package org.openntf.domino.iterators; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Vector; import lotus.domino.NotesException; import org.openntf.domino.BaseImpl; import org.openntf.domino.Database; import org.openntf.domino.DateTime; import org.openntf.domino.DocumentCollection; import org.openntf.domino.View; import org.openntf.domino.annotations.Incomplete; import org.openntf.domino.exceptions.UnimplementedException; import org.openntf.domino.utils.CollectionUtils; import org.openntf.domino.utils.DominoUtils; import org.openntf.domino.utils.TypeUtils; public class DocumentList extends BaseImpl<lotus.domino.DocumentCollection>implements org.openntf.domino.DocumentList { protected int realNidLength_; /*TODO * NTF for maximum performance, we really should track the length * of the intended noteid array, rather than use nids_.length. This would allow us * to grow and shrink the array in blocks, rather than each time we need to make a change */ protected int[] nids_; protected boolean usingList_; protected List<Integer> nidList_; protected int walkPos = -1; protected int walkNid = 0; protected boolean sorted_ = false; protected Database database; public static int getNid(final lotus.domino.Document doc) { int nid = 0; try { nid = Integer.valueOf(doc.getNoteID(), 16); } catch (NotesException ne) { DominoUtils.handleException(ne); } return nid; } public static boolean hasNid(final int[] nids, final int nid) { return findNid(nids, nid) > -1; } public static int[] intersectNids(final int[] nids1, final Collection<Integer> nidList) { int[] nids2 = TypeUtils.toIntArray(nidList); return intersectNids(nids1, nids2); } public static int[] intersectNids(final int[] nids1, final int[] nids2) { boolean largerIs1 = nids1.length >= nids2.length; int[] search = null; int[] temp = new int[Math.max(nids1.length, nids2.length)]; if (largerIs1) { search = Arrays.copyOf(nids1, nids1.length); } else { search = Arrays.copyOf(nids2, nids2.length); } Arrays.sort(search); int hitCount = 0; if (largerIs1) { for (int nid : nids2) { if (Arrays.binarySearch(search, nid) >= 0) { temp[hitCount++] = nid; } } } else { for (int nid : nids1) { if (Arrays.binarySearch(search, nid) >= 0) { temp[hitCount++] = nid; } } } int[] result = Arrays.copyOf(temp, hitCount); return result; } public static int[] diffNids(final int[] nids1, final Collection<Integer> nidList) { int[] nids2 = TypeUtils.toIntArray(nidList); return diffNids(nids1, nids2); } public static int[] diffNids(final int[] nids1, final int[] nids2) { boolean largerIs1 = nids1.length >= nids2.length; int[] search = null; int[] temp = new int[Math.max(nids1.length, nids2.length)]; if (largerIs1) { search = Arrays.copyOf(nids1, nids1.length); } else { search = Arrays.copyOf(nids2, nids2.length); } Arrays.sort(search); int missCount = 0; if (largerIs1) { for (int nid : nids2) { if (Arrays.binarySearch(search, nid) < 0) { temp[missCount++] = nid; } } } else { for (int nid : nids1) { if (Arrays.binarySearch(search, nid) < 0) { temp[missCount++] = nid; } } } int[] result = Arrays.copyOf(temp, missCount); return result; } public static int findNid(final int[] nids, final int nid) { int pos = -1; if (nids != null && nids.length > 0) { for (int n : nids) { pos++; if (n == nid) return pos; } } return -1; } public static int[] findAllNids(final int[] nids, final int[] nidsToFind) { //TODO - NTF if (nids != null && nids.length > 0 && nidsToFind != null && nidsToFind.length > 0) { int[] results = new int[nidsToFind.length]; for (int i = 0; i < results.length; i++) { int pos = -1; int nid = nidsToFind[i]; results[i] = pos; for (int n : nids) { pos++; if (n == nid) results[i] = pos; break; } } return results; } else { return null; } } public static int[] findOnlyMatchedNids(final int[] nids, final int[] nidsToFind) { //TODO - NTF if (nids != null && nids.length > 0 && nidsToFind != null && nidsToFind.length > 0) { int[] temp = new int[nidsToFind.length]; int hitCount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < temp.length; i++) { int