object o = getProperty(DominoVertex.IN_PREFIX + label, java.util.Collection.class); if (o != null) { if (o instanceof FastSet) { edgeIds = ((FastSet<String>) o).atomic(); } else if (o instanceof java.util.Collection) { FastSet<String> result = new FastSet<String>(); result.addAll((Collection<String>) o); edgeIds = result.atomic(); } else { log_.log(Level.SEVERE, "ALERT! InEdges returned something other than a Collection " + o.getClass().getName() + ". We are clearing the values and rebuilding the edges."); edgeIds = new FastSet<String>().atomic(); } } else { edgeIds = new FastSet<String>().atomic(); } Map<String, FastSet<String>> map = getInEdgesMap(); // synchronized (map) { map.put(label, edgeIds); // } } return edgeIds; } @Override public int getOutEdgeCount(final String label) { Set<String> edgeIds = getOutEdgesMap().get(label); if (edgeIds == null) { return getProperty("_COUNT" + DominoVertex.OUT_PREFIX + label, Integer.class, false); } else { return edgeIds.size(); } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") FastSet<String> getOutEdgesSet(final String label) { FastSet<String> edgeIds = getOutEdgesMap().get(label); if (edgeIds == null) { Object o = getProperty(DominoVertex.OUT_PREFIX + label, java.util.Collection.class); if (o != null) { if (o instanceof FastSet) { edgeIds = ((FastSet<String>) o).atomic(); } else if (o instanceof java.util.Collection) { FastSet<String> result = new FastSet<String>(); result.addAll((Collection<String>) o); edgeIds = result.atomic(); } else { log_.log(Level.SEVERE, "ALERT! OutEdges returned something other than a Collection " + o.getClass().getName() + ". We are clearing the values and rebuilding the edges."); edgeIds = new FastSet<String>().atomic(); } } else { edgeIds = new FastSet<String>().atomic(); } Map<String, FastSet<String>> map = getOutEdgesMap(); // synchronized (map) { map.put(label, edgeIds); // } } return edgeIds; } @Override public Edge addEdge(final String label, final Vertex vertex) { return parent_.addEdge(null, this, vertex, label); } @Override public void addInEdge(final Edge edge) { String label = edge.getLabel(); Set<String> ins = getInEdgesSet(label); if (!ins.contains(edge.getId())) { getParent().startTransaction(this); Map<String, Boolean> map = getInDirtyMap(); map.put(label, true); Set<Edge> inLabelObjs = getInEdgeCache(label); inLabelObjs.add(edge); ins.add((String) edge.getId()); } } @Override public void addOutEdge(final Edge edge) { String label = edge.getLabel(); Set<String> outs = getOutEdgesSet(label); if (!outs.contains(edge.getId())) { getParent().startTransaction(this); Map<String, Boolean> map = getOutDirtyMap(); map.put(label, true); Set<Edge> outLabelObjs = getOutEdgeCache(label); outLabelObjs.add(edge); outs.add((String) edge.getId()); } } public java.util.Set<String> getBothEdges() { FastSet<String> result = new FastSet<String>(); result.addAll(getInEdges()); result.addAll(getOutEdges()); return result.unmodifiable(); } @Override public Set<Edge> getEdges(final String... labels) { FastSet<Edge> result = new FastSet<Edge>(); result.addAll(getInEdgeObjects(labels)); result.addAll(getOutEdgeObjects(labels)); return result.unmodifiable(); } @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" }) @Override public Iterable<Edge> getEdges(final Direction direction, final String... labels) { if (direction == Direction.IN) { if (labels == null || labels.length == 0) { return getInEdgeObjects().unmodifiable(); } else { return getInEdgeObjects(labels); } } else if (direction == Direction.OUT) { if (labels == null || labels.length == 0) { return getOutEdgeObjects().unmodifiable(); } else { return getOutEdgeObjects(labels); } } else { FastSet result = new FastSet<Edge>(); if (labels == null || labels.length == 0) { result.addAll(getInEdgeObjects()); result.addAll(getOutEdgeObjects()); } else { result.addAll(getInEdgeObjects(labels)); result.addAll(getOutEdgeObjects(labels)); } return result.unmodifiable(); } } private Map<String, FastSet<Edge>> getInEdgeCache() { if (inEdgeCache_ == null) { inEdgeCache_ = new FastMap<String, FastSet<Edge>>().atomic(); } return inEdgeCache_; } private FastSet<Edge> getInEdgeCache(final String label) { Map<String, FastSet<Edge>> inCache = getInEdgeCache(); FastSet<Edge> result = null; // synchronized (inCache) { result = inCache.get(label); if (result == null) { result = new FastSet<Edge>().atomic(); inCache.put(label, result); } // } return result; } private FastSet<Edge> getOutEdgeCache(final String label) { Map<String, FastSet<Edge>> outCache = getOutEdgeCache(); FastSet<Edge> result = null; // synchronized (outCache) { result = outCache.get(label); if (result == null) { result = new FastSet<Edge>().atomic(); outCache.put(label, result); } // } return result; } private FastMap<String, FastSet<Edge>> getOutEdgeCache() { if (outEdgeCache_ == null) { outEdgeCache_ = new FastMap<String, FastSet<Edge>>().atomic(); } return outEdgeCache_; } protected FastSet<Edge> getInEdgeObjects(final String... labels) { Map<String, FastSet<Edge>> inCache = getInEdgeCache(); FastSet<Edge> result = null; if (labels == null || labels.length == 0) { result = new FastSet<Edge>().atomic(); Set<String> labelSet = this.getInEdgeLabels(); // System.out.println("INFO: Getting all IN edges for a vertex across " + labelSet.size() + " labels."); for (String label : labelSet) { result.addAll(getInEdgeObjects(label)); } // System.out.println("INFO: Found " + result.size() + " IN edges."); } else if (labels.length == 1) { String label = labels[0]; // System.out.println("Getting in edges from " + getClass().getName() + " with label: " + label + " ..."); // synchronized (inCache) { result = inCache.get(label); // } if (result == null) { // result = Collections.synchronizedSet(new LinkedHashSet<Edge>()); Set<String> edgeIds = getInEdgesSet(label); FastSet<Edge> edges = getParent().getEdgesFromIds(edgeIds); if (edges != null) { result = edges.atomic(); } // Set<Edge> allEdges = Collections.unmodifiableSet(getInEdgeObjects()); // for (Edge edge : allEdges) { // if (label.equals(edge.getLabel())) { // result.add(edge); // } // } // synchronized (inCache) { inCache.put(label, result); // } } } else { result = new FastSet<Edge>(); for (String label : labels) { result.addAll(getInEdgeObjects(label)); } } // System.out.println("Returning " + (result == null ? "null" : result.size()) + " edges"); return result == null ? null : result.unmodifiable(); } protected FastSet<Edge> getOutEdgeObjects(final String... labels) { FastMap<String, FastSet<Edge>> outCache = getOutEdgeCache(); FastSet<Edge> result = null; if (labels == null || labels.length == 0) { result = new FastSet<Edge>(); FastSet<String> labelSet = this.getOutEdgeLabels(); // System.out.println("INFO: Getting all OUT edges for a vertex across " + labelSet.size() + " labels."); for (String label : labelSet) { FastSet<Edge> curEdges = getOutEdgeObjects(label); // System.out.println("INFO: Found " + curEdges.size() + " OUT edges for label " + label); result.addAll(curEdges); } // System.out.println("INFO: Found " + result.size() + " OUT edges."); } else if (labels.length == 1) { String label = labels[0]; if (label == null) { return getOutEdgeObjects().unmodifiable(); } // synchronized (outCache) { result = outCache.get(label); // } if (result == null) { FastSet<String> edgeIds = getOutEdgesSet(label); FastSet<Edge> edges = getParent().getEdgesFromIds(edgeIds); if (edges != null) { result = edges.atomic(); } // result = Collections.synchronizedSet(new LinkedHashSet<Edge>()); // Set<Edge> allEdges = Collections.unmodifiableSet(getOutEdgeObjects()); // if (!allEdges.isEmpty()) { // for (Edge edge : allEdges) { // if (edge == null) { // // } else { // String curLabel = edge.getLabel(); // if (label.equals(curLabel)) { // result.add(edge); // } // } // } // } // synchronized (outCache) { outCache.put(label, result); // } } } else { result = new FastSet<Edge>(); for (String label : labels) { result.addAll(getOutEdgeObjects(label)); } } return result == null ? null : result.unmodifiable(); } // @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" }) // protected Set<Edge> getInEdgeObjects() { // if (inEdgesObjects_ == null) { // Set<String> ins = getInEdges(); // Iterable<Edge> edges = getParent().getEdgesFromIds(ins); // if (edges != null) { // inEdgesObjects_ = Collections.synchronizedSet((LinkedHashSet) edges); // } // } // return inEdgesObjects_; // } // @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" }) // protected Set<Edge> getOutEdgeObjects() { // if (outEdgesObjects_ == null) { // Set<String> outs = getOutEdges(); // Iterable<Edge> edges = getParent().getEdgesFromIds(outs); // if (edges != null) { // outEdgesObjects_ = Collections.synchronizedSet((LinkedHashSet) edges); // } // } // return outEdgesObjects_; // } // @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // public Set<String> getInEdges() { // if (inEdges_ == null) { // Object o = getProperty(DominoVertex.IN_NAME, java.util.Collection.class); // if (o != null) { // if (o instanceof LinkedHashSet) { // inEdges_ = Collections.synchronizedSet((LinkedHashSet) o); // } else if (o instanceof java.util.Collection) { // inEdges_ = Collections.synchronizedSet(new LinkedHashSet<String>((Collection<String>) o)); // } else { // log_.log(Level.WARNING, "ALERT! InEdges returned something other than a Collection " + o.getClass().getName()); // } // } else { // inEdges_ = Collections.synchronizedSet(new LinkedHashSet<String>()); // } // } // // return inEdges_; // } @Override public FastSet<String> getInEdgeLabels() { FastSet<String> result = new FastSet<String>(); Set<String> rawKeys = getRawDocument().keySet(); for (String key : rawKeys) { if (key.startsWith(IN_PREFIX)) { result.add(key.substring(IN_PREFIX.length())); } } return result; } private FastSet<String> getInEdges() { FastSet<String> result = new FastSet<String>(); for (String label : getInEdgeLabels()) { result.addAll(getInEdgesSet(label)); } return result; } @Override public FastSet<String> getOutEdgeLabels() { FastSet<String> result = new FastSet<String>(); Set<String> rawKeys = getRawDocument().keySet(); for (String key : rawKeys) { if (key.startsWith(OUT_PREFIX)) { result.add(key.substring(OUT_PREFIX.length())); } } return result; } private FastSet<String> getOutEdges() { FastSet<String> result = new FastSet<String>(); for (String label : getOutEdgeLabels()) { result.addAll(getOutEdgesSet(label)); } return result; } // @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // public Set<String> getOutEdges() { // if (outEdges_ == null) { // Object o = getProperty(DominoVertex.OUT_NAME, java.util.Collection.class); // if (o != null) { // if (o instanceof LinkedHashSet) { // outEdges_ = Collections.synchronizedSet((LinkedHashSet) o); // } else if (o instanceof java.util.Collection) { // outEdges_ = Collections.synchronizedSet(new LinkedHashSet<String>((Collection<String>) o)); // } else { // log_.log(Level.WARNING, "ALERT! OutEdges returned something other than a Collection " + o.getClass().getName()); // } // } else { // outEdges_ = Collections.synchronizedSet(new LinkedHashSet<String>()); // } // } // return outEdges_; // } @Override public Iterable<Vertex> getVertices(final Direction direction, final String... labels) { if (direction == Direction.BOTH) { List<Iterable<Vertex>> list = new ArrayList<Iterable<Vertex>>(); list.add(new VerticesFromEdgesIterable(this, Direction.IN, labels)); list.add(new VerticesFromEdgesIterable(this, Direction.OUT, labels)); return new MultiIterable<Vertex>(list); } else { return new VerticesFromEdgesIterable(this, direction, labels); } } @Override public VertexQuery query() { return new DefaultVertexQuery(this); } @Override public void remove() { getParent().removeVertex(this); } public void removeEdge(final Edge edge) { getParent().startTransaction(this); String label = edge.getLabel(); boolean inChanged = false; Set<String> ins = getInEdgesSet(label); if (ins != null) { // System.out.println("Removing an in edge from " + label + " with id " + edge.getId() + " from a vertex of type " // + getProperty("Form")); // synchronized (ins) { inChanged = ins.remove(edge.getId()); // } } else { // System.out.println("in edges were null from a vertex of type " + getProperty("Form") + ": " + getId()); } // Set<Edge> inObjs = getInEdgeObjects(); // synchronized (inObjs) { // inObjs.remove(edge); // } if (inChanged) { // System.out.println("Ins were changed so recording cache invalidation..."); Set<Edge> inObjsLabel = getInEdgeCache(label); // synchronized (inObjsLabel) { inObjsLabel.remove(edge); // } Map<String, Boolean> inDirtyMap = getInDirtyMap(); // synchronized (inDirtyMap) { inDirtyMap.put(label, true); // } } boolean outChanged = false; Set<String> outs = getOutEdgesSet(label); if (outs != null) { // System.out.println("Removing an out edge from " + label + " with id " + edge.getId() + " from a vertex of type " // + getProperty("Form")); // synchronized (outs) { outChanged = outs.remove(edge.getId()); // } } else { // System.out.println("out edges were null from a vertex of type " + getProperty("Form") + ": " + getId()); } if (outChanged) { // System.out.println("Out were changed so recording cache invalidation..."); Set<Edge> outObjsLabel = getOutEdgeCache(label); // synchronized (outObjsLabel) { outObjsLabel.remove(edge); // } Map<String, Boolean> outDirtyMap = getOutDirtyMap(); // synchronized (outDirtyMap) { outDirtyMap.put(label, true); // } } } boolean writeEdges() { return writeEdges(false); } @Override protected void reapplyChanges() { // validateEdges(); writeEdges(false); super.reapplyChanges(); } boolean writeEdges(final boolean force) { boolean result = false; Map<String, FastSet<String>> inMap = getInEdgesMap(); Map<String, Boolean> inDirtyMap = getInDirtyMap(); if (!inDirtyMap.isEmpty()) { for (String key : inDirtyMap.keySet()) { if (inDirtyMap.get(key) || force) { Set<String> edgeIds = inMap.get(key); if (edgeIds != null) { setProperty(DominoVertex.IN_PREFIX + key, edgeIds); setProperty("_COUNT" + DominoVertex.IN_PREFIX + key, edgeIds.size()); result = true; } // synchronized (inDirtyMap) { inDirtyMap.put(key, Boolean.FALSE); // } } } } Map<String, FastSet<String>> outMap = getOutEdgesMap(); Map<String, Boolean> outDirtyMap = getOutDirtyMap(); if (!outDirtyMap.isEmpty()) { for (String key : outDirtyMap.keySet()) { if (outDirtyMap.get(key) || force) { Set<String> edgeIds = outMap.get(key); if (edgeIds != null) { setProperty(DominoVertex.OUT_PREFIX + key, edgeIds); setProperty("_COUNT" + DominoVertex.OUT_PREFIX + key, edgeIds.size()); result = true; } // synchronized (outDirtyMap) { outDirtyMap.put(key, Boolean.FALSE); // } } } } // if (inDirty_ || force) { // if (inEdges_ != null) { // setProperty(DominoVertex.IN_NAME, inEdges_); // // getRawDocument().replaceItemValue(DominoVertex.IN_NAME, inEdges_); // setProperty(DominoVertex.IN_NAME + "_COUNT", inEdges_.size()); // // getRawDocument().replaceItemValue(DominoVertex.IN_NAME + "_COUNT", inEdges_.size()); // // System.out.println("Updating " + inEdges_.size() + " inEdges to vertex: " + getRawDocument().getFormName()); // result = true; // } // inDirty_ = false; // } // if (outDirty_ || force) { // if (outEdges_ != null) { // setProperty(DominoVertex.OUT_NAME, outEdges_); // // getRawDocument().replaceItemValue(DominoVertex.OUT_NAME, outEdges_); // setProperty(DominoVertex.OUT_NAME + "_COUNT", outEdges_.size()); // // getRawDocument().replaceItemValue(DominoVertex.OUT_NAME + "_COUNT", outEdges_.size()); // // System.out.println("Updating " + outEdges_.size() + " outEdges to vertex: " + getRawDocument().getFormName()); // result = true; // } // outDirty_ = false; // } return result; } @Override public String validateEdges() { TextBuilder sb = new TextBuilder(); Set<String> inIds = getInEdges(); for (String id : inIds.toArray(new String[inIds.size()])) { Document chk = getParent().getRawDatabase().getDocumentByUNID(id); if (chk == null) { inIds.remove(id); sb.append("IN: "); sb.append(id); sb.append(","); } } Set<String> outIds = getOutEdges(); for (String id : outIds.toArray(new String[outIds.size()])) { Document chk = getParent().getRawDatabase().getDocumentByUNID(id); if (chk == null) { outIds.remove(id); sb.append("OUT: "); sb.append(id); sb.append(","); } } return sb.toString(); } public IEdgeHelper getHelper(final IDominoEdgeType edgeType) { return getParent().getHelper(edgeType); } public Set<IEdgeHelper> findHelpers(final Vertex other) { return getParent().findHelpers(this, other); } public static class MultipleDefinedEdgeHelpers extends DominoGraphException { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; public MultipleDefinedEdgeHelpers(final DominoVertex element1, final DominoVertex element2) { super("Multiple EdgeHelpers found for vertexes of type " + element1.getClass().getName() + " and " + element2.getClass().getName(), element1, element2); } } public static class UndefinedEdgeHelpers extends DominoGraphException { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; public UndefinedEdgeHelpers(final DominoVertex element1, final DominoVertex element2) { super("No EdgeHelpers found for vertexes of type " + element1.getClass().getName() + " and " + element2.getClass().getName(), element1, element2); } } public Edge relate(final DominoVertex other) throws MultipleDefinedEdgeHelpers { Set<IEdgeHelper> helpers = findHelpers(other); if (helpers.size() == 1) { for (IEdgeHelper helper : helpers) { return helper.makeEdge(other, this); } return null; } else if (helpers.size() == 0) { throw new UndefinedEdgeHelpers(this, other); } else { throw new MultipleDefinedEdgeHelpers(this, other); } } @Override public Set<IEdgeHelper> getEdgeHelpers() { Set<IEdgeHelper> result = new FastSet<IEdgeHelper>(); for (String in : getInEdgeLabels()) { IEdgeHelper helper = getParent().getHelper(in); if (helper != null) { result.add(helper); } } for (String out : getOutEdgeLabels()) { IEdgeHelper helper = getParent().getHelper(out); if (helper != null) { result.add(helper); } } return result; } }