package; import java.util.EnumSet; import java.util.Set; import org.openntf.domino.nsfdata.structs.OLE_GUID; import org.openntf.domino.nsfdata.structs.SIG; import org.openntf.domino.nsfdata.structs.WSIG; /** * Structure of an on-disk autolaunch item. Most of the information contained in this structure refers to OLE autolaunching behaviors. * (oleods.h) * * @since Lotus Notes 4.1 * */ public class CDDOCAUTOLAUNCH extends CDRecord { /** * Possible values for the ObjectType member of the CDDOCAUTOLAUNCH structure. (oleods.h) * * @since Lotus Notes 4.1 * */ public static enum ObjType { /** * Object type is not specified. */ NONE(0x00000000), /** * OLE Class ID (GUID) */ OLE_CLASS(0x00000001), /** * First OLE object */ OLEOBJ(0x00000002), /** * First doclink */ DOCLINK(0x00000004), /** * First attachment */ ATTACH(0x00000008), /** * AutoLaunch the url in the URL field */ URL(0x00000010); private final int value_; private ObjType(final int value) { value_ = value; } public int getValue() { return value_; } public static ObjType valueOf(final int typeCode) { for (ObjType type : values()) { if (type.getValue() == typeCode) { return type; } } throw new IllegalArgumentException("No matching ObjType found for type code " + typeCode); } } /** * Possible values for HideWhenFlags member of CDDOCAUTOLAUNCH structure. (oleods.h) * * @since Lotus Notes 4.1 * */ public static enum HideWhenFlag { OPEN_CREATE(0x00000001), OPEN_EDIT(0x00000002), OPEN_READ(0x00000004), CLOSE_CREATE(0x00000008), CLOSE_EDIT(0x00000010), CLOSE_READ(0x00000020); private final int value_; private HideWhenFlag(final int value) { value_ = value; } public int getValue() { return value_; } public static Set<HideWhenFlag> valuesOf(final int flags) { Set<HideWhenFlag> result = EnumSet.noneOf(HideWhenFlag.class); for (HideWhenFlag flag : values()) { if ((flag.getValue() & flags) > 0) { result.add(flag); } } return result; } } /** * These are the possible values for the LaunchWhenFlags member of the CDDOCAUTOLAUNCH structure. * * @since Lotus Notes 4.1 * */ public static enum LaunchWhenFlag { CREATE(0x00000001), EDIT(0x00000002), READ(0x00000004); private final int value_; private LaunchWhenFlag(final int value) { value_ = value; } public int getValue() { return value_; } public static Set<LaunchWhenFlag> valuesOf(final int flags) { Set<LaunchWhenFlag> result = EnumSet.noneOf(LaunchWhenFlag.class); for (LaunchWhenFlag flag : values()) { if ((flag.getValue() & flags) > 0) { result.add(flag); } } return result; } } /** * Possible values for the OleFlags member of the CDDOCAUTOLAUNCH structure. * * @since Lotus Notes 4.1 * */ public static enum OLEFlag { EDIT_INPLACE(0x00000001), MODAL_WINDOW(0x00000002), ADV_OPTIONS(0x00000004); private final int value_; private OLEFlag(final int value) { value_ = value; } public int getValue() { return value_; } public static Set<OLEFlag> valuesOf(final int flags) { Set<OLEFlag> result = EnumSet.noneOf(OLEFlag.class); for (OLEFlag flag : values()) { if ((flag.getValue() & flags) > 0) { result.add(flag); } } return result; } } /** * Possible values for the CopyToFieldFlags member of the CDDOCAUTOLAUNCH structure. * * @since Lotus Notes 4.1 * */ public static enum FieldCopyFlag { /** * Don't copy object to any field (V3 compatabile) */ NONE(0x00000001), /** * Copy object to first rich text field */ FIRST(0x00000002), /** * Copy object to named rich text field */ NAMED(0x00000004); private final int value_; private FieldCopyFlag(final int value) { value_ = value; } public int getValue() { return value_; } public static Set<FieldCopyFlag> valuesOf(final int flags) { Set<FieldCopyFlag> result = EnumSet.noneOf(FieldCopyFlag.class); for (FieldCopyFlag flag : values()) { if ((flag.getValue() & flags) > 0) { result.add(flag); } } return result; } } public final WSIG Header = inner(new WSIG()); /** * Use getObjectType for access. */ @Deprecated public final Unsigned32 ObjectType = new Unsigned32(); /** * Use getHideWhenFlags for access. */ @Deprecated public final Unsigned32 HideWhenFlags = new Unsigned32(); /** * Use getLaunchWhenFlags for access. */ @Deprecated public final Unsigned32 LaunchWhenFlags = new Unsigned32(); /** * Use getOleFlags for access. */ @Deprecated public final Unsigned32 OleFlags = new Unsigned32(); /** * Use getCopyToFieldFlags for access. */ @Deprecated public final Unsigned32 CopyToFieldFlags = new Unsigned32(); public final Unsigned32 Spare1 = new Unsigned32(); public final Unsigned32 Spare2 = new Unsigned32(); public final Unsigned16 FieldNameLength = new Unsigned16(); public final OLE_GUID OleObjClass = inner(new OLE_GUID()); static { addVariableString("FieldName", "FieldNameLength"); } @Override public SIG getHeader() { return Header; } /** * @return Type of object to launch */ public ObjType getObjectType() { return ObjType.valueOf((int) ObjectType.get()); } public Set<HideWhenFlag> getHideWhenFlags() { return HideWhenFlag.valuesOf((int) HideWhenFlags.get()); } public Set<LaunchWhenFlag> getLaunchWhenFlags() { return LaunchWhenFlag.valuesOf((int) LaunchWhenFlags.get()); } public Set<OLEFlag> getOLEFlags() { return OLEFlag.valuesOf((int) OleFlags.get()); } public Set<FieldCopyFlag> getCopyToFieldFlags() { return FieldCopyFlag.valuesOf((int) CopyToFieldFlags.get()); } /** * @return ClassID GUID of OLE object, if create new */ public String getFieldName() { return (String) getVariableElement("FieldName"); } }