pos = -1; int nid = nidsToFind[i]; for (int n : nids) { pos++; if (n == nid) temp[hitCount++] = pos; break; } } int[] results = new int[hitCount]; System.arraycopy(temp, 0, results, 0, hitCount); return results; } else { return null; } } // // public static int[] toNids(final lotus.domino.DocumentCollection collection) { // int[] result = null; // if (collection instanceof DocumentList) { // result = ((DocumentList) collection).getNids(); // } else if (collection instanceof org.openntf.domino.DocumentCollection) { // org.openntf.domino.DocumentCollection ocoll = (org.openntf.domino.DocumentCollection) collection; // if (ocoll.isSorted()) { // int size = ocoll.getCount(); // result = new int[size]; // int i = 0; // for (org.openntf.domino.Document doc : ocoll) { // result[i++] = Integer.valueOf(doc.getNoteID(), 16); // } // } else { // org.openntf.domino.NoteCollection nc = toLotusNoteCollection(collection); // result = nc.getNoteIDs(); // } // } else { // try { // if (collection.isSorted()) { // int size = collection.getCount(); // result = new int[size]; // lotus.domino.Document doc = collection.getFirstDocument(); // lotus.domino.Document next = null; // int i = 0; // while (doc != null) { // next = collection.getNextDocument(doc); // result[i++] = Integer.valueOf(doc.getNoteID(), 16); // doc.recycle(); // doc = next; // } // } else { // org.openntf.domino.NoteCollection nc = toLotusNoteCollection(collection); // result = nc.getNoteIDs(); // } // } catch (NotesException ne) { // // } // } // return result; // } public static List<Integer> toNidsList(final lotus.domino.DocumentCollection collection) { if (collection instanceof DocumentList) { List<Integer> list = ((DocumentList) collection).getNidList(); return new ArrayList<Integer>(list); } else { int[] nids = CollectionUtils.getNoteIDs(collection); List<Integer> result = new ArrayList<Integer>(nids.length); for (int nid : nids) { result.add(nid); } return result; } } public static int getSize(final lotus.domino.DocumentCollection collection) { try { return collection.getCount(); } catch (NotesException ne) { DominoUtils.handleException(ne); return 0; } } public DocumentList(final lotus.domino.DocumentCollection delegate, final org.openntf.domino.Database parent) { try { setSorted(delegate.isSorted()); } catch (NotesException ne) { DominoUtils.handleException(ne); } } public DocumentList(final int[] nids, final org.openntf.domino.Database parent) { database = parent; nids_ = nids; } public int[] getNids() { if (usingList_) { return TypeUtils.toIntArray(getNidList()); } else { return nids_; } } public List<Integer> getNidList() { if (nidList_ == null) { nidList_ = new ArrayList<Integer>(); if (nids_ != null && nids_.length > 0) { for (int nid : nids_) { nidList_.add(nid); } } } return nidList_; } @Override public void addDocument(final lotus.domino.Document doc) { usingList_ = true; int nid = getNid(doc); if (nid != 0) { if (!getNidList().contains(nid)) { getNidList().add(nid); } } } @Override public void addDocument(final lotus.domino.Document doc, final boolean checkDups) { addDocument(doc);//NTF - only the IIOP stuff actually supports dups in DocumentCollections anyway } @Override public org.openntf.domino.DocumentCollection cloneCollection() { if (usingList_) { return new DocumentList(TypeUtils.toIntArray(nidList_), getParent()); } else { return new DocumentList(Arrays.copyOf(nids_, nids_.length), getParent()); } } @Override public boolean contains(final int noteid) { if (usingList_) { return getNidList().contains(noteid); } else { return hasNid(nids_, noteid); } } @Override public boolean contains(final lotus.domino.Base base) { if (base instanceof lotus.domino.Document) { int nid = getNid((lotus.domino.Document) base); if (usingList_) { return getNidList().contains(nid); } else { return hasNid(nids_, nid); } } else if (base instanceof lotus.domino.DocumentCollection) { if (usingList_) { if (getSize((lotus.domino.DocumentCollection) base) > getNidList().size()) return false; } else { if (getSize((lotus.domino.DocumentCollection) base) > nids_.length) return false; } int[] nids = CollectionUtils.getNoteIDs((lotus.domino.DocumentCollection) base); if (usingList_) { List<Integer> list = new ArrayList<Integer>(); for (int n : nids) { list.add(n); } return getNidList().containsAll(list); } else { for (int nid : nids) { if (!hasNid(nids_, nid)) return false; } return true; } } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot check a DocumentList to see if it contains a " + base.getClass().getName()); } } @Override public boolean contains(final String noteid) { return contains(Integer.valueOf(noteid, 16)); } @Override public void deleteDocument(final lotus.domino.Document doc) { int nid = getNid(doc); usingList_ = true; List<Integer> tlist = new ArrayList<Integer>(); tlist.add(nid); // NTF Why? because otherwise we'll be calling .remove(int) which removes the element by POSITION rather than value getNidList().removeAll(tlist); } @Override @Incomplete public void FTSearch(final String query) { throw new UnimplementedException("FTSearch not implemented on DocumentList yet. Sorry."); } @Override @Incomplete public void FTSearch(final String query, final int maxDocs) { throw new UnimplementedException("FTSearch not implemented on DocumentList yet. Sorry."); } @Override public int getCount() { if (usingList_) { return getNidList().size(); } else { return nids_.length; } } @Override public org.openntf.domino.Document getDocument(final lotus.domino.Document doc) { // TODO Implement this or remove comment return null; } @Override public org.openntf.domino.Document getFirstDocument() { walkPos = -1; if (usingList_) { walkNid = getNidList().get(++walkPos); return getParent().getDocumentByID(Integer.toString(walkNid, 16)); } else { walkNid = nids_[++walkPos]; return getParent().getDocumentByID(Integer.toString(walkNid, 16)); } } @Override public org.openntf.domino.Document getLastDocument() { if (usingList_) { walkPos = getNidList().size() - 1; walkNid = getNidList().get(walkPos); return getParent().getDocumentByID(Integer.toString(walkNid, 16)); } else { walkPos = nids_.length - 1; walkNid = nids_[walkPos]; return getParent().getDocumentByID(Integer.toString(walkNid, 16)); } } @Override public org.openntf.domino.Document getNextDocument() { if (usingList_) { walkNid = getNidList().get(++walkPos); return getParent().getDocumentByID(Integer.toString(walkNid, 16)); } else { walkNid = nids_[++walkPos]; return getParent().getDocumentByID(Integer.toString(walkNid, 16)); } } @Override public org.openntf.domino.Document getNextDocument(final lotus.domino.Document doc) { int nid = getNid(doc); if (nid == walkNid) { if (usingList_) { walkNid = getNidList().get(++walkPos); return getParent().getDocumentByID(Integer.toString(walkNid, 16)); } else { walkNid = nids_[++walkPos]; return getParent().getDocumentByID(Integer.toString(walkNid, 16)); } } else { if (usingList_) { walkPos = getNidList().indexOf(nid); walkNid = getNidList().get(++walkPos); return getParent().getDocumentByID(Integer.toString(walkNid, 16)); } else { walkPos = findNid(nids_, nid); walkNid = nids_[++walkPos]; return getParent().getDocumentByID(Integer.toString(walkNid, 16)); } } } @Override public org.openntf.domino.Document getNthDocument(final int n) { if (usingList_) { walkPos = n; walkNid = getNidList().get(n); return getParent().getDocumentByID(Integer.toString(walkNid, 16)); } else { walkPos = n; walkNid = nids_[n]; return getParent().getDocumentByID(Integer.toString(walkNid, 16)); } } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see org.openntf.domino.impl.Base#getParent() */ @Override public org.openntf.domino.Database getParent() { return database; } @Override public org.openntf.domino.Document getPrevDocument() { if (usingList_) { walkNid = getNidList().get(--walkPos); return getParent().getDocumentByID(Integer.toString(walkNid, 16)); } else { walkNid = nids_[--walkPos]; return getParent().getDocumentByID(Integer.toString(walkNid, 16)); } } @Override public org.openntf.domino.Document