package com.tinkerpop.blueprints.util.wrappers.event; import com.tinkerpop.blueprints.TransactionalGraph; import com.tinkerpop.blueprints.util.wrappers.WrapperGraph; /** * The transactional implementation of EventGraph where events are raised in batch in the order they * changes occured to the graph, but only after a successful commit to the underlying graph. * * @author Stephen Mallette */ public class EventTransactionalGraph<T extends TransactionalGraph> extends EventGraph<T> implements TransactionalGraph, WrapperGraph<T> { public EventTransactionalGraph(final T baseGraph) { super(baseGraph); this.trigger = new EventTrigger(this, true); } @Override public void stopTransaction(Conclusion conclusion) { if (Conclusion.SUCCESS == conclusion) commit(); else rollback(); } /** * A commit only fires the event queue on successful operation. If the commit operation to the underlying * graph fails, the event queue will not fire and the queue will not be reset. */ public void commit() { boolean transactionFailure = false; try { this.baseGraph.commit(); } catch (RuntimeException re) { transactionFailure = true; throw re; } finally { if (!transactionFailure) { trigger.fireEventQueue(); trigger.resetEventQueue(); } } } /** * A rollback only resets the event queue on successful operation. If the rollback operation to the underlying * graph fails, the event queue will not be reset. */ public void rollback() { boolean transactionFailure = false; try { this.baseGraph.rollback(); } catch (RuntimeException re) { transactionFailure = true; throw re; } finally { if (!transactionFailure) { trigger.resetEventQueue(); } } } }