package org.openntf.domino.logging; import; import java.util.Date; import java.util.logging.Formatter; import java.util.logging.Handler; import java.util.logging.LogRecord; /** * JSONFormatter class for outputting logs as JSON objects. Not used currently and should probably be replaced with Java classes better * designed to write JSON rather than building content up with a StringBuilder */ public class JSONFormatter extends Formatter { // private XMLFormatter xf; /** The compact. */ private boolean compact; /** The indent level. */ private int indentLevel; // private Writer _writer; /** The _builder. */ private StringBuilder _builder; /** The UT c_ format. */ private boolean UTC_Format = false; /** The object levels. */ private int objectLevels = 0; /** The first. */ private boolean first[] = new boolean[32]; // max 32 for now... /** * Instantiates a new jSON formatter. */ public JSONFormatter() { _builder = new StringBuilder(); } /** * Checks if is uT c_ format. * * @return true, if is uT c_ format */ public boolean isUTC_Format() { return UTC_Format; } /** * Sets the uT c_ format. * * @param uTC_Format * the new uT c_ format */ public void setUTC_Format(final boolean uTC_Format) { UTC_Format = uTC_Format; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see java.util.logging.Formatter#format(java.util.logging.LogRecord) */ @Override public String format(final LogRecord record) { try { startObject(); startProperty("level"); out(record.getLevel().getName()); endProperty(); startProperty("message"); out(record.getMessage()); endProperty(); startProperty("event"); out(record.getSourceClassName() + "." + record.getSourceMethodName() + "()"); endProperty(); startProperty("time"); out(record.getMillis()); endProperty(); startProperty("datetime"); Date recordDate = new Date(record.getMillis()); out(LogUtils.dateToString(recordDate, UTC_Format)); endProperty(); formatThrowable(record); endObject(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return _builder.toString(); } /** * Format throwable. * * @param record * the record */ private void formatThrowable(final LogRecord record) { try { if (record.getThrown() != null) { startProperty("exception"); startArray(); for (StackTraceElement element : record.getThrown().getStackTrace()) { startProperty("message"); startObject(); startProperty("class"); out(element.getClassName()); endProperty(); startProperty("method"); out(element.getMethodName()); endProperty(); startProperty("line"); out(element.getLineNumber()); endProperty(); out(element.getClassName() + "." + element.getMethodName() + "()"); endObject(); endProperty(); } endArray(); endProperty(); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see java.util.logging.Formatter#getHead(java.util.logging.Handler) */ @Override public String getHead(final Handler h) { return "{\"id\": \"0001\",\"records\":"; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see java.util.logging.Formatter#getTail(java.util.logging.Handler) */ @Override public String getTail(final Handler h) { return ""; } /** * Start object. * * @throws IOException * Signals that an I/O exception has occurred. */ public void startObject() throws IOException { nl(); indent(); out('{'); first[++objectLevels] = true; incIndent(); } /** * End object. * * @throws IOException * Signals that an I/O exception has occurred. */ public void endObject() throws IOException { nl(); decIndent(); indent(); out('}'); first[--objectLevels] = false; } /** * Start array. * * @throws IOException * Signals that an I/O exception has occurred. */ public void startArray() throws IOException { nl(); indent(); out('['); first[++objectLevels] = true; incIndent(); } /** * End array. * * @throws IOException * Signals that an I/O exception has occurred. */ public void endArray() throws IOException { nl(); decIndent(); indent(); out(']'); first[--objectLevels] = false; } /** * Start array item. * * @throws IOException * Signals that an I/O exception has occurred. */ public void startArrayItem() throws IOException { if (!first[objectLevels]) { out(','); } } /** * End array item. * * @throws IOException * Signals that an I/O exception has occurred. */ public void endArrayItem() throws IOException { first[objectLevels] = false; } /** * Start property. * * @param propertyName * the property name * @throws IOException * Signals that an I/O exception has occurred. */ public void startProperty(final String propertyName) throws IOException { if (!first[objectLevels]) { out(','); } else { first[objectLevels] = false; } nl(); incIndent(); indent(); out(propertyName); out(':'); } /** * End property. * * @throws IOException * Signals that an I/O exception has occurred. */ public void endProperty() throws IOException { decIndent(); } /** * Out. * * @param paramChar * the param char * @throws IOException * Signals that an I/O exception has occurred. */ public void out(final char paramChar) throws IOException { _builder.append(paramChar); } /** * Out. * * @param paramString * the param string * @throws IOException * Signals that an I/O exception has occurred. */ public void out(final String paramString) throws IOException { _builder.append(paramString); } /** * Out. * * @param paramint * the paramint * @throws IOException * Signals that an I/O exception has occurred. */ public void out(final int paramint) throws IOException { _builder.append(paramint); } /** * Out. * * @param paramlong * the paramlong * @throws IOException * Signals that an I/O exception has occurred. */ public void out(final long paramlong) throws IOException { _builder.append(paramlong); } /** * Gets the indent level. * * @return the indent level */ public int getIndentLevel() { return this.indentLevel; } /** * Sets the indent level. * * @param paramInt * the new indent level */ public void setIndentLevel(final int paramInt) { this.indentLevel = paramInt; } /** * Inc indent. */ public void incIndent() { this.indentLevel += 1; } /** * Dec indent. */ public void decIndent() { this.indentLevel -= 1; } /** * Checks if is compact. * * @return true, if is compact */ public boolean isCompact() { return this.compact; } /** * Indent. * * @throws IOException * Signals that an I/O exception has occurred. */ public void indent() throws IOException { if ((!(this.compact)) && (this.indentLevel > 0)) for (int i = 0; i < this.indentLevel; ++i) out(" "); } /** * Nl. * * @throws IOException * Signals that an I/O exception has occurred. */ public void nl() throws IOException { if (!(this.compact)) out('\n'); } }