getPrevDocument(final lotus.domino.Document doc) { int nid = getNid(doc); if (nid == walkNid) { if (usingList_) { walkNid = getNidList().get(--walkPos); return getParent().getDocumentByID(Integer.toString(walkNid, 16)); } else { walkNid = nids_[--walkPos]; return getParent().getDocumentByID(Integer.toString(walkNid, 16)); } } else { if (usingList_) { walkPos = getNidList().indexOf(nid); walkNid = getNidList().get(--walkPos); return getParent().getDocumentByID(Integer.toString(walkNid, 16)); } else { walkPos = findNid(nids_, nid); walkNid = nids_[--walkPos]; return getParent().getDocumentByID(Integer.toString(walkNid, 16)); } } } @Override public String getQuery() { // TODO Implement this or remove comment return null; } @Override public DateTime getUntilTime() { // TODO Implement this or remove comment return null; } @Override public void intersect(final int noteid) { if (usingList_) { if (getNidList().contains(noteid)) { getNidList().clear(); getNidList().add(noteid); } else { getNidList().clear(); } } else { if (hasNid(nids_, noteid)) { nids_ = new int[1]; nids_[0] = noteid; } else { nids_ = new int[0]; } } } public void intersect(final int[] noteids) { if (usingList_) { List<Integer> curList = getNidList(); List<Integer> paramList = new ArrayList<Integer>(); for (int n : noteids) { paramList.add(n); } curList.retainAll(paramList); } else { nids_ = intersectNids(nids_, noteids); } } public void intersect(final Collection<Integer> paramList) { if (usingList_) { List<Integer> curList = getNidList(); curList.retainAll(paramList); } else { nids_ = intersectNids(nids_, paramList); } } @Override public void intersect(final lotus.domino.Base doc) { if (doc instanceof lotus.domino.Document) { int nid = getNid((lotus.domino.Document) doc); intersect(nid); } else if (doc instanceof lotus.domino.DocumentCollection) { int[] nids = CollectionUtils.getNoteIDs((lotus.domino.DocumentCollection) doc); intersect(nids); } else { //TODO why not a View, ViewEntryCollection, NoteCollection, Iterable<Document>, ViewEntry, throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot intersect a DocumentList with a " + doc.getClass().getName()); } } @Override public void intersect(final String noteid) { int nid = Integer.valueOf(noteid, 16); intersect(nid); } @Override public boolean isSorted() { return sorted_; } public void setSorted(final boolean sorted) { sorted_ = sorted; } @Override @Incomplete public void markAllRead() { throw new UnimplementedException("Why do you care about read marks? This isn't 1998."); } @Override @Incomplete public void markAllRead(final String userName) { throw new UnimplementedException("Why do you care about read marks? This isn't 1998."); } @Override @Incomplete public void markAllUnread() { throw new UnimplementedException("Why do you care about read marks? This isn't 1998."); } @Override @Incomplete public void markAllUnread(final String userName) { throw new UnimplementedException("Why do you care about read marks? This isn't 1998."); } @Override public void merge(final int noteid) { if (usingList_) { if (!getNidList().contains(noteid)) getNidList().add(noteid); } else { if (!hasNid(nids_, noteid)) { nids_ = Arrays.copyOf(nids_, nids_.length + 1); nids_[nids_.length] = noteid; } } } public void merge(final int[] noteids) { if (usingList_) { for (int noteid : noteids) { if (!getNidList().contains(noteid)) getNidList().add(noteid); } } else { int origLength = nids_.length; int[] newNids = diffNids(nids_, noteids); nids_ = Arrays.copyOf(nids_, origLength + newNids.length); for (int i = 0; i < newNids.length; i++) { nids_[i + origLength] = newNids[i]; } } } @Override public void merge(final lotus.domino.Base doc) { if (doc instanceof lotus.domino.Document) { merge(getNid((lotus.domino.Document) doc)); } else if (doc instanceof lotus.domino.DocumentCollection) { merge(CollectionUtils.getNoteIDs((lotus.domino.DocumentCollection) doc)); } else { //TODO why not a View, ViewEntryCollection, NoteCollection, Iterable<Document>, ViewEntry, throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot