package; import java.util.EnumSet; import java.util.Set; import org.openntf.domino.nsfdata.structs.FONTID; import org.openntf.domino.nsfdata.structs.SIG; import org.openntf.domino.nsfdata.structs.WSIG; /** * This structure defines the appearance of a button in a rich text field. (editods.h) * */ public class CDBUTTON extends CDRecord { /** * Possible values for the Flags member of the CDBUTTON structure. * * @since Lotus Notes/Domino 5.0.3 * */ public static enum Flag { /** * Button is unused. */ UNUSED((short) 0x0000), /** * Script is attached to this button. */ RUNFLAG_SCRIPT((short) 0x0001), /** * Works with width flags BUTTON_RUNFLAG_FIXED, BUTTON_FUNFLAG_MINIMUM, BUTTON_RUNFLAG_CONTENT and BUTTON_RUNFLAG_WIDTHMASK.. If * text doesn't "fit" in the specified width, determines if text should be wrapped (and button made taller) or not. */ RUNFLAG_NOWRAP((short) 0x0002), /** * Button uses right-to-left reading order. */ RUNFLAG_RTL((short) 0x0100), /** * Button has a fixed width of specified size. */ RUNFLAG_FIXED((short) 0x0200), /** * Button has a fixed width of specified size UNLESS text is too wide to fit in which case it's made wider to accommodate the text. */ RUNFLAG_MINIMUM((short) 0x0400), /** * Button is as wide as is necessary to accommodate the text. */ RUNFLAG_CONTENT((short) 0x0800), /** * Button width is a fixed number of characters. */ RUNFLAG_PROPORTIONAL((short) 0x4000), /** * Button has focus. */ FOCUS_ON((short) 0x8000), /** * Button edges are rounded. */ EDGE_ROUNDED((short) 0x1000), /** * Button edges are square. */ EDGE_SQUARE((short) 0x2000); /** * Determines which of the flag bits are written to disk as opposed to just being used while the button "is running" to record the * current state of the button (e.g., if the button has been pressed and is currently executing script bits). In other words, it's * the AND mask for all the bits that are going to be written to disk. */ public static final short ODS_MASK = 0x7F02; /** * AND mask to see if BUTTON_RUNFLAG_FIXED, BUTTON_RUNFLAG_MINIMUM, BUTTON_RUNFLAG_CONTENT, BUTTON_RUNFLAG_NOWRAP and * BUTTON_RUNFLAG_PROPORTIONAL flags are set. If none of these flags are set, the button is "MAXIMUM" size. "Maximum" means the * button is as wide as is necessary to accommodate the text up-to the specified maximum width. If the text doesn't fit at the * maximum width, it's wrapped onto a second (third, fourth, ...) line and the button is made correspondingly taller. Minimum * allowed value is "2.00". */ public static final short RUNFLAG_WIDTH_MASK = (short) (RUNFLAG_FIXED.getValue() | RUNFLAG_MINIMUM.getValue() | RUNFLAG_CONTENT.getValue() | RUNFLAG_PROPORTIONAL.getValue()); private final short value_; private Flag(final short value) { value_ = value; } public short getValue() { return value_; } public static Set<Flag> valuesOf(final short flags) { Set<Flag> result = EnumSet.noneOf(Flag.class); for (Flag flag : values()) { if ((flag.getValue() & flags) > 0) { result.add(flag); } } return result; } } public final WSIG Header = inner(new WSIG()); /** * Use getFlags for access. */ @Deprecated public final Unsigned16 Flags = new Unsigned16(); public final Unsigned16 Width = new Unsigned16(); public final Unsigned16 Height = new Unsigned16(); public final Unsigned16 Lines = new Unsigned16(); public final FONTID FontID = inner(new FONTID()); static { addVariableString("Text", "getTextLen"); } @Override public SIG getHeader() { return Header; } public Set<Flag> getFlags() { return Flag.valuesOf((short) Flags.get()); } public int getTextLen() { return (int) (Header.getRecordLength() - 8 - FontID.size()); } public String getText() { return (String) getVariableElement("Text"); } }