merge a DocumentList with a " + doc.getClass().getName()); } } @Override public void merge(final String noteid) { merge(Integer.valueOf(noteid, 16)); } @Override public void putAllInFolder(final String folderName) { // TODO Implement this // NTF it's important to create a lotus collection of some kind for this operation // rather than iterating. Each call to putInFolder is a transaction history for the folder itself, // so it will be highly inefficient to create 1 transaction per document rather than the // whole collection throw new UnimplementedException("Not yet implemented, sorry"); } @Override public void putAllInFolder(final String folderName, final boolean createOnFail) { // TODO Implement this //NTF See above throw new UnimplementedException("Not yet implemented, sorry"); } @Override public void removeAll(final boolean force) { // TODO Implement this //NTF Also important to do this with a real DocumentCollection as this is one operation in the C API throw new UnimplementedException("Not yet implemented, sorry"); } @Override public void removeAllFromFolder(final String folderName) { // TODO Implement this // NTF See putAllInFolder(String) throw new UnimplementedException("Not yet implemented, sorry"); } @Override public void stampAll(final String itemName, final Object value) { // TODO Implement this throw new UnimplementedException("Not yet implemented, sorry"); } @Override public void subtract(final int noteid) { if (usingList_) { List<Integer> tlist = new ArrayList<Integer>(); tlist.add(noteid); // NTF Why? because otherwise we'll be calling .remove(int) which removes the element by POSITION rather than value getNidList().removeAll(tlist); } else { int pos = findNid(nids_, noteid); int[] result = new int[nids_.length - 1]; System.arraycopy(nids_, 0, result, 0, pos); System.arraycopy(nids_, pos + 1, result, pos, result.length - pos); //TODO NTF This should be optimized to an in-place copy like //System.arraycopy(nids_,pos+1,nids_,pos,nids_.length-1-pos); //but that will necessitate that we keep track of the "real" end of the array independent of the length //if we want to more highly optimize our performance, we can do this, //but at that point, why not just punt to using the List<Integer> instead? //All depends on the size of the memory footprint nids_ = result; } } public void subtract(final int[] noteids) { if (usingList_) { List<Integer> tlist = new ArrayList<Integer>(); for (int noteid : noteids) { tlist.add(noteid); } getNidList().removeAll(tlist); } else { int[] posSet = findOnlyMatchedNids(nids_, noteids); Arrays.sort(posSet); for (int pos : posSet) { System.arraycopy(nids_, pos + 1, nids_, pos, nids_.length - 1 - pos); } int[] result = Arrays.copyOf(nids_, nids_.length - posSet.length); nids_ = result; } } @Override public void subtract(final lotus.domino.Base doc) { if (doc instanceof lotus.domino.Document) { subtract(getNid((lotus.domino.Document) doc)); } else if (doc instanceof lotus.domino.DocumentCollection) { subtract(CollectionUtils.getNoteIDs((lotus.domino.DocumentCollection) doc)); } else { //TODO why not a View, ViewEntryCollection, NoteCollection, Iterable<Document>, ViewEntry, throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot subtract from a DocumentList with a " + doc.getClass().getName()); } } @Override public void subtract(final String noteid) { subtract(Integer.valueOf(noteid, 16)); } @Override public void updateAll() { // TODO Implement this throw new UnimplementedException("Not yet implemented, sorry"); } @Override public void stampAll(final Map<String, Object> map) { // TODO Implement this throw new UnimplementedException("Not yet implemented, sorry"); } @Override public View getParentView() { // TODO Implement this throw new UnimplementedException("Not yet implemented, sorry"); } @Override public void setParentView(final View view) { throw new UnimplementedException("Not yet implemented, sorry"); } @Override public DocumentCollection filter(final Object value) { // TODO Implement this throw new UnimplementedException("Not yet implemented, sorry"); } @Override public DocumentCollection filter(final Object value, final String[] itemnames) { // TODO Implement this throw new UnimplementedException("Not yet implemented, sorry"); } @Override public DocumentCollection filter(final Object value, final Collection<String> itemnames) { // TODO Implement this throw new UnimplementedException("Not yet implemented, sorry"); } @Override public DocumentCollection filter(final Map<String, Object> filterMap) { // TODO Implement this throw new UnimplementedException("Not yet implemented, sorry"); } @Override public boolean add(final org.openntf.domino.Document arg0) { // TODO Implement this throw new UnimplementedException("Not yet implemented, sorry"); } @Override public boolean addAll(final Collection<? extends org.openntf.domino.Document> arg0) { // TODO Implement this throw new UnimplementedException("Not yet implemented, sorry"); } @Override public void clear() { // TODO Implement this throw new UnimplementedException("Not yet implemented, sorry"); } @Override public boolean contains(final Object arg0) { // TODO Implement this throw new UnimplementedException("Not yet implemented, sorry"); } @Override public boolean containsAll(final Collection<?> arg0) { // TODO Implement this throw new UnimplementedException("Not yet implemented, sorry"); } @Override public boolean isEmpty() { return getCount() == 0; } @Override public Iterator<org.openntf.domino.Document> iterator() { //NTF if the DocumentList was sorted, then we need to use a regular DocumentIterator that will //walk the noteid array, because the order matters. //If it's not sorted (ie: the original DocumentCollection was not sorted) then we merge the noteids into //a new DocumentCollection from the parent and use the DocumentCollectionIterator because it's 4 times faster if (isSorted()) { return new DocumentIterator(this); } else { org.openntf.domino.Database db = getParentDatabase(); org.openntf.domino.DocumentCollection mergeColl = db.createMergeableDocumentCollection(); for (int nid : getNids()) { mergeColl.merge(nid); } return new DocumentCollectionIterator(mergeColl); } } @Override public boolean remove(final Object arg0) { // TODO Implement this throw new UnimplementedException("Not yet implemented, sorry"); } @Override public boolean removeAll(final Collection<?> arg0) { // TODO Implement this throw new UnimplementedException("Not yet implemented, sorry"); } @Override public boolean retainAll(final Collection<?> arg0) { // TODO Implement this throw new UnimplementedException("Not yet implemented, sorry"); } @Override public int size() { return getCount(); } @Override public Object[] toArray() { return getNidList().toArray(); } @Override public <T> T[] toArray(final T[] arg0) { return getNidList().toArray(arg0); } public org.openntf.domino.Database getParentDatabase() { return getParent(); } @Override public org.openntf.domino.Database getAncestorDatabase() { return this.getParentDatabase(); } @Override public org.openntf.domino.Session getAncestorSession() { return getAncestorDatabase().getAncestorSession(); } @Override public void readExternal(final ObjectInput arg0) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { sorted_ = arg0.readBoolean(); walkPos = arg0.readInt(); walkNid = arg0.readInt(); int nLen = arg0.readInt(); nids_ = new int[nLen]; for (int i = 0; i < nLen; i++) { nids_[i] = arg0.readInt(); } } @Override public void writeExternal(final ObjectOutput arg0) throws IOException { int[] nids = getNids(); arg0.writeBoolean(sorted_); arg0.writeInt(walkPos); arg0.writeInt(walkNid); arg0.writeInt(nids.length); for (int i : nids) { arg0.writeInt(i); } } @Override public boolean isDead() { return database.isDead(); } @Override @Deprecated public void recycle() throws NotesException { } @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") @Override @Deprecated public void recycle(final Vector arg0) throws NotesException { database.recycle(arg0); } }